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vailima letters-第17章

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I have heard of an exquisite hotel in the country; airy; 

large rooms; good cookery; not dear; we shall have a couple 

of months there; if we can make it out; and converse or … as 

my grandfather always said … 'commune。'  'Communings with Mr。 

Kennedy as to Lighthouse Repairs。'  He was a fine old fellow; 

but a droll。


Lloyd has returned。  Peace and war were played before his 

eyes at heads or tails。  A German was stopped with levelled 

guns; he raised his whip; had it fallen; we might have been 

now in war。  Excuses were made by Mataafa himself。  Doubtless 

the thing was done … I mean the stopping of the German … a 

little to show off before Lloyd。  Meanwhile … was up here; 

telling how the Chief Justice was really gone for five or 

eight weeks; and begging me to write to the TIMES and 

denounce the state of affairs; many strong reasons he 

advanced; and Lloyd and I have been since his arrival and …'s 

departure; near half an hour; debating what should be done。  

Cedarcrantz is gone; it is not my fault; he knows my views on 

that point … alone of all points; … he leaves me with my 

mouth sealed。  Yet this is a nice thing that because he is 

guilty of a fresh offence … his flight … the mouth of the 

only possible influential witness should be closed?  I do not 

like this argument。  I look like a cad; if I do in the man's 

absence what I could have done in a more manly manner in his 

presence。  True; but why did he go?  It is his last sin。  And 

I; who like the man extremely … that is the word … I love his 

society … he is intelligent; pleasant; even witty; a 

gentleman … and you know how that attaches … I loathe to seem 

to play a base part; but the poor natives … who are like 

other folk; false enough; lazy enough; not heroes; not saints 

… ordinary men damnably misused … are they to suffer because 

I like Cedarcrantz; and Cedarcrantz has cut his lucky?  This 

is a little tragedy; observe well … a tragedy!  I may be 

right; I may be wrong in my judgment; but I am in treaty with 

my honour。  I know not how it will seem to…morrow。  Lloyd 

thought the barrier of honour insurmountable; and it is an 

ugly obstacle。  He (Cedarcrantz) will likely meet my wife 

three days from now; may travel back with her; will be 

charming if he does; suppose this; and suppose him to arrive 

and find that I have sprung a mine … or the nearest approach 

to it I could find … behind his back?  My position is pretty。  

Yes; I am an aristocrat。  I have the old petty; personal view 

of honour?  I should blush till I die if I do this; yet it is 

on the cards that I may do it。  So much I have written you in 

bed; as a man writes; or talks; in a BITTRE WAHL。  Now I 

shall sleep; and see if I am more clear。  I will consult the 

missionaries at least … I place some reliance in M。 also … or 

I should if he were not a partisan; but a partisan he is。  

There's the pity。  To sleep!  A fund of wisdom in the 

prostrate body and the fed brain。  Kindly observe R。 L。 S。 in 

the talons of politics!  'Tis funny … 'tis sad。  Nobody but 

these cursed idiots could have so driven me; I cannot bear 


My dear Colvin; I must go to sleep; it is long past ten … a 

dreadful hour for me。  And here am I lingering (so I feel) in 

the dining…room at the Monument; talking to you across the 

table; both on our feet; and only the two stairs to mount; 

and get to bed; and sleep; and be waked by dear old George … 

to whom I wish my kindest remembrances … next morning。  I 

look round; and there is my blue room; and my long lines of 

shelves; and the door gaping on a moonless night; and no word 

of S。 C。 but his twa portraits on the wall。  Good…bye; my 

dear fellow; and goodnight。  Queer place the world!


No clearness of mind with the morning; I have no guess what I 

should do。  'Tis easy to say that the public duty should 

brush aside these little considerations of personal dignity; 

so it is that politicians begin; and in a month you find them 

rat and flatter and intrigue with brows of brass。  I am 

rather of the old view; that a man's first duty is to these 

little laws; the big he does not; he never will; understand; 

I may be wrong about the Chief Justice and the Baron and the 

state of Samoa; I cannot be wrong about the vile attitude I 

put myself in if I blow the gaff on Cedarcrantz behind his 



One more word about the South Seas; in answer to a question I 

observe I have forgotten to answer。  The Tahiti part has 

never turned up; because it has never been written。  As for 

telling you where I went or when; or anything about Honolulu; 

I would rather die; that is fair and plain。  How can anybody 

care when or how I left Honolulu?  A man of upwards of forty 

cannot waste his time in communicating matter of that 

indifference。  The letters; it appears; are tedious; they 

would be more tedious still if I wasted my time upon such 

infantile and sucking…bottle details。  If ever I put in any 

such detail; it is because it leads into something or serves 

as a transition。  To tell it for its own sake; never!  The 

mistake is all through that I have told too much; I had not 

sufficient confidence in the reader; and have overfed him; 

and here are you anxious to learn how I … O Colvin!  Suppose 

it had made a book; all such information is given to one 

glance of an eye by a map with a little dotted line upon it。  

But let us forget this unfortunate affair。


Yesterday I went down to consult Clarke; who took the view of 

delay。  Has he changed his mind already?  I wonder: here at 

least is the news。  Some little while back some men of Manono 

… what is Manono? … a Samoan rotten borough; a small isle of 

huge political importance; heaven knows why; where a handful 

of chiefs make half the trouble in the country。  Some men of 

Manono (which is strong Mataafa) burned down the houses and 

destroyed the crops of some Malietoa neighbours。  The 

President went there the other day and landed alone on the 

island; which (to give him his due) was plucky。  Moreover; he 

succeeded in persuading the folks to come up and be judged on 

a particular day in Apia。  That day they did not come; but 

did come the next; and; to their vast surprise; were given 

six months' imprisonment and clapped in gaol。  Those who had 

accompanied them cried to them on the streets as they were 

marched to prison; 'Shall we rescue you?'  The condemned; 

marching in the hands of thirty men with loaded rifles; cried 

out 'No'!  And the trick was done。  But it was ardently 

believed a rescue would be attempted; the gaol was laid about 

with armed men day and night; but there was some question of 

their loyalty; and the commandant of the forces; a very nice 

young beardless Swede; became nervous; and conceived a plan。  

How if he should put dynamite under the gaol; and in case o
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