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divine will is set on stopping this cruel war and is showering on us

the most striking benefits。

  TRYCAEUS (returning)

    Here is the basket of barley…seed mingled with salt; the chaplet

and the sacred knife; and there is the fire; so we are only waiting

for the sheep。

  CHORUS (singing)

    Hasten; hasten; for; if Chaeris sees you; he will come without

bidding; he and his flute; and when you see him puffing and panting

and out of breath; you will have to give him something。

  TRYGAEUS (to the SERVANT who has returned with a sheep and a vase

             of water)

    Come; seize the basket and take the lustral water and hurry to

circle round the altar to the right。


    There! that's done。 What is your next bidding?


    Wait。 I take this fire…brand first and plunge it into the water。

Now quick; quick; you sprinkle the altar。 Give me some barley…seed;

purify yourself and hand me the basin; then scatter the rest of the

barley among the audience。




    You have thrown it?


    Yes; by Hermes! and all the spectators have had their share。


    At least the women got none。


    Oh! their husbands will give them some this evening。


    Let us pray! Who is here? Are there any good men?


    Come; give me the water; so that I may sprinkle these people。

Faith! they are indeed good; brave men。

                               (He throws the lustral water on hem。)


    You believe so?


    I am sure; and the proof of it is that we have flooded them with

lustral water and they have not budged an inch。


    Let us pray; then; as soon as we can。


    Yes; let us pray。


    Oh! Peace; mighty queen; venerated goddess; thou; who presidest

over choruses and at nuptials; deign to accept the sacrifices we offer



    Receive it; greatly honoured mistress; and behave not like the

courtesans; who half open the door to entice the gallants; draw back

when they are stared at; to return once more if a man passes on。 But

do not thou act like this to us。


    No; but like an honest woman; show thyself to thy worshippers; who

are worn with regretting thee all these thirteen years。 Hush the noise

of battle; be a true Lysimacha to us。 Put an end to this

tittle…tattle; to this idle babble; that set us defying one another。

Cause the Greeks once more to taste the pleasant beverage of

friendship and temper all hearts with the gentle feeling of

forgiveness。 Make excellent commodities flow to our markets; fine

heads of garlic; early cucumbers; apples; pomegranates and nice little

cloaks for the slaves; make them bring geese; ducks; pigeons and larks

from Boeotia and baskets of eels from Lake Copais; we shall all rush

to buy them; disputing their possession with Morychus; Teleas;

Glaucetes and every other glutton。 Melanthius will arrive on the

market last of all; they'll say; 〃no more eels; all sold!〃 and then

he'll start groaning and exclaiming as in his monologue of Medea; 〃I

am dying; I am dying! Alas! I have let those hidden in the beet escape

me!〃 And won't we laugh? These are the wishes; mighty goddess; which

we pray thee to grant。 (To the SERVANT) Take the knife and slaughter

the sheep like a finished cook。


    No; the goddess does not wish it。


    And why not?


    Blood cannot please Peace; so let us spill none upon her altar。


    Then go and sacrifice the sheep in the house; cut off the legs and

bring them here; thus the carcase will be saved for the Choregus。

                    (The SERVANT goes into the house with the sheep。)

  CHORUS (singing)

    You; who remain here; get chopped wood and everything needed for

the sacrifice ready。


    Don't I look like a diviner preparing his mystic fire?

  CHORUS (singing)

    Undoubtedly。 Will anything that a wise man ought to know escape

you? Don't you know all that a man should know; who is distinguished

for his wisdom and inventive daring?


    There! the wood catches。 Its smoke blinds poor Stilbides。 I am now

going to bring the table and thus be my own slave。

                                            (He goes into the house。)

  CHORUS (singing)

    You have braved a thousand dangers to save your sacred town。 All

honour to you I your glory will be ever envied。

  TRYGAEUS (returning with a table)

    Wait。 Here are the legs; place them upon the altar。 For myself;

I mean to go back to the entrails and the cakes。

                                  (He is about to go into the house。)

  SERVANT (going in ahead of him)

    I'll take care of them。


    But I want you here。

  SERVANT (returning)

    Well then; here I am。 Do you think I have taken long?


    Just get this roasted。 Ab who is this man; crowned with laurel;

who is coming to me?


    He has a self…important look; is he some diviner?


    No; it's Hierocles; that oracle…monger from Oreus。


    What is he going to tell us?


    Evidently he is coming to oppose the peace。


    No; it's the odour of the fat that attracts him。


    Let us appear not to see him。


    Very well。

  HIEROCLES (approaching)

    What sacrifice is this? to what god are you offering it?


    Keep quiet。…(Aloud) Look after the roasting and keep your hands of

the meat。


    To whom are you sacrificing? Answer me。


    Ah! the tail is showing favourable omens。


    Aye; very favourable; oh; loved and mighty Peace!


    Come; cut off the first offering and make the oblation。


    It's not roasted enough。


    Yea; truly; it's done to a turn。


    Mind your own business; friend! (To the SERVANT) Cut away。


    Where is the table?


    Bring the libations。

                                               (The SERVANT departs。)


    The tongue is cut separately。


    We know all that。 But just listen to one piece of advice。


    And that is?


    Don't talk; for it is divine Peace to whom we are sacrificing。

  HIEROCLES (in an oracular tone)

    Oh! wretched mortals; oh; you idiots!


    Keep such ugly terms for yourself。

  HIEROCLES (as before)

    What! you are so ignorant you don't understand the will of the

gods and you make a treaty; you; who are men; with apes; who are

full of malice?


    Ha; ha; ha!


    What are you laughing at?


    Ha; ha! your apes amuse me!

  HIEROCLES (resuming the oracular manner)

    You simple pigeons; you trust yourselves to foxes; who are a
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