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vailima letters-第59章

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did a good deal worse; the short story never sells。  I hope 

CATRIONA will do; that is the important。  The reviews seem 

mixed and perplexed; and one had the peculiar virtue to make 

me angry。  I am in a fair way to expiscate my family history。  

Fanny and I had a lovely voyage down; with our new C。 J。 and 

the American Land Commissioner; and on the whole; and for 

these disgusting steamers; a pleasant ship's company。  I 

cannot understand why you don't take to the Hawaii scheme。  

Do you understand?  You cross the Atlantic in six days; and 

go from 'Frisco to Honolulu in seven。  Thirteen days at sea 

IN ALL。 … I have no wish to publish THE EBB TIDE as a book; 

let it wait。  It will look well in the portfolio。  I would 

like a copy; of course; for that end; and to 'look upon't 

again' … which I scarce dare。


This is disgraceful。  I have done nothing; neither work nor 

letters。  On the Me (May) day; we had a great triumph; our 

Protestant boys; instead of going with their own villages and 

families; went of their own accord in the Vailima uniform; 

Belle made coats for them on purpose to complete the uniform; 

they having bought the stuff; and they were hailed as they 

marched in as the Tama…ona … the rich man's children。  This 

is really a score; it means that Vailima is publicly taken as 

a family。  Then we had my birthday feast a week late; owing 

to diarrhoea on the proper occasion。  The feast was laid in 

the Hall; and was a singular mass of food: 15 pigs; 100 lbs。 

beef; 100 lbs。 pork; and the fruit and filigree in a 

proportion。  We had sixty horse…posts driven in the gate 

paddock; how many guests I cannot guess; perhaps 150。  They 

came between three and four and left about seven。  Seumanu 

gave me one of his names; and when my name was called at the 

ava drinking; behold; it was AU MAI TAUA MA MANU…VAO!  You 

would scarce recognise me; if you heard me thus referred to!

Two days after; we hired a carriage in Apia; Fanny; Belle; 

Lloyd and I; and drove in great style; with a native 

outrider; to the prison; a huge gift of ava and tobacco under 

the seats。  The prison is now under the PULE of an Austrian; 

Captain Wurmbrand; a soldier of fortune in Servia and Turkey; 

a charming; clever; kindly creature; who is adored by 'HIS 

chiefs' (as he calls them) meaning OUR political prisoners。  

And we came into the yard; walled about with tinned iron; and 

drank ava with the prisoners and the captain。  It may amuse 

you to hear how it is proper to drink ava。  When the cup is 

handed you; you reach your arm out somewhat behind you; and 

slowly pour a libation; saying with somewhat the manner of 


NEI。'  'Be it (high…chief) partaken of by the God。  How (high 

chief) beautiful to view is this (high chief) gathering。'  

This pagan practice is very queer。  I should say that the 

prison ava was of that not very welcome form that we 

elegantly call spit…ava; but of course there was no escape; 

and it had to be drunk。  Fanny and I rode home; and I 

moralised by the way。  Could we ever stand Europe again? did 

she appreciate that if we were in London; we should be 

ACTUALLY JOSTLED in the street? and there was nobody in the 

whole of Britain who knew how to take ava like a gentleman?  

'Tis funny to be thus of two civilisations … or; if you like; 

of one civilisation and one barbarism。  And; as usual; the 

barbarism is the more engaging。

Colvin; you have to come here and see us in our { native / 

mortal } spot。  I just don't seem to be able to make up my 

mind to your not coming。  By this time; you will have seen 

Graham; I hope; and he will be able to tell you something 

about us; and something reliable; I shall feel for the first 

time as if you knew a little about Samoa after that。  Fanny 

seems to be in the right way now。  I must say she is very; 

very well for her; and complains scarce at all。  Yesterday; 

she went down SOLA (at least accompanied by a groom) to pay a 

visit; Belle; Lloyd and I went a walk up the mountain road … 

the great public highway of the island; where you have to go 

single file。  The object was to show Belle that gaudy valley 

of the Vaisigano which the road follows。  If the road is to 

be made and opened; as our new Chief Justice promises; it 

will be one of the most beautiful roads in the world。  But 

the point is this: I forgot I had been three months in 

civilisation; wearing shoes and stockings; and I tell you I 

suffered on my soft feet; coming home; down hill; on that 

stairway of loose stones; I could have cried。  O yes; another 

story; I knew I had。  The house boys had not been behaving 

well; so the other night I announced a FONO; and Lloyd and I 

went into the boys' quarters; and I talked to them I suppose 

for half an hour; and Talolo translated; Lloyd was there 

principally to keep another ear on the interpreter; else 

there may be dreadful misconceptions。  I rubbed all their 

ears; except two whom I particularly praised; and one man's 

wages I announced I had cut down by one half。  Imagine his 

taking this smiling!  Ever since; he has been specially 

attentive and greets me with a face of really heavenly 

brightness。  This is another good sign of their really and 

fairly accepting me as a chief。  When I first came here; if I 

had fined a man a sixpence; he would have quit work that 

hour; and now I remove half his income; and he is glad to 

stay on … nay; does not seem to entertain the possibility of 

leaving。  And this in the face of one particular difficulty … 

I mean our house in the bush; and no society; and no women 

society within decent reach。

I think I must give you our staff in a tabular form。


+ o SOSIMO; provost and butler; and my valet。

o MISIFOLO; who is Fanny and Belle's chamberlain。


+ o TALOLO; provost and chief cook。

+ o IOPU; second cook。

TALI; his wife; no wages。

TI'A; Samoan cook。

FEILOA'I; his child; no wages; likewise no work … Belle's 


+ o LEUELU; Fanny's boy; gardener; odd jobs。


+ ELIGA; washman and daily errand man。


+ o HENRY SIMELE; provost and overseas of outside boys。




PULU; who is also our talking man and cries the ava。

The crosses mark out the really excellent boys。  Ti'a is the 

man who has just been fined half his wages; he is a beautiful 

old man; the living image of 'Fighting Gladiator;' my 

favourite statue … but a dreadful humbug。  I think we keep 

him on a little on account of his looks。  This sign o marks 

those who have been two years or upwards in the family。  I 

note all my old boys have the cross of honour; except 

Misifolo; well; poor dog; he does his best; I suppose。  You 

should see him scour。  It is a remark that has often been 

made by visitors: you
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