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vailima letters-第26章

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we rode fast; did a mighty satisfactory afternoon's work at 

the plantation house; and still faster back。  On the return 

Jack fell with me; but got up again; when I felt him 

recovering I gave him his head; and he shoved his foot 

through the rein; I got him by the bit however; and all was 

well; he had mud over all his face; but his knees were not 

broken。  We were scarce home when the rain began again; that 

was luck。  It is pouring now in torrents; we are in the 

height of the bad season。  Lloyd leaves along with this 

letter on a change to San Francisco; he had much need of it; 

but I think this will brace him up。  I am; as you see; a 

tower of strength。  I can remember riding not so far and not 

near so fast when I first came to Samoa; and being shattered 

next day with fatigue; now I could not tell I have done 

anything; have re…handled my battle of Fangalii according to 

yesterday's information … four pages rewritten; and written 

already some half…dozen pages of letters。

I observe with disgust that while of yore; when I own I was 

guilty; you never spared me abuse; but now; when I am so 

virtuous; where is the praise?  Do admit that I have become 

an excellent letter…writer … at least to you; and that your 

ingratitude is imbecile。 … Yours ever;

R。 L。 S。


JAN 31ST; '92。

MY DEAR COLVIN; … No letter at all from you; and this scratch 

from me!  Here is a year that opens ill。  Lloyd is off to 

'the coast' sick … THE COAST means California over most of 

the Pacific … I have been down all month with influenza; and 

am just recovering … I am overlaid with proofs; which I am 

just about half fit to attend to。  One of my horses died this 

morning; and another is now dying on the front lawn … Lloyd's 

horse and Fanny's。  Such is my quarrel with destiny。  But I 

am mending famously; come and go on the balcony; have 

perfectly good nights; and though I still cough; have no 

oppression and no hemorrhage and no fever。  So if I can find 

time and courage to add no more; you will know my news is not 

altogether of the worst; a year or two ago; and what a state 

I should have been in now!  Your silence; I own; rather 

alarms me。  But I tell myself you have just miscarried; had 

you been too ill to write; some one would have written me。  

Understand; I send this brief scratch not because I am unfit 

to write more; but because I have 58 galleys of the WRECKER 

and 102 of the BEACH OF FALESA to get overhauled somehow or 

other in time for the mail; and for three weeks I have not 

touched a pen with my finger。


The second horse is still alive; but I still think dying。  

The first was buried this morning。  My proofs are done; it 

was a rough two days of it; but done。  CONSUMMATUM EST; NA 

UMA。  I believe the WRECKER ends well; if I know what a good 

yarn is; the last four chapters make a good yarn … but pretty 

horrible。  THE BEACH OF FALESA I still think well of; but it 

seems it's immoral and there's a to…do; and financially it 

may prove a heavy disappointment。  The plaintive request sent 

to me; to make the young folks married properly before 'that 

night;' I refused; you will see what would be left of the 

yarn; had I consented。  This is a poison bad world for the 

romancer; this Anglo…Saxon world; I usually get out of it by 

not having any women in it at all; but when I remember I had 

the TREASURE OF FRANCHARD refused as unfit for a family 

magazine; I feel despair weigh upon my wrists。

As I know you are always interested in novels; I must tell 

you that a new one is now entirely planned。  It is to be 

called SOPHIA SCARLET; and is in two parts。  Part I。 The 

Vanilla Planter。  Part II。 The Overseers。  No chapters; I 

think; just two dense blocks of narrative; the first of which 

is purely sentimental; but the second has some rows and 

quarrels; and winds up with an explosion; if you please!  I 

am just burning to get at Sophia; but I MUST do this Samoan 

journalism … that's a cursed duty。  The first part of Sophia; 

bar the first twenty or thirty pages; writes itself; the 

second is more difficult; involving a good many characters … 

about ten; I think … who have to be kept all moving; and give 

the effect of a society。  I have three women to handle; out 

and well…away! but only Sophia is in full tone。  Sophia and 

two men; Windermere; the Vanilla Planter; who dies at the end 

of Part I。; and Rainsforth; who only appears in the beginning 

of Part II。  The fact is; I blush to own it; but Sophia is a 

REGULAR NOVEL; heroine and hero; and false accusation; and 

love; and marriage; and all the rest of it … all planted in a 

big South Sea plantation run by ex…English officers … A LA 

Stewart's plantation in Tahiti。  There is a strong 

undercurrent of labour trade; which gives it a kind of Uncle 

Tom flavour; ABSIT OMEN!  The first start is hard; it is hard 

to avoid a little tedium here; but I think by beginning with 

the arrival of the three Miss Scarlets hot from school and 

society in England; I may manage to slide in the information。  

The problem is exactly a Balzac one; and I wish I had his 

fist … for I have already a better method … the kinetic; 

whereas he continually allowed himself to be led into the 

static。  But then he had the fist; and the most I can hope is 

to get out of it with a modicum of grace and energy; but for 

sure without the strong impression; the full; dark brush。  

Three people have had it; the real creator's brush: Scott; 


(especially all round the trial; before; during; and after) … 

Balzac … and Thackeray in VANITY FAIR。  Everybody else either 

paints THIN; or has to stop to paint; or paints excitedly; so 

that you see the author skipping before his canvas。  Here is 

a long way from poor Sophia Scarlet!

This day is published





FEB。 1892。

MY DEAR COLVIN; … This has been a busyish month for a sick 

man。  First; Faauma … the bronze candlestick; whom otherwise 

I called my butler … bolted from the bed and bosom of 

Lafaele; the Archangel Hercules; prefect of the cattle。  

There was the deuce to pay; and Hercules was inconsolable; 

and immediately started out after a new wife; and has had one 

up on a visit; but says she has 'no conversation'; and I 

think he will take back the erring and possibly repentant 

candlestick; whom we all devoutly prefer; as she is not only 

highly decorative; but good…natured; and if she does little 

work makes no rows。  I tell this lightly; but it really was a 

heavy business; many were accused of complicity; and Rafael 

was really very sorry。  I had to hold beds of justice … 

literally … seated in my bed and surrounded by lying Samoans 

seated on the floor; and there were many picturesque and 

still inexpl
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