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vailima letters-第30章

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DEUS EX MACHINA。  I THINK just now of calling it THE TAIL OF 

THE RACE; no … heavens!  I never saw till this moment … but 

of course nobody but myself would ever understand Mill…Race; 

they would think of a quarter…mile。  So … I am nameless 

again。  My melancholy young man is to be quite a Romeo。  Yes; 

I'll name the book from him: DYCE OF YTHAN … pronounce 


Dyce of Ythan

by R。 L。 S。

O; Shovel … Shovel waits his turn; he and his ancestors。  I 

would have tackled him before; but my STATE TRIALS have never 

come。  So that I have now quite planned:…

Dyce of Ythan。 (Historical; 1750。)

Sophia Scarlet。 (To…day。)

The Shovels of Newton French。 (Historical; 1650 to 1830。)

And quite planned and part written:…

The Pearl Fisher。 (To…day。) (With Lloyd a machine。)

David Balfour。 (Historical; 1751。)

And; by a strange exception for R。 L。 S。; all in the third 

person except D。 B。

I don't know what day this is now (the 29th); but I have 

finished my two chapters; ninth and tenth; of SAMOA in time 

for the mail; and feel almost at peace。  The tenth was the 

hurricane; a difficult problem; it so tempted one to be 

literary; and I feel sure the less of that there is in my 

little handbook; the more chance it has of some utility。  

Then the events are complicated; seven ships to tell of; and 

sometimes three of them together; O; it was quite a job。  But 

I think I have my facts pretty correct; and for once; in my 

sickening yarn; they are handsome facts: creditable to all 

concerned; not to be written of … and I should think; scarce 

to be read … without a thrill。  I doubt I have got no 

hurricane into it; the intricacies of the yarn absorbing me 

too much。  But there … it's done somehow; and time presses 

hard on my heels。  The book; with my best expedition; may 

come just too late to be of use。  In which case I shall have 

made a handsome present of some months of my life for nothing 

and to nobody。  Well; through Her the most ancient heavens 

are fresh and strong。


After I had written you; I re…read my hurricane; which is 

very poor; the life of the journalist is hard; another couple 

of writings and I could make a good thing; I believe; and it 

must go as it is!  But; of course; this book is not written 

for honour and glory; and the few who will read it may not 

know the difference。  Very little time。  I go down with the 

mail shortly; dine at the Chinese restaurant; and go to the 

club to dance with islandresses。  Think of my going out once 

a week to dance。

Politics are on the full job again; and we don't know what is 

to come next。  I think the whole treaty RAJ seems quite 

played out!  They have taken to bribing the FAIPULE men 

(parliament men) to stay in Mulinuu; we hear; but I have not 

yet sifted the rumour。  I must say I shall be scarce 

surprised if it prove true; these rumours have the knack of 

being right。 … Our weather this last month has been 

tremendously hot; not by the thermometer; which sticks at 86 

degrees; but to the sensation: no rain; no wind; and this the 

storm month。  It looks ominous; and is certainly 


No time to finish;

Yours ever;

R。 L。 S。


MAY 1ST。 1892。

MY DEAR COLVIN; … As I rode down last night about six; I saw 

a sight I must try to tell you of。  In front of me; right 

over the top of the forest into which I was descending was a 

vast cloud。  The front of it accurately represented the 

somewhat rugged; long…nosed; and beetle…browed profile of a 

man; crowned by a huge Kalmuck cap; the flesh part was of a 

heavenly pink; the cap; the moustache; the eyebrows were of a 

bluish gray; to see this with its childish exactitude of 

design and colour; and hugeness of scale … it covered at 

least 25 degrees … held me spellbound。  As I continued to 

gaze; the expression began to change; he had the exact air of 

closing one eye; dropping his jaw; and drawing down his nose; 

had the thing not been so imposing; I could have smiled; and 

then almost in a moment; a shoulder of leaden…coloured bank 

drove in front and blotted it。  My attention spread to the 

rest of the cloud; and it was a thing to worship。  It rose 

from the horizon; and its top was within thirty degrees of 

the zenith; the lower parts were like a glacier in shadow; 

varying from dark indigo to a clouded white in exquisite 

gradations。  The sky behind; so far as I could see; was all 

of a blue already enriched and darkened by the night; for the 

hill had what lingered of the sunset。  But the top of my 

Titanic cloud flamed in broad sunlight; with the most 

excellent softness and brightness of fire and jewels; 

enlightening all the world。  It must have been far higher 

than Mount Everest; and its glory; as I gazed up at it out of 

the night; was beyond wonder。  Close by rode the little 

crescent moon; and right over its western horn; a great 

planet of about equal lustre with itself。  The dark woods 

below were shrill with that noisy business of the birds' 

evening worship。  When I returned; after eight; the moon was 

near down; she seemed little brighter than before; but now 

that the cloud no longer played its part of a nocturnal sun; 

we could see that sight; so rare with us at home that it was 

counted a portent; so customary in the tropics; of the dark 

sphere with its little gilt band upon the belly。  The planet 

had been setting faster; and was now below the crescent。  

They were still of an equal brightness。

I could not resist trying to reproduce this in words; as a 

specimen of these incredibly beautiful and imposing meteors 

of the tropic sky that make so much of my pleasure here; 

though a ship's deck is the place to enjoy them。  O what 

AWFUL scenery; from a ship's deck; in the tropics!  People 

talk about the Alps; but the clouds of the trade wind are 

alone for sublimity。

Now to try and tell you what has been happening。  The state 

of these islands; and of Mataafa and Laupepa (Malietoa's 

AMBO) had been much on my mind。  I went to the priests and 

sent a message to Mataafa; at a time when it was supposed he 

was about to act。  He did not act; delaying in true native 

style; and I determined I should go to visit him。  I have 

been very good not to go sooner; to live within a few miles 

of a rebel camp; to be a novelist; to have all my family 

forcing me to go; and to refrain all these months; counts for 

virtue。  But hearing that several people had gone and the 

government done nothing to punish them; and having an errand 

there which was enough to justify myself in my own eyes; I 

half determined to go; and spoke of it with the half…caste 

priest。  And here (confound it) up came Laupepa and his 

guards to call on me; we kept him to lunch; and the old 

gentleman was very good and amiable。  He asked me why I had 

not been to see him?  I 
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