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vailima letters-第18章

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How if he should put dynamite under the gaol; and in case of 

an attempted rescue blow up prison and all?  He went to the 

President; who agreed; he went to the American man…of…war for 

the dynamite and machine; was refused; and got it at last 

from the Wreckers。  The thing began to leak out; and there 

arose a muttering in town。  People had no fancy for amateur 

explosions; for one thing。  For another; it did not clearly 

appear that it was legal; the men had been condemned to six 

months' prison; which they were peaceably undergoing; they 

had not been condemned to death。  And lastly; it seemed a 

somewhat advanced example of civilisation to set before 

barbarians。  The mutter in short became a storm; and 

yesterday; while I was down; a cutter was chartered; and the 

prisoners were suddenly banished to the Tokelaus。  Who has 

changed the sentence?  We are going to stir in the dynamite 

matter; we do not want the natives to fancy us consenting to 

such an outrage。

Fanny has returned from her trip; and on the whole looks 

better。  The HIGH WOODS are under way; and their name is now 

the BEACH OF FALESA; and the yarn is cured。  I have about 

thirty pages of it done; it will be fifty to seventy I 

suppose。  No supernatural trick at all; and escaped out of it 

quite easily; can't think why I was so stupid for so long。  

Mighty glad to have Fanny back to this 'Hell of the South 

Seas;' as the German Captain called it。  What will 

Cedarcrantz think when he comes back?  To do him justice; had 

he been here; this Manono hash would not have been。

Here is a pretty thing。  When Fanny was in Fiji all the Samoa 

and Tokelau folks were agog about our 'flash' house; but the 

whites had never heard of it。




SEPT。 28。

MY DEAR COLVIN;  … Since I last laid down my pen; I have 

written and rewritten THE BEACH OF FALESA; something like 

sixty thousand words of sterling domestic fiction (the story; 

you will understand; is only half that length); and now I 

don't want to write any more again for ever; or feel so; and 

I've got to overhaul it once again to my sorrow。  I was all 

yesterday revising; and found a lot of slacknesses and (what 

is worse in this kind of thing) some literaryisms。  One of 

the puzzles is this: It is a first person story … a trader 

telling his own adventure in an island。  When I began I 

allowed myself a few liberties; because I was afraid of the 

end; now the end proved quite easy; and could be done in the 

pace; so the beginning remains about a quarter tone out (in 

places); but I have rather decided to let it stay so。  The 

problem is always delicate; it is the only thing that worries 

me in first person tales; which otherwise (quo' Alan) 'set 

better wi' my genius。'  There is a vast deal of fact in the 

story; and some pretty good comedy。  It is the first 

realistic South Sea story; I mean with real South Sea 

character and details of life。  Everybody else who has tried; 

that I have seen; got carried away by the romance; and ended 

in a kind of sugar…candy sham epic; and the whole effect was 

lost … there was no etching; no human grin; consequently no 

conviction。  Now I have got the smell and look of the thing a 

good deal。  You will know more about the South Seas after you 

have read my little tale than if you had read a library。  As 

to whether any one else will read it; I have no guess。  I am 

in an off time; but there is just the possibility it might 

make a hit; for the yarn is good and melodramatic; and there 

is quite a love affair … for me; and Mr。 Wiltshire (the 

narrator) is a huge lark; though I say it。  But there is 

always the exotic question; and everything; the life; the 

place; the dialects … trader's talk; which is a strange 

conglomerate of literary expressions and English and American 

slang; and Beach de Mar; or native English; … the very trades 

and hopes and fears of the characters; are all novel; and may 

be found unwelcome to that great; hulking; bullering whale; 

the public。

Since I wrote; I have been likewise drawing up a document to 

send it to the President; it has been dreadfully delayed; not 

by me; but to…day they swear it will be sent in。  A list of 

questions about the dynamite report are herein laid before 

him; and considerations suggested why he should answer。


Ever since my last snatch I have been much chivied about over 

the President business; his answer has come; and is an 

evasion accompanied with schoolboy insolence; and we are 

going to try to answer it。  I drew my answer and took it down 

yesterday; but one of the signatories wants another paragraph 

added; which I have not yet been able to draw; and as to the 

wisdom of which I am not yet convinced。


We are all in rather a muddled state with our President 

affair。  I do loathe politics; but at the same time; I cannot 

stand by and have the natives blown in the air treacherously 

with dynamite。  They are still quiet; how long this may 

continue I do not know; though of course by mere prescription 

the Government is strengthened; and is probably insured till 

the next taxes fall due。  But the unpopularity of the whites 

is growing。  My native overseer; the great Henry Simele; 

announced to…day that he was 'weary of whites upon the beach。  

All too proud;' said this veracious witness。  One of the 

proud ones had threatened yesterday to cut off his head with 

a bush knife!  These are 'native outrages'; honour bright; 

and setting theft aside; in which the natives are active; 

this is the main stream of irritation。  The natives are 

generally courtly; far from always civil; but really gentle; 

and with a strong sense of honour of their own; and certainly 

quite as much civilised as our dynamiting President。

We shall be delighted to see Kipling。  I go to bed usually 

about half…past eight; and my lamp is out before ten; I 

breakfast at six。  We may say roughly we have no soda water 

on the island; and just now truthfully no whisky。  I HAVE 

heard the chimes at midnight; now no more; I guess。  BUT … 

Fanny and I; as soon as we can get coins for it; are coming 

to Europe; not to England: I am thinking of Royat。  Bar wars。  

If not; perhaps the Apennines might give us a mountain refuge 

for two months or three in summer。  How is that for high?  

But the money must be all in hand first。


How am I to describe my life these last few days?  I have 

been wholly swallowed up in politics; a wretched business; 

with fine elements of farce in it too; which repay a man in 

passing; involving many dark and many moonlight rides; secret 

counsels which are at once divulged; sealed letters which are 

read aloud in confidence to the neighbours; and a mass of 

fudge and fun
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