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vailima letters-第49章

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your idea of her death; and have a good mind to substitute a 

featureless aunt。

SLIP 78。  I don't see how to lessen this effect。  There is 

really not much said of it; and I know Catriona did it。  But 

I'll try。

… 89。  I know。  This is an old puzzle of mine。  You see C。's 

dialect is not wholly a bed of roses。  If only I knew the 

Gaelic。  Well; I'll try for another expression。

THE END。  I shall try to work it over。  James was at Dunkirk 

ordering post…horses for his own retreat。  Catriona did have 

her suspicions aroused by the letter; and; careless 

gentleman; I told you so … or she did at least。 … Yes; the 

blood money; I am bothered about the portmanteau; it is the 

presence of Catriona that bothers me; the rape of the 

pockmantie is historic。 。 。 。

To me; I own; it seems in the proof a very pretty piece of 

workmanship。  David himself I refuse to discuss; he IS。  The 

Lord Advocate I think a strong sketch of a very difficult 

character; James More; sufficient; and the two girls very 

pleasing creatures。  But O dear me; I came near losing my 

heart to Barbara!  I am not quite so constant as David; and 

even he … well; he didn't know it; anyway!  TOD LAPRAIK is a 

piece of living Scots: if I had never writ anything but that 

and THRAWN JANET; still I'd have been a writer。  The defects 

of D。B。 are inherent; I fear。  But on the whole; I am far 

indeed from being displeased with the tailie。  They want more 

Alan?  Well; they can't get it。

I found my fame much grown on this return to civilisation。  

DIGITO MONSTRARI is a new experience; people all looked at me 

in the streets in Sydney; and it was very queer。  Here; of 

course; I am only the white chief in the Great House to the 

natives; and to the whites; either an ally or a foe。  It is a 

much healthier state of matters。  If I lived in an atmosphere 

of adulation; I should end by kicking against the pricks。  O 

my beautiful forest; O my beautiful shining; windy house; 

what a joy it was to behold them again!  No chance to take 

myself too seriously here。

The difficulty of the end is the mass of matter to be 

attended to; and the small time left to transact it in。  I 

mean from Alan's danger of arrest。  But I have just seen my 

way out; I do believe。


I have now got as far as slip 28; and finished the chapter of 

the law technicalities。  Well; these seemed to me always of 

the essence of the story; which is the story of a CAUSE 

CELEBRE; moreover; they are the justification of my 

inventions; if these men went so far (granting Davie sprung 

on them) would they not have gone so much further?  But of 

course I knew they were a difficulty; determined to carry 

them through in a conversation; approached this (it seems) 

with cowardly anxiety; and filled it with gabble; sir; 

gabble。  I have left all my facts; but have removed 42 lines。  

I should not wonder but what I'll end by re…writing it。  It 

is not the technicalities that shocked you; it was my bad 

art。  It is very strange that X。 should be so good a chapter 

and IX。 and XI。 so uncompromisingly bad。  It looks as if XI。 

also would have to be re…formed。  If X。 had not cheered me 

up; I should be in doleful dumps; but X。 is alive anyway; and 

life is all in all。


Well; there's no disguise possible; Fanny is not well; and we 

are miserably anxious。 。 。 。


I am thankful to say the new medicine relieved her at once。  

A crape has been removed from the day for all of us。  To make 

things better; the morning is ah! such a morning as you have 

never seen; heaven upon earth for sweetness; freshness; depth 

upon depth of unimaginable colour; and a huge silence broken 

at this moment only by the far…away murmur of the Pacific and 

the rich piping of a single bird。  You can't conceive what a 

relief this is; it seems a new world。  She has such 

extraordinary recuperative power that I do hope for the best。  

I am as tired as man can be。  This is a great trial to a 

family; and I thank God it seems as if ours was going to bear 

it well。  And O! if it only lets up; it will be but a 

pleasant memory。  We are all seedy; bar Lloyd: Fanny; as per 

above; self nearly extinct; Belle; utterly overworked and bad 

toothache; Cook; down with a bad foot; Butler; prostrate with 

a bad leg。  Eh; what a faim'ly!


Grey heaven; raining torrents of rain; occasional thunder and 

lightning。  Everything to dispirit; but my invalids are 

really on the mend。  The rain roars like the sea; in the 

sound of it there is a strange and ominous suggestion of an 

approaching tramp; something nameless and measureless seems 

to draw near; and strikes me cold; and yet is welcome。  I lie 

quiet in bed to…day; and think of the universe with a good 

deal of equanimity。  I have; at this moment; but the one 

objection to it; the FRACAS with which it proceeds。  I do not 

love noise; I am like my grandfather in that; and so many 

years in these still islands has ingrained the sentiment 

perhaps。  Here are no trains; only men pacing barefoot。  No 

carts or carriages; at worst the rattle of a horse's shoes 

among the rocks。  Beautiful silence; and so soon as this 

robustious rain takes off; I am to drink of it again by 



Several pages of this letter destroyed as beneath scorn; the 

wailings of a crushed worm; matter in which neither you nor I 

can take stock。  Fanny is distinctly better; I believe all 

right now; I too am mending; though I have suffered from 

crushed wormery; which is not good for the body; and 

damnation to the soul。  I feel to…night a baseless anxiety to 

write a lovely poem A PROPOS DES BOTTES DE MA GRANDMERE。  I 

see I am idiotic。  I'll try the poem。


The poem did not get beyond plovers and lovers。  I am still; 

however; harassed by the unauthentic Muse; if I cared to 

encourage her … but I have not the time; and anyway we are at 

the vernal equinox。  It is funny enough; but my pottering 

verses are usually made (like the God…gifted organ voice's) 

at the autumnal; and this seems to hold at the Antipodes。  

There is here some odd secret of Nature。  I cannot speak of 

politics; we wait and wonder。  It seems (this is partly a 

guess) Ide won't take the C。 J。 ship; unless the islands are 

disarmed; and that England hesitates and holds off。  By my 

own idea; strongly corroborated by Sir George; I am writing 

no more letters。  But I have put as many irons in against 

this folly of the disarming as I could manage。  It did not 

reach my ears till nearly too late。  What a risk to take!  

What an expense to incur!  And for how poor a gain!  Apart 

from the treachery of it。  My dear fellow; politics is a vile 

and a bungling business。  I used to think meanly of the 

plumber; but how he shines beside the politic
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