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vailima letters-第45章

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to tell it。  The different villagers came in in bands … led 

by the maid of the village; followed by the young warriors。  

It was a very fine sight; for some three thousand people are 

said to have assembled。  The men wore nothing but magnificent 

head…dresses and a bunch of leaves; and were oiled and 

glistening in the sunlight。  One band had no maid but was led 

by a tiny child of about five … a serious little creature 

clad in a ribbon of grass and a fine head…dress; who skipped 

with elaborate leaps in front of the warriors; like a little 

kid leading a band of lions。  A。M。)

The A。M。 being done; I go on again。  All this made it very 

possible that even if none of our boys had stolen the pig; 

some of them might know the thief。  Besides; the theft; as it 

was a theft of meat prepared for a guest; had something of 

the nature of an insult; and 'my face;' in native phrase; 

'was ashamed。'  Accordingly; we determined to hold a bed of 

justice。  It was done last night after dinner。  I sat at the 

head of the table; Graham on my right hand; Henry Simele at 

my left; Lloyd behind him。  The house company sat on the 

floor around the walls … twelve all told。  I am described as 

looking as like Braxfield as I could manage with my 

appearance; Graham; who is of a severe countenance; looked 

like Rhadamanthus; Lloyd was hideous to the view; and Simele 

had all the fine solemnity of a Samoan chief。  The 

proceedings opened by my delivering a Samoan prayer; which 

may be translated thus … 'Our God; look down upon us and 

shine into our hearts。  Help us to be far from falsehood so 

that each one of us may stand before Thy Face in his 

integrity。' … Then; beginning with Simele; every one came up 

to the table; laid his hand on the Bible; and repeated clause 

by clause after me the following oath … I fear it may sound 

even comic in English; but it is a very pretty piece of 

Samoan; and struck direct at the most lively superstitions of 

the race。  'This is the Holy Bible here that I am touching。  

Behold me; O God!  If I know who it was that took away the 

pig; or the place to which it was taken; or have heard 

anything relating to it; and shall not declare the same … be 

made an end of by God this life of mine!'  They all took it 

with so much seriousness and firmness that (as Graham said) 

if they were not innocent they would make invaluable 

witnesses。  I was so far impressed by their bearing that I 

went no further; and the funny and yet strangely solemn scene 

came to an end。

SUNDAY; NO。 6th。

Here is a long story to go back upon; and I wonder if I have 

either time or patience for the task?

Wednesday I had a great idea of match…making; and proposed to 

Henry that Faale would make a good wife for him。  I wish I 

had put this down when it was fresher in my mind; it was so 

interesting an interview。  My gentleman would not tell if I 

were on or not。  'I do not know yet; I will tell you next 

week。  May I tell the sister of my father?  No; better not; 

tell her when it is done。' … 'But will not your family be 

angry if you marry without asking them?' … 'My village?  What 

does my village want?  Mats!'  I said I thought the girl 

would grow up to have a great deal of sense; and my gentleman 

flew out upon me; she had sense now; he said。

Thursday; we were startled by the note of guns; and presently 

after heard it was an English war ship。  Graham and I set off 

at once; and as soon as we met any townsfolk they began 

crying to me that I was to be arrested。  It was the VOSSISCHE 

ZEITUNG article which had been quoted in a paper。  Went on 

board and saw Captain Bourke; he did not even know … not even 

guess … why he was here; having been sent off by cablegram 

from Auckland。  It is hoped the same ship that takes this off 

Europewards may bring his orders and our news。  But which is 

it to be?  Heads or tails?  If it is to be German; I hope 

they will deport me; I should prefer it so; I do not think 

that I could bear a German officialdom; and should probably 

have to leave SPONTE MEA; which is only less picturesque and 

more expensive。


Mail day。  All well; not yet put in prison; whatever may be 

in store for me。  No time even to sign this lame letter。



MY DEAR COLVIN; … Another grimy little odd and end of paper; 

for which you shall be this month repaid in kind; and serve 

you jolly well right。 。 。  The new house is roofed; it will 

be a braw house; and what is better; I have my yearly bill 

in; and I find I can pay for it。  For all which mercies; etc。  

I must have made close on 4;000 pounds this year all told; 

but; what is not so pleasant; I seem to have come near to 

spending them。  I have been in great alarm; with this new 

house on the cards; all summer; and came very near to taking 

in sail; but I live here so entirely on credit; that I 

determined to hang on。


I was saying yesterday that my life was strange and did not 

think how well I spoke。  Yesterday evening I was briefed to 

defend a political prisoner before the Deputy Commissioner。  

What do you think of that for a vicissitude?


Now for a confession。  When I heard you and Cassells had 

decided to print THE BOTTLE IMP along with FALESA; I was too 

much disappointed to answer。  THE BOTTLE IMP was the PIECE DE 


However; that volume might have never got done; and I send 

you two others in case they should be in time。

First have the BEACH OF FALESA。

Then a fresh false title: ISLAND NIGHTS' ENTERTAINMENTS; and 


THE BOTTLE IMP: a cue from an old melodrama。


THE WAIF WOMAN; a cue from a SAGA。

Of course these two others are not up to the mark of THE 

BOTTLE IMP; but they each have a certain merit; and they fit 

in style。  By saying 'a cue from an old melodrama' after the 

B。 I。; you can get rid of my note。  If this is in time; it 

will be splendid; and will make quite a volume。

Should you and Cassells prefer; you can call the whole volume 

I。 N。 E。 … though the BEACH OF FALESA is the child of a quite 

different inspiration。  They all have a queer realism; even 

the most extravagant; even the ISLE OF VOICES; the manners 

are exact。

Should they come too late; have them type…written; and return 

to me here the type…written copies。


3rd start; … But now more humbly and with the aid of an 

Amanuensis。  First one word about page 2。  My wife protests 

against the Waif…woman and I am instructed to report the same 

to you。 。 。 。


A horrid alarm rises that our October mail was burned 

crossing the Plains。  If so; you lost a beautiful long letter 

… I am sure it was beautiful though I remember nothing about 

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