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chronicles of the canongate-第45章

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In fact; so many accidents might arise to delay his journey; especially where there were many ferries; that it became his settled purpose; though he could not depart without bidding his mother adieu; that he neither could nor would abide longer than for that object; and that the first glimpse of next day's sun should see him many miles advanced towards Dunbarton。  He descended the path; therefore; and entering the cottage; he communicated; in a hasty and troubled voice; which indicated mental agitation; his determination to take his instant departure。  Somewhat to his surprise; Elspat appeared not to combat his purpose; but she urged him to take some refreshment ere he left her for ever。  He did so hastily; and in silence; thinking on the approaching separation; and scarce yet believing it would take place without a final struggle with his mother's fondness。  To his surprise; she filled the quaigh with liquor for his parting cup。

〃Go;〃 she said; 〃my son; since such is thy settled purpose; but first stand once more on thy mother's hearth; the flame on which will be extinguished long ere thy foot shall again be placed there。〃

〃To your health; mother!〃  said Hamish; 〃and may we meet again in happiness; in spite of your ominous words。〃

〃It were better not to part;〃 said his mother; watching him as he quaffed the liquor; of which he would have held it ominous to have left a drop。

〃And now;〃 she said; muttering the words to herself; 〃goif thou canst go。〃

〃Mother;〃 said Hamish; as he replaced on the table the empty quaigh; 〃thy drink is pleasant to the taste; but it takes away the strength which it ought to give。〃

〃Such is its first effect; my son;〃 replied Elspat。  〃But lie down upon that soft heather couch; shut your eyes but for a moment; and; in the sleep of an hour; you shall have more refreshment than in the ordinary repose of three whole nights; could they be blended into one。〃

〃Mother;〃 said Hamish; upon whose brain the potion was now taking rapid effect; 〃give me my bonnetI must kiss you and begoneyet it seems as if my feet were nailed to the floor。〃

〃Indeed;〃 said his mother; 〃you will be instantly well; if you will sit down for half an hourbut half an hour。  It is eight hours to dawn; and dawn were time enough for your father's son to begin such a journey。〃

〃I must obey you; motherI feel I must;〃 said Hamish inarticulately; 〃but call me when the moon rises。〃

He sat down on the bed; reclined back; and almost instantly was fast asleep。  With the throbbing glee of one who has brought to an end a difficult and troublesome enterprise; Elspat proceeded tenderly to arrange the plaid of the unconscious slumberer; to whom her extravagant affection was doomed to be so fatal; expressing; while busied in her office; her delight; in tones of mingled tenderness and triumph。  〃Yes;〃 she said; 〃calf of my heart; the moon shall arise and set to thee; and so shall the sun; but not to light thee from the land of thy fathers; or tempt thee to serve the foreign prince or the feudal enemy!  To no son of Dermid shall I be delivered; to be fed like a bondswoman; but he who is my pleasure and my pride shall be my guard and my protector。  They say the Highlands are changed; but I see Ben Cruachan rear his crest as high as ever into the evening sky; no one hath yet herded his kine on the depths of Loch Awe; and yonder oak does not yet bend like a willow。  The children of the mountains will be such as their fathers; until the mountains themselves shall be levelled with the strath。  In these wild forests; which used to support thousands of the brave; there is still surely subsistence and refuge left for one aged woman; and one gallant youth of the ancient race and the ancient manners。〃

While the misjudging mother thus exulted in the success of her stratagem; we may mention to the reader that it was founded on the acquaintance with drugs and simples which Elspat; accomplished in all things belonging to the wild life which she had led; possessed in an uncommon degree; and which she exercised for various purposes。  With the herbs; which she knew how to select as well as how to distil; she could relieve more diseases than a regular medical person could easily believe。  She applied some to dye the bright colours of the tartan; from others she compounded draughts of various powers; and unhappily possessed the secret of one which was strongly soporific。  Upon the effects of this last concoction; as the reader doubtless has anticipated; she reckoned with security on delaying Hamish beyond the period for which his return was appointed; and she trusted to his horror for the apprehended punishment to which he was thus rendered liable; to prevent him from returning at all。

Sound and deep; beyond natural rest; was the sleep of Hamish MacTavish on that eventful evening; but not such the repose of his mother。  Scarce did she close her eyes from time to time; but she awakened again with a start; in the terror that her son had arisen and departed; and it was only on approaching his couch; and hearing his deep…drawn and regular breathing; that she reassured herself of the security of the repose in which he was plunged。

Still; dawning; she feared; might awaken him; notwithstanding the unusual strength of the potion with which she had drugged his cup。  If there remained a hope of mortal man accomplishing the journey; she was aware that Hamish would attempt it; though he were to die from fatigue upon the road。  Animated by this new fear; she studied to exclude the light; by stopping all the crannies and crevices through which; rather than through any regular entrance; the morning beams might find access to her miserable dwelling; and this in order to detain amid its wants and wretchedness the being on whom; if the world itself had been at her disposal; she would have joyfully conferred it。

Her pains were bestowed unnecessarily。  The sun rose high above the heavens; and not the fleetest stag in Breadalbane; were the hounds at his heels; could have sped; to save his life; so fast as would have been necessary to keep Hamish's appointment。  Her purpose was fully attainedher son's return within the period assigned was impossible。  She deemed it equally impossible; that he would ever dream of returning; standing; as he must now do; in the danger of an infamous punishment。  By degrees; and at different times; she had gained from him a full acquaintance with the predicament in which he would be placed by failing to appear on the day appointed; and the very small hope he could entertain of being treated with lenity。

It is well known; that the great and wise Earl of Chatham prided himself on the scheme; by which he drew together for the defence of the colonies those hardy Highlanders; who; until his time; had been the objects of doubt; fear; and suspicion; on the part of each successive administration。  But some obstacles occurred; from the peculiar habits and temper of this people; to the execution of his patriotic project。  By nature and habit; every Highlander was accustomed to the use of arms; but at the same time totally unaccustomed to; and impatient of; the restraints imposed by discipline upon regular troops。  They were a species o
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