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vailima letters-第36章

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Not long after we had dined; the food…bringing was over。  The 

gifts (carefully noted and tallied as they came in) were now 

announced by a humorous orator; who convulsed the audience; 

introducing singing notes; now on the name of the article; 

now on the number; six thousand odd heads of taro; three 

hundred and nineteen cooked pigs; and one thing that 

particularly caught me (by good luck); a single turtle 'for 

the King' … LE TASI MO LE TUPU。  Then came one of the 

strangest sights I have yet witnessed。  The two most 

important persons there (bar Mataafa) were Popo and his son。  

They rose; holding their long shod rods of talking men; 

passed forth from the house; broke into a strange dance; the 

father capering with outstretched arms and rod; the son 

crouching and gambolling beside him in a manner 

indescribable; and presently began to extend the circle of 

this dance among the acres of cooked food。  WHATEVER THEY 


mediaeval Dante thus demean himself struck a kind of a chill 

of incongruity into our Philistine souls; but even in a great 

part of the Samoan concourse; these antique and (I 

understand) quite local manners awoke laughter。  One of my 

biscuit tins and a live calf were among the spoils he 

claimed; but the large majority of the cooked food (having 

once proved his dignity) he re…presented to the King。

Then came the turn of LE ALII TUSITALA。  He would not dance; 

but he was given … five live hens; four gourds of oil; four 

fine tapas; a hundred heads of taro; two cooked pigs; a 

cooked shark; two or three cocoanut branches strung with 

kava; and the turtle; who soon after breathed his last; I 

believe; from sunstroke。  It was a royal present for 'the 

chief of the great powers。'  I should say the gifts were; on 

the proper signal; dragged out of the field of food by a 

troop of young men; all with their lava…lavas kilted almost 

into a loin…cloth。  The art is to swoop on the food…field; 

pick up with unerring swiftness the right things and 

quantities; swoop forth again on the open; and separate; 

leaving the gifts in a new pile: so you may see a covey of 

birds in a corn…field。  This reminds me of a very inhumane 

but beautiful passage I had forgotten in its place。  The 

gift…giving was still in full swing; when there came a troop 

of some ninety men all in tafa lava…lavas of a purplish 

colour; they paused; and of a sudden there went up from them 

high into the air a flight of live chickens; which; as they 

came down again; were sent again into the air; for perhaps a 

minute; from the midst of a singular turmoil of flying arms 

and shouting voices; I assure you; it was very beautiful to 

see; but how many chickens were killed?

No sooner was my food set out than I was to be going。  I had 

a little serious talk with Mataafa on the floor; and we went 

down to the boat; where we got our food aboard; such a cargo 

… like the Swiss Family Robinson; we said。  However; a squall 

began; Tauilo refused to let us go; and we came back to the 

house for half…an…hour or so; when my ladies distinguished 

themselves by walking through a Fono (council); my mother 

actually taking up a position between Mataafa and Popo!  It 

was about five when we started … turtle; pigs; taro; etc。; my 

mother; Belle; myself; Tauilo; a portly friend of hers with 

the voice of an angel; and a pronunciation so delicate and 

true that you could follow Samoan as she sang; and the two 

tired boys Frank and Jimmie; with the two bad oars and the 

two slippery rowlocks to impel the whole。  Sale Taylor took 

the canoe and a strong Samoan to paddle him。  Presently after 

he went inshore; and passed us a little after; with his arms 

folded; and TWO strong Samoans impelling him Apia…ward。  This 

was too much for Belle; who hailed; taunted him; and made him 

return to the boat with one of the Samoans; setting Jimmie 

instead in the canoe。  Then began our torment; Sale and the 

Samoan took the oars; sat on the same thwart (where they 

could get no swing on the boat had they tried); and 

deliberately ladled at the lagoon。  We lay enchanted。  Night 

fell; there was a light visible on shore; it did not move。  

The two women sang; Belle joining them in the hymns she has 

learned at family worship。  Then a squall came up; we sat a 

while in roaring midnight under rivers of rain; and; when it 

blew by; there was the light again; immovable。  A second 

squall followed; one of the worst I was ever out in; we could 

scarce catch our breath in the cold; dashing deluge。  When it 

went; we were so cold that the water in the bottom of the 

boat (which I was then baling) seemed like a warm footbath in 

comparison; and Belle and I; who were still barefoot; were 

quite restored by laving in it。

All this time I had kept my temper; and refrained as far as 

might be from any interference; for I saw (in our friend's 

mulish humour) he always contrived to twist it to our 

disadvantage。  But now came the acute point。  Young Frank now 

took an oar。  He was a little fellow; near as frail as 

myself; and very short; if he weighed nine stone; it was the 

outside; but his blood was up。  He took stroke; moved the big 

Samoan forward to bow; and set to work to pull him round in 

fine style。  Instantly a kind of race competition … almost 

race hatred … sprang up。  We jeered the Samoan。  Sale 

declared it was the trim of the boat: 'if this lady was aft' 

(Tauilo's portly friend) 'he would row round Frank。'  We 

insisted on her coming aft; and Frank still rowed round the 

Samoan。  When the Samoan caught a crab (the thing was 

continual with these wretched oars and rowlocks); we shouted 

and jeered; when Frank caught one; Sale and the Samoan jeered 

and yelled。  But anyway the boat moved; and presently we got 

up with Mulinuu; where I finally lost my temper; when I found 

that Sale proposed to go ashore and make a visit … in fact; 

we all three did。  It is not worth while going into; but I 

must give you one snatch of the subsequent conversation as we 

pulled round Apia bay。  'This Samoan;' said Sale; 'received 

seven German bullets in the field of Fangalii。'  'I am 

delighted to hear it;' said Belle。  'His brother was killed 

there;' pursued Sale; and Belle; prompt as an echo; 'Then 

there are no more of the family? how delightful!'  Sale was 

sufficiently surprised to change the subject; he began to 

praise Frank's rowing with insufferable condescension: 'But 

it is after all not to be wondered at;' said he; 'because he 

has been for some time a sailor。  My good man; is it three or 

five years that you have been to sea?'  And Frank; in a 

defiant shout: 'Two!' Whereupon; so high did the ill…feeling 

run; that we three clapped and applauded and shouted; so that 

the President (whose house we were then passing) doubtless 

started at the sounds。  It was nine when we got to the
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