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 real publicity to be obtained。  The romance which Derues had invented by way of defence; and which became known as well as Monsieur de Lamotte's accusation; obtained no credence whatever; on the contrary; all the reports to his discredit were eagerly adopted。  As yet; no crime could be traced; but the public presentiment divined an atrocious one。  Have we not often seen similar agitations?  The names of Bastide; of Castaing; of Papavoine; had hardly been pronounced before they completely absorbed all the public attention; and this had to be satisfied; light had to be thrown on the darkness: society demanded vengeance。

Derues felt some alarm in his dungeon; but his presence of mind and his dissimulation in no wise deserted him; and he swore afresh every day to the truth of his statements。  But his last false assertion turned against him: the bond for a hundred thousand livres which he professed to have given to Duclos was a counterfeit which Duclos had annulled by a sort of counter declaration made the same day。  Another circumstance; intended to ensure his safety; only redoubled suspicion。  On April 8th; notes payable to order to the amount of seventy…eight thousand livres; were received by Monsieur de Lamotte's lawyer; as if coming from Madame de Lamotte。  It appeared extraordinary that these notes; which arrived in an ordinary stamped envelope; should not be accompanied by any letter of advice; and suspicion attached to Madame Derues; who hitherto had remained unnoticed。  An inquiry as to where the packet had been posted soon revealed the office; distinguished by a letter of the alphabet; and the postmaster described a servant…maid who had brought the letter and paid for it。  The description resembled the Derues' servant; and this girl; much alarmed; acknowledged; after a great deal of hesitation; that she had posted the letter in obedience to her mistress's orders。  Whereupon Madame Derues was sent as a prisoner to Fort l'Eveque; and her husband transferred to the Grand…Chatelet。  On being interrogated; she at length owned that she had sent these notes to Monsieur de Lamotte's lawyer; and that her husband had given them her in an envelope hidden in the soiled linen for which she had brought him clean in exchange。

All this certainly amounted to serious presumptive evidence of guilt; and if Derues had shown himself to the multitude; which followed every phase of the investigation with increasing anxiety; a thousand arms would have willingly usurped the office of the executioner; but the distance thence to actual proof of murder was enormous for the magistracy。  Derues maintained his tranquillity; always asserting that Madame de Lamotte and her son were alive; and would clear him by their reappearance。  Neither threats nor stratagems succeeded in making him contradict himself; and his assurance shook the strongest conviction。  A new difficulty was added to so much uncertainty。

A messenger had been sent off secretly with all haste to Lyons; his return was awaited for a test which it was thought would be decisive。

One morning Derues was fetched from his prison and taken to a lower hall of the Conciergerie。  He received no answers to the questions addressed to his escort; and this silence showed him the necessity of being on his guard and preserving his imperturbable demeanour whatever might happen。  On arriving; he found the commissioner of police; Mutel; and some other persons。  The hall being very dark; had been illuminated with several torches; and Derues was so placed that the light fell strongly on his face; and was then ordered to look towards a particular part of the hall。  As he did so; a door opened; and a man entered。  Derues beheld him with indifference; and seeing that the stranger was observing him attentively; he bowed to him as one might bow to an unknown person whose curiosity seems rather unusual。

It was impossible to detect the slightest trace of emotion; a hand placed on his heart would not have felt an increased pulsation; yet this stranger's recognition would be fatal!

Mutel approached the new…comer and whispered

〃Do you recognise him?〃

No; I do not。〃

Have the kindness to leave the room for a moment; we will ask you to return immediately。〃

This individual was the lawyer in whose office at Lyons the deed had been drawn up which Derues had signed; disguised as a woman; and under the name of Marie…Francoise Perier; wife of the Sieur de Lamotte。

A woman's garments were brought in; and Derues was ordered to put them on; which he did readily; affecting much amusement。  As he was assisted to disguise himself; he laughed; stroked his chin and assumed mincing airs; carrying effrontery so far as to ask for a mirror。

〃I should like to see if it is becoming;〃 he said; 〃perhaps I might make some conquests。〃

The lawyer returned: Derues was made to pass before him; to sit at a table; sign a paper; in fact to repeat everything it was imagined he might have aid or done in the lawyer's office。  This second attempt at identification succeeded no better than the first。  The lawyer hesitated; then; understanding all the importance of his deposition; he refused to swear to anything; and finally declared that this was not the person who had come to him at Lyons。

I am sorry; sir;〃 said Derues; as they removed him; 〃that you should have been troubled by having to witness this absurd comedy。  Do not blame me for it; but ask Heaven to enlighten those who do not fear to accuse me。  As for me; knowing that my innocence will shortly be made clear; I pardon them henceforth。〃

Although justice at this period was generally expeditious; and the lives of accused persons were by no means safe…guarded as they now are; it was impossible to condemn Derues in the absence of any positive proofs of guilt。  He knew this; and waited patiently in his prison for the moment when he should triumph over the capital accusation which weighed against him。  The storm no longer thundered over his head; the most terrible trials were passed; the examinations became less frequent; and there were no more surprises to dread。  The lamentations of Monsieur de Lamotte went to the hearts of the magistrates; but his certainty could not establish theirs; and they pitied; but could not avenge him。  In certain minds a sort of reaction favourable to the prisoner began to set in。  Among the dupes of Derues' seeming piety; many who at first held their peace under these crushing accusations returned to their former opinion。  The bigots and devotees; all who made a profession of kneeling in the churches; of publicly crossing themselves and dipping their fingers in the holy water; and who lived on cant and repetitions of 〃Amen〃 and 〃Alleluia;〃 talked of persecution; of martyrdom; until Derues nearly became a saint destined by the Almighty to find canonisation in a dungeon。  Hence arose quarrels and arguments; and this abortive trial; this unproved accusation; kept the public imagination in a constant ferment。

To the greater part of those who talk of the 〃Supreme Being;〃 and who expect His intervention in human affairs; 〃Providence〃 is only a word; solemn and sonorous; a sort of theatrical machine which sets all right in the end; and whi
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