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he name of Ducoudray。  It is hardly necessary to remark that it should have been Derues。

When he returned home in the evening; his wife told him that a large box had arrived。

〃It is all right;〃 he said; 〃the carpenter from whom I ordered it is a man of his word。〃  Then he supped; and caressed his children。  The next day being Sunday; he received the communion; to the great edification of the devout people of the neighbourhood。

On Monday the 16th Madame de Lamotte and Edouard; descending from the Montereau stagecoach; were met by Derues and his wife。

〃Did my husband write to you; Monsieur Derues?〃 inquired Madame de Lamotte。

〃Yes; madame; two days ago; and I have arranged our dwelling for your reception。〃

〃What! but did not Monsieur de Lamotte ask you to engage the rooms I have had before at the Hotel de France?〃

〃He did not say so; and if that was your idea I trust you will change it。  Do not deprive me of the pleasure of offering you the hospitality which for so long I have accepted from you。  Your room is quite ready; also one for this dear boy;〃 and so saying he took Edouard's hand; 〃and I am sure if you ask his opinion; he will say you had better be content to stay with me。〃

〃Undoubtedly;〃 said the boy; 〃and I do not see why there need be any hesitation between friends。〃

Whether by accident; or secret presentiment; or because she foresaw a possibility of business discussions between them; Madame de Lamotte objected to this arrangement。  Derues having a business appointment which he was bound to keep; desired his wife to accompany the Lamottes to the Hotel de France; and in case of their not being able to find rooms there; mentioned three others as the only ones in the quarter where they could be comfortably accommodated。  Two hours later Madame de Lamotte and her son returned to his house in the rue Beaubourg。

The house which Derues occupied stood opposite the rue des Menoriers; and was pulled down quite lately to make way for the rue Rambuteau。 In 1776 it was one of the finest houses of the rue Beaubourg; and it required a certain income to be able to live there; the rents being tolerably high。  A large arched doorway gave admittance to a passage; lighted at the other end by a small court; on the far side of which was the shop into which Madame de Lamotte had been taken on the occasion of the accident。  The house staircase was to the right of the passage; and the Derues' dwelling on the entresol。  The first room; lighted by a window looking into the court; was used as a dining room; and led into a simply furnished sitting…room; such as was generally found among the bourgeois and tradespeople of this period。  To the right of the sitting…room was a large closet; which could serve as a small study or could hold a bed; to the left was a door opening into the Derues' bedroom; which had been prepared for Madame de Lamotte。  Madame Derues would occupy one of the two beds which stood in the alcove。  Derues had a bed made up in the sitting…room; and Edouard was accommodated in the little study。

Nothing particular happened during the first few days which followed the Lamottes' arrival。  They had not come to Paris only on account of the Buisson…Souef affairs。  Edouard was nearly sixteen; and after much hesitation his parents had decided on placing him in some school where his hitherto neglected education might receive more attention。 Derues undertook to find a capable tutor; in whose house the boy would be brought up in the religious feeling which the cure of Buisson and his own exhortations had already tended to develop。 These proceedings; added to Madame de Lamotte's endeavours to collect various sums due to her husband; took some time。  Perhaps; when on the point of executing a terrible crime; Derues tried to postpone the fatal moment; although; considering his character; this seems unlikely; for one cannot do him the honour of crediting him with a single moment of remorse; doubt; or pity。  Far from it; it appears from all the information which can be gathered; that Derues; faithful to his own traditions; was simply experimenting on his unfortunate guests; for no sooner were they in his house than both began to complain of constant nausea; which they had never suffered from before。  While he thus ascertained the strength of their constitution; he was able; knowing the cause of the malady; to give them relief; so that Madame de Lamotte; although she grew daily weaker; had so much confidence in him as to think it unnecessary to call in a doctor。  Fearing to alarm her husband; she never mentioned her sufferings; and her letters only spoke of the care and kind attention which she received。

On the 15th of January; 1777; Edouard was placed in a school in the rue de 1'Homme Arme。  His mother never saw him again。  She went out once more to place her husband's power of attorney with a lawyer in the rue de Paon。  On her return she felt so weak and broken…down that she was obliged to go to bed and remain there for several days。  On January 29th the unfortunate lady had risen; and was sitting near the window which overlooked the deserted rue des Menetriers; where clouds of snow were drifting before the wind。  Who can guess the sad thoughts which may have possessed her?all around dark; cold; and silent; tending to produce painful depression and involuntary dread。 To escape the gloomy ideas which besieged her; her mind went back to the smiling times of her youth and marriage。  She recalled the time when; alone at Buisson during her husband's enforced absences; she wandered with her child in the cool and shaded walks of the park; and sat out in the evening; inhaling the scent of the flowers; and listening to the murmur of the water; or the sound of the whispering breeze in the leaves。  Then; coming back from these sweet recollections to reality; she shed tears; and called on her husband and son。  So deep was her reverie that she did not hear the room door open; did not perceive that darkness had come on。  The light of a candle; dispersing the shadows; made her start; she turned her head; and saw Derues coming towards her。  He smiled; and she made an effort to keep back the tears which were shining in her eyes; and to appear calm。

〃I am afraid I disturb you;〃 he said。  〃I came to ask a favour; madame。〃

〃What is it; Monsieur Derues?〃 she inquired。

〃Will you allow me to have a large chest brought into this room?  I ought to pack some valuable things in it which are in my charge; and are now in this cupboard。  I am afraid it will be in your way。〃

〃Is it not your own house; and is it not rather I who am in the way and a cause of trouble?  Pray have it brought in; and try to forget that I am here。  You are most kind to me; but I wish I could spare you all this trouble and that I were fit to go back to Buisson。  I had a letter from my husband yesterday〃

〃We will talk about that presently; if you wish it;〃 said Derues。 〃I will go and fetch the servant to help me to carry in this chest。 I have put it off hitherto; but it really must be sent in three days。〃

He went away; and returned in a few minutes。  The chest was carried in; and placed before the cupboard at the foot of the bed。  Alas! the poor lady li
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