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illes; refused to receive them; saying he had no vacant room。  This might have disconcerted anyone but Derues; but his audacity; activity; and resource seemed to increase with each fresh obstacle。  Leaving Edouard in a room on the ground floor which had no communication with the rest of the inn; he went at once to look for lodgings; and hastily explored the town。 After a fruitless search; he found at last; at the junction of the rue Saint…Honore with that of the Orangerie; a cooper named Martin; who had a furnished room to spare。  This he hired at thirty sous per day for himself and his nephew; who had been taken suddenly ill; under the  name of Beaupre。  To avoid being questioned later;  he informed the cooper in a few words that he was a doctor; that he had come to Versailles in order to place his nephew in one of the offices of the town; that in a few days the latter's mother would arrive to join him in seeing and making application to influential persons about the court; to whom he had letters of introduction。  As soon as he had delivered this fable with all the appearance of truth with which he knew so well how to disguise his falsehoods; he went back to the young de Lamotte; who was already so exhausted that he was hardly able to drag himself as far as the cooper's house。  He fainted on arrival; and was carried into the hired room; where Derues begged to be left alone with him; and only asked for certain beverages which he told the people how to prepare。

Whether it was that the strength of youth fought against the poison; or that Derues took pleasure in watching the sufferings of his victim; the agony of the poor lad was prolonged until the fourth day。 The sickness continuing incessantly; he sent the cooper's wife for a medicine which he prepared and administered himself。  It produced terrible pain; and Edouard's cries brought the cooper and his wife upstairs。  They represented to Derues that he ought to call in a doctor and consult with him; but he refused decidedly; saying that a doctor hastily fetched might prove to be an ignorant person with whom he could not agree; and that he could not allow one so dear to him to be prescribed for and nursed by anyone but himself。

〃I know what the malady is;〃 he continued; raising his eyes to heaven; 〃it is one that has to be concealed rather than acknowledged。 Poor youth! whom I love as my own son; if God; touched by my tears and thy suffering; permits me to save thee; thy whole life will be too short for thy blessings and thy gratitude!〃  And as Madame Martin asked what this malady might be; he answered with hypocritical blushes

〃Do not ask; madame; there are things of which you do not know even the name。〃

At another time; Martin expressed his surprise that the young man's mother had not yet appeared; who; according to Derues; was to have met him at Versailles。  He asked how she could know that they were lodging in his house; and if he should send to meet her at any place where she was likely to arrive。

〃His mother;〃 said Derues; looking compassionately at Edouard; who lay pale; motionless; and as if insensible;〃his mother!  He calls for her incessantly。  Ah! monsieur; some families are greatly to be pitied!  My entreaties prevailed on her to decide on coming hither; but will she keep her promise?  Do not ask me to tell you more; it is too painful to have to accuse a mother of having forgotten her duties in the presence of her son 。  。  。  there are secrets which ought not to be toldunhappy woman!〃

Edouard moved; extended his arms; and repeated; 〃Mother!  。  。  。 mother!〃

Derues hastened to his side and took his hands in his; as if to warm them。

〃My mother!〃 the youth repeated。  〃Why have I not seen her?  She was to have met me。〃

You shall soon see her; dear boy; only keep quiet。〃

〃But just now I thought she was dead。〃

〃Dead!〃 cried Derues。  〃Drive away these sad thoughts。  They are caused by the fever only。〃

〃No!  oh no! 。  。  。  I heard a secret voice which said; 'Thy mother is dead!' 。  。  。  And then I beheld a livid corpse before me 。  。  。 It was she! 。  。  。  I knew her well! and she seemed to have suffered so much〃

〃Dear boy; your mother is not dead 。  。  。  。  My God! what terrible chimeras you conjure up!  You will see her again; I assure you; she has arrived already。  Is it not so; madame?〃 he asked; turning towards the Martins; who were both leaning against the foot of the bed; and signing to them to support this pious falsehood; in order to calm the young man。  〃Did she not arrive and come to his bedside and kiss him while he slept; and she will soon come again?〃

〃Yes; yes;〃 said Madame Martin; wiping her eyes; 〃and she begged my husband and me to help your uncle to take great care of you〃

The youth moved again; and looking round him with a dazed expression; said; 〃My uncle?〃

〃You had better go;〃 said Derues in a whisper to the Martins。  〃I am afraid he is delirious again; I will prepare a draught; which will give him a little rest and sleep。〃

〃Adieu; then; adieu;〃 answered Madame Martin; 〃and may Heaven bless you for the care you bestow on this poor young man!〃

On Friday evening violent vomiting appeared to have benefited the sufferer。  He had rejected most of the poison; and had a fairly quiet night。  But on the Saturday morning Derues sent the cooper's little girl to buy more medicine; which he prepared; himself; like the first。  The day was horrible; and about six in the evening; seeing his victim was at the last gasp; he opened a little window overlooking the shop and summoned the cooper; requesting him to go at once for a priest。  When the latter arrived he found Derues in tears; kneeling at the dying boy's bedside。  And now; by the light of two tapers placed on a table; flanking the holy water…stoup; there began what on one side was an abominable and sacrilegious comedy; a disgraceful parody of that which Christians consider most sacred and most dear; on the other; a pious and consoling ceremony。  The cooper and his wife; their eyes bathed in tears; knelt in the middle of the room; murmuring such prayers as they could remember。

Derues gave up his place to the priest; but as Edouard did not answer the latter's questions; he approached the bed; and bending over the sufferer; exhorted him to confession。

〃Dear boy;〃 he said; 〃take courage; your sufferings here will be counted to you above: God will weigh ahem in the scales of His infinite mercy。  Listen to the words of His holy minister; cast your sins into His bosom; and obtain from Him forgiveness for your faults。〃

〃I am in such terrible pain!〃 cried Edouard。  〃Water! water! Extinguish the fire which consumes me!〃

A violent fit came on; succeeded by exhaustion and the death…rattle。 Derues fell on his knees; and the priest administered extreme unction。  There was then a moment of absolute silence; more impressive than cries and sobs。  The priest collected himself for a moment; crossed himself; and began to pray。  Derues also crossed himself; and repeated in a low voice; apparently choked by grief

〃Go forth; O Christian soul; from this world; in the name of God the Father Almighty; who created thee; in the name of Jesus Christ; the Son of the living 
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