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vailima letters-第13章

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main characters: old Nettison; and the captain of the man of 

war; the secondary。  Possible scenario。  Chapter I。。。。



MY DEAR COLVIN; … I got back on Monday night; after twenty…

three hours in an open boat; the keys were lost; the Consul 

(who had promised us a bottle of Burgundy) nobly broke open 

his store…room; and we got to bed about midnight。  Next 

morning the blessed Consul promised us horses for the 

daybreak; forgot all about it; worthy man; set us off at last 

in the heat of the day; and by a short cut which caused 

infinite trouble; and we were not home till dinner。  I was 

extenuated; and have had a high fever since; or should have 

been writing before。  To…day for the first time; I risk it。  

Tuesday I was pretty bad; Wednesday had a fever to kill a 

horse; Thursday I was better; but still out of ability to do 

aught but read awful trash。  This is the time one misses 

civilisation; I wished to send out for some police novels; 

Montepin would have about suited my frozen brain。  It is a 

bother when all one's thought turns on one's work in some 

sense or other; could not even think yesterday; I took to 

inventing dishes by way of entertainment。  Yesterday; while I 

lay asleep in the afternoon; a very lucky thing happened; the 

Chief Justice came to call; met one of our employes on the 

road; and was shown what I had done to the road。

'Is this the road across the island?' he asked。

'The only one;' said Innes。

'And has one man done all this?'

'Three times;' said the trusty Innes。  'It has had to be made 

three times; and when Mr。 Stevenson came; it was a track like 

what you see beyond。'

'This must be put right;' said the Chief Justice。


The truth is; I broke down yesterday almost as soon as I 

began; and have been surreptitiously finishing the entry to…

day。  For all that I was much better; ate all the time; and 

had no fever。  The day was otherwise uneventful。  I am 

reminded; I had another visitor on Friday; and Fanny and 

Lloyd; as they returned from a forest raid; met in our 

desert; untrodden road; first Father Didier; Keeper of the 

conscience of Mataafa; the rising star; and next the Chief 

justice; sole stay of Laupepa; the present and unsteady star; 

and remember; a few days before we were close to the sick bed 

and entertained by the amateur physician of Tamasese; the 

late and sunken star。  'That is the fun of this place;' 

observed Lloyd; 'everybody you meet is so important。'  

Everybody is also so gloomy。  It will come to war again; is 

the opinion of all the well informed … and before that to 

many bankruptcies; and after that; as usual; to famine。  

Here; under the microscope; we can see history at work。


I have been very neglectful。  A return to work; perhaps 

premature; but necessary; has used up all my possible 

energies and made me acquainted with the living headache。  I 

just jot down some of the past notabilia。  Yesterday B。; a 

carpenter; and K。; my (unsuccessful) white man; were absent 

all morning from their work; I was working myself; where I 

hear every sound with morbid certainty; and I can testify 

that not a hammer fell。  Upon inquiry I found they had passed 

the morning making ice with our ice machine and taking the 

horizon with a spirit level!  I had no sooner heard this than 

… a violent headache set in; I am a real employer of labour 

now; and have much of the ship captain when aroused; and if I 

had a headache; I believe both these gentlemen had aching 

hearts。  I promise you; the late … was to the front; and K。; 

who was the most guilty; yet (in a sense) the least 

blameable; having the brains and character of a canary…bird; 

fared none the better for B。's repartees。  I hear them hard 

at work this morning; so the menace may be blessed。  It was 

just after my dinner; just before theirs; that I administered 

my redoubtable tongue … it is really redoubtable … to these 

skulkers (Paul used to triumph over Mr。 J。 for weeks。  'I am 

very sorry for you;' he would say; 'you're going to have a 

talk with Mr。 Stevenson when he comes home: you don't know 

what that is!')  In fact; none of them do; till they get it。  

I have known K。; for instance; for months; he has never heard 

me complain; or take notice; unless it were to praise; I have 

used him always as my guest; and there seems to be something 

in my appearance which suggests endless; ovine long…

suffering!  We sat in the upper verandah all evening; and 

discussed the price of iron roofing; and the state of the 

draught…horses; with Innes; a new man we have taken; and who 

seems to promise well。

One thing embarrasses me。  No one ever seems to understand my 

attitude about that book; the stuff sent was never meant for 

other than a first state; I never meant it to appear as a 

book。  Knowing well that I have never had one hour of 

inspiration since it was begun; and have only beaten out my 

metal by brute force and patient repetition; I hoped some day 

to get a 'spate of style' and burnish it … fine mixed 

metaphor。  I am now so sick that I intend; when the Letters 

are done and some more written that will be wanted; simply to 

make a book of it by the pruning…knife。

I cannot fight longer; I am sensible of having done worse 

than I hoped; worse than I feared; all I can do now is to do 

the best I can for the future; and clear the book; like a 

piece of bush; with axe and cutlass。  Even to produce the MS。 

of this will occupy me; at the most favourable opinion; till 

the middle of next year; really five years were wanting; when 

I could have made a book; but I have a family; and … perhaps 

I could not make the book after all。


APRIL 29TH; '91。

MY DEAR COLVIN;  … I begin again。  I was awake this morning 

about half…past four。  It was still night; but I made my 

fire; which is always a delightful employment; and read 

Lockhart's 'Scott' until the day began to peep。  It was a 

beautiful and sober dawn; a dove…coloured dawn; insensibly 

brightening to gold。  I was looking at it some while over the 

down…hill profile of our eastern road; when I chanced to 

glance northward; and saw with extraordinary pleasure the sea 

lying outspread。  It seemed as smooth as glass; and yet I 

knew the surf was roaring all along the reef; and indeed; if 

I had listened; I could have heard it … and saw the white 

sweep of it outside Matautu。

I am out of condition still; and can do nothing; and toil to 

be at my pen; and see some ink behind me。  I have taken up 

again THE HIGH WOODS OF ULUFANUA。  I still think the fable 

too fantastic and far…fetched。  But; on a re…reading; fell in 

love with my first chapter; and for good or evil I must 

finish it。  It is really good; well fed with facts; true to 

the manners; and (
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