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vailima letters-第4章

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assistants; is hard at work clearing。  The part clearing you 

will see from the map; from the house run down to the stream 

side; up the stream nearly as high as the garden; then back 

to the star which I have just added to the map。

My long; silent contests in the forest have had a strange 

effect on me。  The unconcealed vitality of these vegetables; 

their exuberant number and strength; the attempts … I can use 

no other word … of lianas to enwrap and capture the intruder; 

the awful silence; the knowledge that all my efforts are only 

like the performance of an actor; the thing of a moment; and 

the wood will silently and swiftly heal them up with fresh 

effervescence; the cunning sense of the tuitui; suffering 

itself to be touched with wind…swayed grasses and not minding 

… but let the grass be moved by a man; and it shuts up; the 

whole silent battle; murder; and slow death of the contending 

forest; weigh upon the imagination。  My poem the WOODMAN 

stands; but I have taken refuge in a new story; which just 

shot through me like a bullet in one of my moments of awe; 

alone in that tragic jungle:…


1。 A South Sea Bridal。

2。 Under the Ban。

3。 Savao and Faavao。

4。 Cries in the High Wood。

5。 Rumour full of Tongues。

6。 The Hour of Peril。

7。 The Day of Vengeance。

It is very strange; very extravagant; I daresay; but it's 

varied; and picturesque; and has a pretty love affair; and 

ends well。  Ulufanua is a lovely Samoan word; ulu=grove; 

fanua=land; grove…land … 'the tops of the high trees。'  

Savao; 'sacred to the wood;' and Faavao; 'wood…ways;' are the 

names of two of the characters; Ulufanua the name of the 

supposed island。

I am very tired; and rest off to…day from all but letters。  

Fanny is quite done up; she could not sleep last night; 

something it seemed like asthma … I trust not。  I suppose 

Lloyd will be about; so you can give him the benefit of this 

long scrawl。  Never say that I CAN'T write a letter; say that 

I don't。 … Yours ever; my dearest fellow;

R。 L。 S。


The guid wife had bread to bake; and she baked it in a pan; 

O!  But between whiles she was down with me weeding sensitive 

in the paddock。  The men have but now passed over it; I was 

round in that very place to see the weeding was done 

thoroughly; and already the reptile springs behind our heels。  

Tuitui is a truly strange beast; and gives food for thought。  

I am nearly sure … I cannot yet be quite; I mean to 

experiment; when I am less on the hot chase of the beast … 

that; even at the instant he shrivels up his leaves; he 

strikes his prickles downward so as to catch the uprooting 

finger; instinctive; say the gabies; but so is man's impulse 

to strike out。  One thing that takes and holds me is to see 

the strange variation in the propagation of alarm among these 

rooted beasts; at times it spreads to a radius (I speak by 

the guess of the eye) of five or six inches; at times only 

one individual plant appears frightened at a time。  We tried 

how long it took one to recover; 'tis a sanguine creature; it 

is all abroad again before (I guess again) two minutes。  It 

is odd how difficult in this world it is to be armed。  The 

double armour of this plant betrays it。  In a thick tuft; 

where the leaves disappear; I thrust in my hand; and the bite 

of the thorns betrays the topmost stem。  In the open again; 

and when I hesitate if it be clover; a touch on the leaves; 

and its fine sense and retractile action betrays its identity 

at once。  Yet it has one gift incomparable。  Rome had virtue 

and knowledge; Rome perished。  The sensitive plant has 

indigestible seeds … so they say … and it will flourish for 

ever。  I give my advice thus to a young plant … have a strong 

root; a weak stem; and an indigestible seed; so you will 

outlast the eternal city; and your progeny will clothe 

mountains; and the irascible planter will blaspheme in vain。  

The weak point of tuitui is that its stem is strong。


Here beginneth the third lesson; which is not from the 

planter but from a less estimable character; the writer of 


I want you to understand about this South Sea Book。  The job 

is immense; I stagger under material。  I have seen the first 

big TACHE。  It was necessary to see the smaller ones; the 

letters were at my hand for the purpose; but I was not going 

to lose this experience; and; instead of writing mere 

letters; have poured out a lot of stuff for the book。  How 

this works and fits; time is to show。  But I believe; in 

time; I shall get the whole thing in form。  Now; up to date; 

that is all my design; and I beg to warn you till we have the 

whole (or much) of the stuff together; you can hardly judge … 

and I can hardly judge。  Such a mass of stuff is to be 

handled; if possible without repetition … so much foreign 

matter to be introduced … if possible with perspicuity … and; 

as much as can be; a spirit of narrative to be preserved。  

You will find that come stronger as I proceed; and get the 

explanations worked through。  Problems of style are (as yet) 

dirt under my feet; my problem is architectural; creative … 

to get this stuff jointed and moving。  If I can do that; I 

will trouble you for style; anybody might write it; and it 

would be splendid; well…engineered; the masses right; the 

blooming thing travelling … twig?

This I wanted you to understand; for lots of the stuff sent 

home is; I imagine; rot … and slovenly rot … and some of it 

pompous rot; and I want you to understand it's a LAY…IN。

Soon; if the tide of poeshie continues; I'll send you a whole 

lot to damn。  You never said thank…you for the handsome 

tribute addressed to you from Apemama; such is the gratitude 

of the world to the God…sent poick。  Well; well:… 'Vex not 

thou the poick's mind; With thy coriaceous ingratitude; The 

P。 will be to your faults more than a little blind; And yours 

is a far from handsome attitude。'  Having thus dropped into 

poetry in a spirit of friendship; I have the honour to 

subscribe myself; Sir;

Your obedient humble servant;


I suppose by this you will have seen the lad … and his feet 

will have been in the Monument … and his eyes beheld the face 

of George。  Well!

There is much eloquence in a well!

I am; Sir


The Epigrammatist





MY DEAR COLVIN; … I wanted to go out bright and early to go 

on with my survey。  You never heard of that。  The world has 

turned; and much water run under bridges; since I stopped my 

diary。  I have written six more chapters of the book; all 

good I potently believe; and given up; as a deception of the 

devil's; the High Woods。  I have been once down to A
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