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vailima letters-第53章

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I wonder exceedingly if I have done anything at all good; and 

who can tell me? and why should I wish to know?  In so little 

a while; I; and the English language; and the bones of my 

descendants; will have ceased to be a memory!  And yet … and 

yet … one would like to leave an image for a few years upon 

men's minds … for fun。  This is a very dark frame of mind; 

consequent on overwork and the conclusion of the excruciating 

EBB TIDE。  Adieu。

What do you suppose should be done with THE EBB TIDE?  It 

would make a volume of 200 pp。; on the other hand; I might 

likely have some more stories soon: THE OWL; DEATH IN THE 

POT; THE SLEEPER AWAKENED; all these are possible。  THE OWL 

might be half as long; THE SLEEPER AWAKENED; ditto; DEATH IN 

THE POT a deal shorter; I believe。  Then there's the GO…

BETWEEN; which is not impossible altogether。  THE OWL; THE 

SLEEPER AWAKENED; and the GO…BETWEEN end reasonably well; 

DEATH IN THE POT is an ungodly massacre。  O; well; THE OWL 

only ends well in so far as some lovers come together; and 

nobody is killed at the moment; but you know they are all 

doomed; they are Chouan fellows。


Well; the mail is in; no Blue…book; depressing letter from 

C。; a long; amusing ramble from my mother; vast masses of 

Romeike; they ARE going to war now; and what will that lead 

to? and what has driven; them to it but the persistent 

misconduct of these two officials?  I know I ought to rewrite 

the end of this bluidy EBB TIDE: well; I can't。  CEST PLUS 

FORT QUE MOI; it has to go the way it is; and be jowned to 

it!  From what I make out of the reviews; I think it would be 

better not to republish THE EBB TIDE: but keep it for other 

tales; if they should turn up。  Very amusing how the reviews 

pick out one story and damn the rest I and it is always a 

different one。  Be sure you send me the article from LE 



Since I wrote this last; I have written a whole chapter of my 

grandfather; and read it to…night; it was on the whole much 

appreciated; and I kind of hope it ain't bad myself。  'Tis a 

third writing; but it wants a fourth。  By next mail; I 

believe I might send you 3 chapters。  That is to say FAMILY 


OF THE BELL ROCK。  Possibly even 4 … A HOUSEFUL OF BOYS。  I 

could finish my grandfather very easy now; my father and 

Uncle Alan stop the way。  I propose to call the book: 


you; it is going to be a good book。  My idea in sending Ms。 

would be to get it set up; two proofs to me; one to Professor 

Swan; Ardchapel; Helensburgh … mark it private and 

confidential … one to yourself; and come on with criticisms!  

But I'll have to see。  The total plan of the book is this …

i。 Domestic Annals。

ii。 The Service of the Northern Lights。

iii。 The Building of the Bell Rock。

iv。 A Houseful of Boys (or; 'The Family in Baxter's Place)。

v。 Education of an Engineer。

vi。 The Grandfather。

vii。 Alan Stevenson。

viii。 Thomas Stevenson。

There will be an Introduction 'The Surname of Stevenson' 

which has proved a mighty queer subject of inquiry。  But; 

Lord! if I were among libraries。


I shall put in this envelope the end of the ever…to…be…

execrated EBB TIDE; or Stevenson's Blooming Error。  Also; a 

paper apart for DAVID BALFOUR。  The slips must go in another 

enclosure; I suspect; owing to their beastly bulk。  Anyway; 

there are two pieces of work off my mind; and though I could 

wish I had rewritten a little more of DAVID; yet it was 

plainly to be seen it was impossible。  All the points 

indicated by you have been brought out; but to rewrite the 

end; in my present state of over…exhaustion and fiction … 

phobia; would have been madness; and I let it go as it stood。  

My grandfather is good enough for me; these days。 I do not 

work any less; on the whole; if anything; a little more。  But 

it is different。

The slips go to you in four packets; I hope they are what 

they should be; but do not think so。  I am at a pitch of 

discontent with fiction in all its form … or my forms … that 

prevents me being able to be even interested。  I have had to 

stop all drink; smoking I am trying to stop also。  It annoys 

me dreadfully: and yet if I take a glass of claret; … I have 

a headache the next day!  O; and a good headache too; none of 

your trifles。

Well; sir; here's to you; and farewell。 … Yours ever。

R。 L。 S。



MY DEAR COLVIN … Yesterday morning; after a day of absolute 

temperance; I awoke to the worst headache I had had yet。  

Accordingly; temperance was said farewell to; quinine 

instituted; and I believe my pains are soon to be over。  We 

wait; with a kind of sighing impatience; for war to be 

declared; or to blow finally off; living in the meanwhile in 

a kind of children's hour of firelight and shadow and 

preposterous tales; the king seen at night galloping up our 

road upon unknown errands and covering his face as he passes 

our cook; Mataafa daily surrounded (when he awakes) with 

fresh 'white man's boxes' (query; ammunition?) and professing 

to be quite ignorant of where they come from; marches of 

bodies of men across the island; concealment of ditto in the 

bush; the coming on and off of different chiefs; and such a 

mass of ravelment and rag…tag as the devil himself could not 



Yesterday it rained with but little intermission; but I was 

jealous of news。  Graham and I got into the saddle about 1 

o'clock and off down to town。  In town; there was nothing but 

rumours going; in the night drums had been beat; the men had 

run to arms on Mulinuu from as far as Vaiala; and the alarm 

proved false。  There were no signs of any gathering in Apia 

proper; and the Secretary of State had no news to give。  I 

believed him; too; for we are brither Scots。  Then the 

temptation came upon me strong to go on to the ford and see 

the Mataafa villages; where we heard there was more afoot。  

Off we rode。  When we came to Vaimusu; the houses were very 

full of men; but all seemingly unarmed。  Immediately beyond 

is that river over which we passed in our scamper with Lady 

Jersey; it was all solitary。  Three hundred yards beyond is a 

second ford; and there … I came face to face with war。  Under 

the trees on the further bank sat a picket of seven men with 

Winchesters; their faces bright; their eyes ardent。  As we 

came up; they did not speak or move; only their eyes followed 

us。  The horses drank; and we passed the ford。  'Talofa!' I 

said; and the commandant of the picket said 'Talofa'; and 

then; when we were almost by; remembered himself and asked 

where we were going。  'To Faamuina;' I said; and we rode on。  

Every house by th
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