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  So we travelled together; and arrived at Versailles about midday。  As I got down from the coach I saw Madame de Lamotte at the palace gate; and observed; to my astonishment; that my presence displeased her。  She was not alone。〃

He stopped; although he had evidently reached the most interesting point of his story。

〃Go on;〃 said the magistrate; 〃why do you stop now?〃

〃Because what I have to say is so painfulnot to me; who have to justify myself; but for others; that I hesitate。〃

〃Go on。〃

〃Will you then interrogate me; please?〃

〃Well; what happened in this interview?〃

Derues appeared to collect himself for a moment; and then said with the air of a man who has decide on speaking out at last

〃Madame de Lamotte was not alone; she was attended by a gentleman whom I did not know; whom I never saw either at Buisson…Souef or in Paris; and whom I have never seen again since。  I will ask you to allow me to recount everything; even to the smallest details。  This man's face struck me at once; on account of a singular resemblance; he paid no attention to me at first; and I was able to examine him at leisure。  His manners were those of a man belonging to the highest classes of society; and his dress indicated wealth。  On seeing Edouard; he said to Madame de Lamotte

〃'So this is he?' and he then kissed him tenderly。  This and the marks of undisguised pleasure which he evinced surprised me; and I looked at Madame de Lamotte; who then remarked with some asperity

〃'I did not expect to see you; Monsieur Derues。  I had not asked you to accompany my son。'

〃Edouard seemed quite as much surprised as I was。  The stranger gave me a look of haughty annoyance; but seeing I did not avoid his glance his countenance assumed a more gentle expression; and Madame de Lamotte introduced him as a person who took great interest in Edouard。〃

〃It is a whole tissue of imposture!〃 exclaimed Monsieur de Lamotte。

〃Allow me to finish;〃 answered Derues。  〃I understand your doubts; and that you are not anxious to believe what I say; but I have been brought here by legal summons to tell the truth; and I am going to tell it。  You can then weigh the two accusations in the balance; and choose between them。  The reputation of an honourable man is as sacred; as important; as worthy of credit as the reputation of a woman; and I never heard that the virtue of the one was more fragile than that of the other。〃

Monsieur de Lamotte; thunderstruck by such a revelation; could not contain his impatience and indignation。

〃This; then;〃 he said; 〃is the explanation of an anonymous letter which I received; and of the injurious suggestions' concerning my wife's honour which it contained; it was written to give an appearance of probability to this infamous legend。  The whole thing is a disgraceful plot; and no doubt Monsieur Derues wrote the letter himself。〃

〃I know nothing about it;〃 said Derues unconcernedly; 〃and the explanation which you profess to find in it I should rather refer to something else I am going to mention。  I did not know a secret warning had been sent to you: I now learn it from you; and I understand perfectly that such a letter; may have been written。  But that you have received such a warning ought surely to be a reason for listening patiently and not denouncing all I say as imposture。〃

While saying this Derues mentally constructed the fresh falsehood necessitated by the interruption; but no variation of countenance betrayed his thought。  He had an air of dignity natural to his position。  He saw that; in spite of clear…headedness and long practice in studying the most deceptive countenances; the magistrate so far had not scented any of his falsehoods; and was getting bewildered in the windings of this long narrative; through which Derues led him as he chose; and he resumed with confidence

〃You know that I made Monsieur de Lamotte's acquaintance more than a year ago; and I had reason to believe his friendship as sincere as my own。  As a friend; I could not calmly accept the suspicion which then entered my mind; nor could I conceal my surprise。  Madame de Lamotte saw this; and understood from my looks that I was not satisfied with the explanation she wished me to accept。  A glance of intelligence passed between her and her friend; who was still holding Edouard's hand。  The day; though cold; was fine; and she proposed a walk in the park。  I offered her my arm; and the stranger walked in front with Edouard。  We had a short conversation; which has remained indelibly fixed in my memory。

〃'Why did you come?' she inquired。

〃I did not answer; but looked sternly at her; in order to discompose her。  At length I said

〃'You should have written; madame; and warned me that my coming would be indiscreet。'

〃She seemed much disconcerted; and exclaimed

〃'I am lost!  I see you guess everything; and will tell my husband。 I am an unhappy woman; and a sin once committed can never be erased from the pages of a woman's life!  Listen; Monsieur Derues; listen; I implore you!  You see this man; I shall not tell you who he is; I shall not give his name 。  。  。  but I loved him long ago; I should have been his wife; and had he not been compelled to leave France; I should have married no one else。'〃

Monsieur de Lamotte started; and grew pale。

〃What is the matter?〃 the magistrate inquired。

〃Oh! this dastardly wretch is profiting by his knowledge of secrets which a long intimacy has enabled him to discover。  Do not believe him; I entreat you; do not believe him!〃

Derues resumed。  〃Madame de Lamotte continued : 'I saw him again sixteen years ago; always in hiding; always proscribed。  To…day he reappears under a name which is not his own: he wishes to link my fate with his; he has insisted on seeing Edouard。  But I shall escape him。  I have invented this fiction of placing my son among the; royal pages to account for my stay here。  Do not contradict me; but help me; for a little time ago I met one of Monsieur de Lamotte's friends; I am afraid he suspected something。  Say you have seen me several times; as you have come; let it be known that you brought Edouard here。  I shall return to Buisson as soon as possible; but will you go first; see my husband; satisfy him if he is anxious?  I am in your hands; my honour; my reputation; my very life; are at your mercy; you can either ruin or help to save me。  I may be guilty; but I am not corrupt。  I have wept for my sin day after day; and I have already cruelly expiated it。'〃

This execrable calumny was not related without frequent interruptions on the part of Monsieur de Lamotte。  He was; however; obliged to own to himself that it was quite true that Marie Perier had really been promised to a man whom an unlucky affair had driven into exile; and whom he had supposed to be dead。  This revelation; coming from Derues; who had the strongest interest in lying; by no means convinced him of his wife's dishonour; nor destroyed the feelings of a husband and father; but Derues was not speaking for him lone; and what appeared incredible to Monsieur de Lamotte might easily seem less improbable to the colder and less interested judgment of the magistrate。

〃I was wrong;〃 Derues continued; 〃in all
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