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vailima letters-第29章

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shilling; and to descend a road through the forest that was 

at that moment the image of a respectable mountain brook。  My 

wife; who is president WITH POWER TO EXPEL; had to begin her 

functions。 。 。 。


Heaven knows what day it is; but I am ashamed; all the more 

as your letter from Bournemouth of all places … poor old 

Bournemouth! … is to hand; and contains a statement of 

pleasure in my letters which I wish I could have rewarded 

with a long one。  What has gone on?  A vast of affairs; of a 

mingled; strenuous; inconclusive; desultory character; much 

waste of time; much riding to and fro; and little transacted 

or at least peracted。

Let me give you a review of the present state of our live 

stock。 … Six boys in the bush; six souls about the house。  

Talolo; the cook; returns again to…day; after an absence 

which has cost me about twelve hours of riding; and I suppose 

eight hours' solemn sitting in council。  'I am sorry indeed 

for the Chief Justice of Samoa;' I said; 'it is more than I 

am fit for to be Chief Justice of Vailima。' … Lauilo is 

steward。  Both these are excellent servants; we gave a 

luncheon party when we buried the Samoan bones; and I assure 

you all was in good style; yet we never interfered。  The food 

was good; the wine and dishes went round as by mechanism。 … 

Steward's assistant and washman Arrick; a New Hebridee black 

boy; hired from the German firm; not so ugly as most; but not 

pretty neither; not so dull as his sort are; but not quite a 

Crichton。  When he came first; he ate so much of our good 

food that he got a prominent belly。  Kitchen assistant; Tomas 

(Thomas in English); a Fiji man; very tall and handsome; 

moving like a marionette with sudden bounds; and rolling his 

eyes with sudden effort。 … Washerwoman and precentor; Helen; 

Tomas's wife。  This is our weak point; we are ashamed of 

Helen; the cook…house blushes for her; they murmur there at 

her presence。  She seems all right; she is not a bad…looking; 

strapping wench; seems chaste; is industrious; has an 

excellent taste in hymns … you should have heard her read one 

aloud the other day; she marked the rhythm with so much 

gloating; dissenter sentiment。  What is wrong; then? says 

you。  Low in your ear … and don't let the papers get hold of 

it … she is of no family。  None; they say; literally a common 

woman。  Of course; we have out…islanders; who MAY be 

villeins; but we give them the benefit of the doubt; which is 

impossible with Helen of Vailima; our blot; our pitted speck。  

The pitted speck I have said is our precentor。  It is always 

a woman who starts Samoan song; the men who sing second do 

not enter for a bar or two。  Poor; dear Faauma; the unchaste; 

the extruded Eve of our Paradise; knew only two hymns; but 

Helen seems to know the whole repertory; and the morning 

prayers go far more lively in consequence。 … Lafaele; provost 

of the cattle。  The cattle are Jack; my horse; quite 

converted; my wife rides him now; and he is as steady as a 

doctor's cob; Tifaga Jack; a circus horse; my mother's 

piebald; bought from a passing circus; Belle's mare; now in 

childbed or next door; confound the slut!  Musu … amusingly 

translated the other day 'don't want to;' literally cross; 

but always in the sense of stubbornness and resistance … my 

wife's little dark…brown mare; with a white star on her 

forehead; whom I have been riding of late to steady her … she 

has no vices; but is unused; skittish and uneasy; and wants a 

lot of attention and humouring; lastly (of saddle horses) 

Luna … not the Latin MOON; the Hawaiian OVERSEER; but it's 

pronounced the same … a pretty little mare too; but scarce at 

all broken; a bad bucker; and has to be ridden with a stock…

whip and be brought back with her rump criss…crossed like a 

clan tartan; the two cart horses; now only used with pack…

saddles; two cows; one in the straw (I trust) to…morrow; a 

third cow; the Jersey … whose milk and temper are alike 

subjects of admiration … she gives good exercise to the 

farming saunterer; and refreshes him on his return with 

cream; two calves; a bull; and a cow; God knows how many 

ducks and chickens; and for a wager not even God knows how 

many cats; twelve horses; seven horses; five kine: is not 

this Babylon the Great which I have builded?  Call it 


Two nights ago the club had its first meeting; only twelve 

were present; but it went very well。  I was not there; I had 

ridden down the night before after dinner on my endless 

business; took a cup of tea in the Mission like an ass; then 

took a cup of coffee like a fool at Haggard's; then fell into 

a discussion with the American Consul 。 。 。 I went to bed at 

Haggard's; came suddenly broad awake; and lay sleepless the 

live night。  It fell chill; I had only a sheet; and had to 

make a light and range the house for a cover … I found one in 

the hall; a macintosh。  So back to my sleepless bed; and to 

lie there till dawn。  In the morning I had a longish ride to 

take in a day of a blinding; staggering sun; and got home by 

eleven; our luncheon hour; with my head rather swimmy; the 

only time I have FEARED the sun since I was in Samoa。  

However; I got no harm; but did not go to the club; lay off; 

lazied; played the pipe; and read … a novel by James Payn … 

sometimes quite interesting; and in one place really very 

funny with the quaint humour of the man。  Much interested the 

other day。  As I rode past a house; I saw where a Samoan had 

written a word on a board; and there was an A; perfectly 

formed; but upside down。  You never saw such a thing in 

Europe; but it is as common as dirt in Polynesia。  Men's 

names are tattooed on the forearm; it is common to find a 

subverted letter tattooed there。  Here is a tempting problem 

for psychologists。

I am now on terms again with the German Consulate; I know not 

for how long; not; of course; with the President; which I 

find a relief; still; with the Chief Justice and the English 

Consul。  For Haggard; I have a genuine affection; he is a 

loveable man。

Wearyful man!  'Here is the yarn of Loudon Dodd; NOT AS HE 


left out by some carelessness; and I think I have been thrice 

tackled about them。  Grave them in your mind and wear them on 

your forehead。

The Lang story will have very little about the treasure; THE 

MASTER will appear; and it is to a great extent a tale of 

Prince Charlie AFTER the '45; and a love story forbye: the 

hero is a melancholy exile; and marries a young woman who 

interests the prince; and there is the devil to pay。  I think 

the Master kills him in a duel; but don't know yet; not 

having yet seen my second heroine。  No … the Master doesn't 

kill him; they fight; he is wounded; and the Master plays 

DEUS EX MACHINA。  I THINK just now of calling it THE TAIL OF 

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