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m。 This is now whispered the neighbourhood all round us; it will soon be said aloud; and we have been so completely his dupes; we have helped him so much to acquire a reputation for uprightness; that it would now be impossible to destroy our own work; if I were to accuse him of theft; and you charged him with lying; probably neither of us would be believed。  Beware; these odious tales have not been spread without a reason。  Now that your eyes are open; beware of him。〃

〃Yes;〃 replied Madame Legrand; 〃my brother…in…law warned me three years ago。  One day Derues said to my sister…in…law;I remember the words。  perfectly;'I should like to be a druggist; because one would always be able to punish an enemy; and if one has a quarrel with anyone it would be easy to get rid of him by means of a poisoned draught。'  I neglected these warnings。  I surmounted the feeling of repugnance I first felt at the sight of him; I have responded to his advances; and I greatly fear I may have cause to repent it。  But you know him as well as I do; who would not have thought his piety sincere?who would not still think so?  And notwithstanding all you have said; I still hesitate to feel serious alarm; I am unwilling to believe in such utter depravity。〃

The conversation continued in this strain for some time; and then; as it was getting late; the party separated。

Next morning early; a large and noisy crowd was assembled in the rue Saint…Victor before Derues' shop of drugs and groceries。  There was a confusion of cross questions; of inquiries which obtained no answer; of answers not addressed to the inquiry; a medley of sound; a pell…mell of unconnected words; of affirmations; contradictions; and interrupted narrations。  Here; a group listened to an orator who held forth in his shirt sleeves; a little farther there were disputes; quarrels; exclamations of 〃Poor man!〃  〃Such a good fellow!〃  〃My poor gossip Derues!〃  〃Good heavens! what will he do now?〃  〃Alas! he is quite done for; it is to be hoped his creditors will give him time!  〃Above all this uproar was heard a voice; sharp and piercing like a cat's; lamenting; and relating with sobs the terrible misfortune of last night。  At about three in the morning the inhabitants of the rue St。 Victor had been startled out of their sleep by the cry of 〃Fire; fire!〃  A conflagration had burst forth in Derues' cellar; and though its progress had been arrested and the house saved from destruction; all the goods stored therein had perished。  It apparently meant a considerable loss in barrels of oil; casks of brandy; boxes of soap; etc。; which Derues estimated at not less than nine thousand livres。

By what unlucky chance the fire had been caused he had no idea。  He recounted his visit to Madame Legrand; and pale; trembling; hardly able to sustain himself; he cried

〃I shall die of grief!  A poor man as ill as I am!  I am lost!  I am ruined!〃

A harsh voice interrupted his lamentations; and drew the attention of the crowd to a woman carrying printed broadsides; and who forced a passage through the crowd up to the shop door。  She unfolded one of her sheets; and cried as loudly and distinctly as her husky voice permitted

〃Sentence pronounced by the Parliament of Paris against John Robert Cassel; accused and convicted of Fraudulent Bankruptcy!〃

Derues looked up and saw a street…hawker who used to come to his shop for a drink; and with whom he had had a violent quarrel about a month previously; she having detected him in a piece of knavery; and abused him roundly in her own style; which was not lacking in energy。  He had not seen her since。  The crowd generally; and all the gossips of the quarter; who held Derues in great veneration; thought that the woman's cry was intended as an indirect insult; and threatened to punish her for this irreverence。  But; placing one hand on her hip; and with the other warning off the most pressing by a significant gesture

〃Are you still befooled by his tricks; fools that you are?  Yes; no doubt there was a fire in the cellar last night; no doubt his creditors will be geese enough to let him off paying his debts!  But what you don't know is; that he didn't really lose by it at all!〃

〃He lost all his goods!〃 the crowd cried on all sides。  〃More than nine thousand livres!  Oil and brandy; do you think those won't burn? The old witch; she drinks enough to know!  If one put a candle near her she would take fire; fast enough!〃

〃Perhaps;〃 replied the woman; with renewed gesticulations; 〃perhaps; but I don't advise any of you to try。  Anyhow; this fellow here is a rogue; he has been emptying his cellar for the last three nights; there were only old empty casks in it and empty packing…cases!  Oh yes!  I have swallowed his daily lies like everybody else; but I know the truth by now。  He got his liquor taken away by Michael Lambourne's son; the cobbler in the rue de la Parcheminerie。  How do I know?  Why; because the young man came and told me!〃

〃I turned that woman out of my shop a month ago; for stealing;〃 said Derues。

Notwithstanding this retaliatory accusation; the woman's bold assertion might have changed the attitude of the crowd and chilled the enthusiasm; but at that moment a stout man pressed forward; and seizing the hawker by the arm; said

〃Go; and hold your tongue; backbiting woman!〃

To this man; the honour of Derues was an article of faith; he had not yet ceased to wonder at the probity of this sainted person; and to doubt it in the least was as good as suspecting his own。

〃My dear friend;〃 he said; 〃we all know what to think of you。  I know you well。  Send to me tomorrow; and you shall have what goods you want; on credit; for as long as is necessary。  Now; evil tongue; what do you say to that?〃

〃I say that you are as great a fool as the rest。  Adieu; friend Derues; go on as you have begun; and I shall be selling your 'sentence' some day〃; and dispersing the crowd with a few twirls of her right arm; she passed on; crying

〃Sentence pronounced by the Parliament of Paris against John Robert Cassel; accused and convicted of Fraudulent Bankruptcy!〃

This accusation emanated from too insignificant a quarter to have any effect on Derues' reputation。  However resentful he may have been at the time; he got over it in consequence of the reiterated marks of interest shown by his neighbours and all the quarter on account of his supposed ruin; and the hawker's attack passed out of his mind; or probably she might have paid for her boldness with her life。

But this drunken woman had none the less uttered a prophetic word; it was the grain of sand on which; later; he was to be shipwrecked。

〃All passions;〃 says La Bruyere;〃all passions are deceitful; they disguise themselves as much as possible from the public eye; they hide from themselves。  There is no vice which has not a counterfeit resemblance to some virtue; and which does not profit by it。〃

The whole life of Derues bears testimony to the truth of this observation。  An avaricious poisoner; he attracted his victims by the pretence of fervent and devoted piety; and drew them into the snare where he silently destroyed them。  His terrible celebrity only began in 1777; caused by the double murder 
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