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vailima letters-第5章

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good I potently believe; and given up; as a deception of the 

devil's; the High Woods。  I have been once down to Apia; to a 

huge native feast at Seumanutafa's; the chief of Apia。  There 

was a vast mass of food; crowds of people; the police 

charging among them with whips; the whole in high good humour 

on both sides; infinite noise; and a historic event … Mr。 

Clarke; the missionary; and his wife; assisted at a native 

dance。  On my return from this function; I found work had 

stopped; no more South Seas in my belly。  Well; Henry had 

cleared a great deal of our bush on a contract; and it ought 

to be measured。  I set myself to the task with a tape…line; 

it seemed a dreary business; then I borrowed a prismatic 

compass; and tackled the task afresh。  I have no books; I had 

not touched an instrument nor given a thought to the business 

since the year of grace 1871; you can imagine with what 

interest I sat down yesterday afternoon to reduce my 

observations; five triangles I had taken; all five came 

right; to my ineffable joy。  Our dinner … the lowest we have 

ever been … consisted of ONE AVOCADO PEAR between Fanny and 

me; a ship's biscuit for the guidman; white bread for the 

Missis; and red wine for the twa。  No salt horse; even; in 

all Vailima!  After dinner Henry came; and I began to teach 

him decimals; you wouldn't think I knew them myself after so 

long desuetude!

I could not but wonder how Henry stands his evenings here; 

the Polynesian loves gaiety … I feed him with decimals; the 

mariner's compass; derivations; grammar; and the like; 

delecting myself; after the manner of my race; MOULT 

TRISTEMENT。  I suck my paws; I live for my dexterities and by 

my accomplishments; even my clumsinesses are my joy … my 

woodcuts; my stumbling on the pipe; this surveying even … and 

even weeding sensitive; anything to do with the mind; with 

the eye; with the hand … with a part of ME; diversion flows 

in these ways for the dreary man。  But gaiety is what these 

children want; to sit in a crowd; tell stories and pass 

jests; to hear one another laugh and scamper with the girls。  

It's good fun; too; I believe; but not for R。 L。 S。; AETAT。 

40。  Which I am now past forty; Custodian; and not one penny 

the worse that I can see; as amusable as ever; to be on board 

ship is reward enough for me; give me the wages of going on … 

in a schooner!  Only; if ever I were gay; which I 

misremember; I am gay no more。  And here is poor Henry 

passing his evenings on my intellectual husks; which the 

professors masticated; keeping the accounts of the estate … 

all wrong I have no doubt … I keep no check; beyond a very 

rough one; marching in with a cloudy brow; and the day…book 

under his arm; tackling decimals; coming with cases of 

conscience … how would an English chief behave in such a 

case? etc。; and; I am bound to say; on any glimmer of a jest; 

lapsing into native hilarity as a tree straightens itself 

after the wind is by。  The other night I remembered my old 

friend … I believe yours also … Scholastikos; and 

administered the crow and the anchor … they were quite fresh 

to Samoan ears (this implies a very early severance) … and I 

thought the anchor would have made away with my Simele 


Fanny's time; in this interval; has been largely occupied in 

contending publicly with wild swine。  We have a black sow; we 

call her Jack Sheppard; impossible to confine her … 

impossible also for her to be confined!  To my sure knowledge 

she has been in an interesting condition for longer than any 

other sow in story; else she had long died the death; as soon 

as she is brought to bed; she shall count her days。  I 

suppose that sow has cost us in days' labour from thirty to 

fifty dollars; as many as eight boys (at a dollar a day) have 

been twelve hours in chase of her。  Now it is supposed that 

Fanny has outwitted her; she grins behind broad planks in 

what was once the cook…house。  She is a wild pig; far 

handsomer than any tame; and when she found the cook…house 

was too much for her methods of evasion; she lay down on the 

floor and refused food and drink for a whole Sunday。  On 

Monday morning she relapsed; and now eats and drinks like a 

little man。  I am reminded of an incident。  Two Sundays ago; 

the sad word was brought that the sow was out again; this 

time she had carried another in her flight。  Moors and I and 

Fanny were strolling up to the garden; and there by the 

waterside we saw the black sow; looking guilty。  It seemed to 

me beyond words; but Fanny's CRI DU COEUR was delicious: 'G…

r…r!' she cried; 'nobody loves you!'

I would I could tell you the moving story of our cart and 

cart…horses; the latter are dapple…grey; about sixteen hands; 

and of enormous substance; the former was a kind of red and 

green shandry…dan with a driving bench; plainly unfit to 

carry lumber or to face our road。  (Remember that the last 

third of my road; about a mile; is all made out of a bridle…

track by my boys … and my dollars。)  It was supposed a white 

man had been found … an ex…German artilleryman … to drive 

this last; he proved incapable and drunken; the gallant 

Henry; who had never driven before; and knew nothing about 

horses … except the rats and weeds that flourish on the 

islands … volunteered; Moors accepted; proposing to follow 

and supervise: despatched his work and started after。  No 

cart! he hurried on up the road … no cart。  Transfer the 

scene to Vailima; where on a sudden to Fanny and me; the cart 

appears; apparently at a hard gallop; some two hours before 

it was expected; Henry radiantly ruling chaos from the bench。  

It stopped: it was long before we had time to remark that the 

axle was twisted like the letter L。 Our first care was the 

horses。  There they stood; black with sweat; the sweat 

raining from them … literally raining … their heads down; 

their feet apart … and blood running thick from the nostrils 

of the mare。  We got out Fanny's under…clothes … couldn't 

find anything else but our blankets … to rub them down; and 

in about half an hour we had the blessed satisfaction to see 

one after the other take a bite or two of grass。  But it was 

a toucher; a little more and these steeds would have been 



Near a week elapsed; and no journal。  On Monday afternoon; 

Moors rode up and I rode down with him; dined; and went over 

in the evening to the American Consulate; present; Consul…

General Sewall; Lieut。 Parker and Mrs。 Parker; Lafarge the 

American decorator; Adams an American historian; we talked 

late; and it was arranged I was to write up for Fanny; and we 

should both dine on the morrow。

On the Friday; I was all forenoon in the Mission House; 

lunched at the German Consulate; went on board the SPERBER 

(German war ship) in the afternoon; called on my lawyer on my 

way out to American Consulate;
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