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vailima letters-第10章

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dream。  Listen; I quote from Pratt … this is good Samoan; not 

canine …

O le afa;

1    2     3

ua taalili ai


le ulu vao;


ua pa mai

le faititili。

1 almost WA; 2 the two A'S just distinguished; 3 the AI is 

practically suffixed to the verb; 4 almost VOW。  The 

excursion has prolonged itself。

I started by the LUBECK to meet Lloyd and my mother; there 

were many reasons for and against; the main reason against 

was the leaving of Fanny alone in her blessed cabin; which 

has been somewhat remedied by my carter; Mr。 …; putting up in 

the stable and messing with her; but perhaps desire of change 

decided me not well; though I do think I ought to see an 

oculist; being very blind indeed; and sometimes unable to 

read。  Anyway I left; the only cabin passenger; four and a 

kid in the second cabin; and a dear voyage it had like to 

have proved。  Close to Fiji (choose a worse place on the map) 

we broke our shaft early one morning; and when or where we 

might expect to fetch land or meet with any ship; I would 

like you to tell me。  The Pacific is absolutely desert。  I 

have sailed there now some years; and scarce ever seen a ship 

except in port or close by; I think twice。  It was the 

hurricane season besides; and hurricane waters。  Well; our 

chief engineer got the shaft … it was the middle crank shaft 

… mended; thrice it was mended; and twice broke down; but now 

keeps up … only we dare not stop; for it is almost impossible 

to start again。  The captain in the meanwhile crowded her 

with sail; fifteen sails in all; every stay being gratified 

with a stay…sail; a boat…boom sent aloft for a maintop…

gallant yard; and the derrick of a crane brought in service 

as bowsprit。  All the time we have had a fine; fair wind and 

a smooth sea; to…day at noon our run was 203 miles (if you 

please!); and we are within some 360 miles of Sydney。  

Probably there has never been a more gallant success; and I 

can say honestly it was well worked for。  No flurry; no high 

words; no long faces; only hard work and honest thought; a 

pleasant; manly business to be present at。  All the chances 

were we might have been six weeks … ay; or three months at 

sea … or never turned up at all; and now it looks as though 

we should reach our destination some five days too late。



MY DEAR COLVIN; … The JANET NICOLL stuff was rather worse 

than I had looked for; you have picked out all that is fit to 

stand; bar two others (which I don't dislike) … the Port of 

Entry and the House of Temoana; that is for a present 

opinion; I may condemn these also ere I have done。  By this 

time you should have another Marquesan letter; the worst of 

the lot; I think; and seven Paumotu letters; which are not 

far out of the vein; as I wish it; I am in hopes the Hawaiian 

stuff is better yet: time will show; and time will make 

perfect。  Is something of this sort practicable for the 







'Tis a first shot concocted this morning in my berth: I had 

always before been trying it in English; which insisted on 

being either insignificant or fulsome: I cannot think of a 

better word than COMES; there being not the shadow of a Latin 

book on board; yet sure there is some other。  Then VIATOR 

(though it SOUNDS all right) is doubtful; it has too much; 

perhaps; the sense of wayfarer?  Last; will it mark 

sufficiently that I mean my wife?  And first; how about 

blunders?  I scarce wish it longer。

Have had a swingeing sharp attack in Sydney; beating the 

fields for two nights; Saturday and Sunday。  Wednesday was 

brought on board; TEL QUEL; a wonderful wreck; and now; 

Wednesday week; am a good deal picked up; but yet not quite a 

Samson; being still groggy afoot and vague in the head。  My 

chess; for instance; which is usually a pretty strong game; 

and defies all rivalry aboard; is vacillating; devoid of 

resource and observation; and hitherto not covered with 

customary laurels。  As for work; it is impossible。  We shall 

be in the saddle before long; no doubt; and the pen once more 

couched。  You must not expect a letter under these 

circumstances; but be very thankful for a note。  Once at 

Samoa; I shall try to resume my late excellent habits; and 

delight you with journals; you unaccustomed; I unaccustomed; 

but it is never too late to mend。

It is vastly annoying that I cannot go even to Sydney without 

an attack; and heaven knows my life was anodyne。  I only once 

dined with anybody; at the club with Wise; worked all morning 

… a terrible dead pull; a month only produced the imperfect 

embryos of two chapters; lunched in the boarding…house; 

played on my pipe; went out and did some of my messages; 

dined at a French restaurant; and returned to play draughts; 

whist; or Van John with my family。  This makes a cheery life 

after Samoa; but it isn't what you call burning the candle at 

both ends; is it?  (It appears to me not one word of this 

letter will be legible by the time I am done with it; this 

dreadful ink rubs off。)  I have a strange kind of novel under 

construction; it begins about 1660 and ends 1830; or perhaps 

I may continue it to 1875 or so; with another life。  One; 

two; three; four; five; six generations; perhaps seven; 

figure therein; two of my old stories; 'Delafield' and 

'Shovel;' are incorporated; it is to be told in the third 

person; with some of the brevity of history; some of the 

detail of romance。  THE SHOVELS OF NEWTON FRENCH will be the 

name。  The idea is an old one; it was brought to birth by an 

accident; a friend in the islands who picked up F。 Jenkin; 

read a part; and said: 'Do you know; that's a strange book?  

I like it; I don't believe the public will; but I like it。'  

He thought it was a novel!  'Very well;' said I; 'we'll see 

whether the public will like it or not; they shall have the 


Yours ever;

R。 L。 S。



MY DEAR S。 C。; … You probably expect that now I am back at 

Vailima I shall resume the practice of the diary letter。  A 

good deal is changed。  We are more; solitude does not attend 

me as before; the night is passed playing Van John for 

shells; and; what is not less important; I have just 

recovered from a severe illness; and am easily tired。

I will give you to…day。  I sleep now in one of the lower 

rooms of the new house; where my wife has recently joined me。  

We have two beds; an empty case for a table; a chair; a tin 

basin; a bucket and a jug; next door in the dining…room; the 

carpenters camp on the floor; which is covered with their 

mosquito nets。  Before the sun rises; at 5。45 or 5。50; Paul 

brings me tea; bread; and a couple of 
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