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eben holden-第58章

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 men clung to them … a remnant of the monster that had torn away。 But the greater host was now coming。 The thunder of its many feet was near me; a cloud of dust hung over it。 A squadron of cavalry came rushing by and broke into the fleeing mass。 Heavy horses; cut free from artillery; came galloping after them; straps flying over foamy flanks。 Two riders clung to the back of each; lashing with whip and rein。 The nick of wagons came after them; wheels rattling; horses running; voices shrilling in a wild hoot of terror。 It makes me tremble even now; as I think of it; though it is muffled under the cover of nearly forty years! I saw they would go over me。 Reeling as if drunk; I ran to save myself。 Zigzagging over the field I came upon a grey…bearded soldier lying in the grass and fell headlong。 I struggled madly; but could not rise to my feet。 I lay; my face upon the ground; weeping like a woman。 Save I be lost in hell; I shall never know again the bitter pang of that moment。 I thought of my country。 I saw its splendid capital in ruins; its people surrendered to God's enemies。

The rout of wagons had gone by I could now hear the heavy tramp of thousands passing me; the shrill voices of terror。 I worked to a sitting posture somehow … the effort nearly smothered me。 A mass of cavalry was bearing down upon me。 They were coming so thick I saw they would trample me into jelly。 In a flash I thought of what Uncle Eb had told me once。 I took my hat and covered my face quiddy; and then uncovered it as they came near。 They sheared away as I felt the foam of their nostrils。 I had split them as a rock may split the torrent。 The last of them went over me … their tails whipping my face。 I shall not soon forget the look of their bellies or the smell of their wet flanks。 They had no sooner passed than I fell back and rolled half over like a log。 I could feel a warm flow of blood trickling down my left arm。 A shell; shot at the retreating army; passed high above me; whining as it flew。 Then my mind went free of its trouble。 The rain brought me to as it came pelting down upon the side of my face。 I wondered what it might be; for I knew not where I had come。 I lifted my head and looked to see a new dawn … possibly the city of God itself。 It was dark … so dark I felt as if I had no eyes。 Away in the distance I could hear the beating of a drum。 It rang in a great silence … I have never known the like of it。 I could hear the fall and trickle of the rain; but it seemed only to deepen the silence。 I felt the wet grass under my face and hands。 Then I knew it was night and the battlefield where I had fallen。 I was alive and might see another day … thank God! I felt something move under my feet I heard a whisper at my shoulder。

'Thought you were dead long ago;'it said。

'No; no;'I answered; 'I m alive … I know I m alive … this is the battlefield。 

''Fraid I ain't goin't'live;'he said。 'Got a terrible wound。 Wish it was morning。 

'Dark long?'I asked。

'For hours;'he answered。 'Dunno how many。 

He began to groan and utter short prayers。

'O; my soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning;'I heard him cry in a loud; despairing voice。

Then there was a bit of silence; in which I could hear him whispering of his home and people。

Presently he began to sing:

'Guide me; O thou great Jehovah! Pilgrim through this barren land

I am weak but thou art mighty'

Ills voice broke and trembled and sank into silence。

I had business of my own to look after … perhaps I had no time to lose … and I went about it calmly。 I had no strength to move and began to feel the nearing of my time。 The rain was falling faster。 It chilled me to the marrow as I felt it trickling over my back。 I called to the man who lay beside me … again and again I called to him … but got no answer。 Then I knew that he was dead and I alone。 Long after that in the far distance I heard a voice calling。 It rang like a trumpet in the still air。 It grew plainer as I listened。 My own name! William Brower? It was certainly calling to me; and I answered with a feeble cry。 In a moment I could hear the tramp of someone coming。 He was sitting beside me presently; whoever it might be。 I could not see him for the dark。 His tongue went clucking as if he pitied me。

'Who are you?'I remember asking; but got no answer。

At first I was glad; then I began to feel a mighty horror of him。

In a moment he had picked me up and was making off。 The jolt of his step seemed to be breaking my arms at the shoulder。 As I groaned he ran。 I could see nothing in the darkness; but he went ahead; never stopping; save for a moment; now and then; to rest I wondered where he was taking me and what it all meant。 I called again; 'Who are you? 

but he seemed not to hear me。 'My God!'I whispered to myself; 'this is no man … this is Death severing the soul from the body。 The voice was that of the good God。'Then I heard a man hailing near by。

'Help; Help!'I shouted faintly。

'Where are you?'caine the answer; now further away。 'Can't see you。'My mysterious bearer was now running。 My heels were dragging upon the ground; my hands were brushing the grass tops。 I groaned with pain。

'Halt! Who comes there?'a picket called。 Then I could hear voices。

'Did you hear that noise?'said one。 'Somebody passed me。 So dark can't see my hand before me。 

'Darker than hell!'said another voice。

It must be a giant; I thought; who can pick me up and carry me as if I were no bigger than a house cat。 That was what I was thinking when I swooned。

From then till I came to myself in the little church at Centreville I remember nothing。 Groaning men lay all about me; others stood between them with lanterns。 A woman was bending over me。 I felt the gentle touch of her hand upon my face and heard her speak to me so tenderly I cannot think of it; even now; without thanking God for good women。 I clung to her hand; clung with the energy of one drowning; while I suffered the merciful torture of the probe; the knife and the needle。 And when it was all over and the lantern lights grew pale in the dawn I fell asleep。

But enough of blood and horror。 War is no holiday; my merry people; who know not the mighty blessing of peace。 Counting the cost; let us have war; if necessary; but peace; peace if possible。

Chapter 40

But now I have better things to write of'things that have some relish of good in them。 I was very weak and low from loss of blood for days; and; suddenly; the tide turned。 I had won recognition for distinguished gallantry they told me … that day they took me to Washington。 I lay three weeks there in the hospital。 As soon as they heard of my misfortune at home Uncle Eb wrote he was coming to see me。 I stopped him by a telegram; assuring him that I was nearly well and would be home shortly。

My term of enlistment had expired when they let me out a fine day in mid August。 I was going home for a visit as sound as any man but; in the horse talk of Faraway; I had a little 'blemish'on the left shoulder。 Uncle Eb was to meet me at the jersey City depot。 Before going I; with others who had been complimented for bravery; went to see the president。 There were some twenty of us summoned to meet him
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