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eben holden-第29章

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inking it might be somebody in trouble we worked about and pulled for the mouth of the inlet。 Suddenly I saw a boat coming in the dead timber。 There were three men in it; two of whom were paddling。 They yelled like mad men as they caught sight of us; and one of them waved a bottle in the air。

'They're Indians;' said Uncle Eb。 'Drunk as lords。 Guess we'd better git out o' the way。'

I put about and with a hearty pull made for the other side of the lake; three miles away。 The Indians came after us; their yells echoing in the far forest。 Suddenly one of them lifted his rifle; as if taking aim at us; and; bang it went the ball ricocheting across our bows。

'Crazy drunk;' said Uncle Eb; 'an' they're in fer trouble。 Pull with all yer might'

I did that same putting my arms so stiffly to their task I feared the oars would break

In a moment another ball came splintering the gunwales right between us; but fortunately; wcll above the water line。 Being half a mile from shore I saw we were in great peril。 Uncle Eb reached for his rifle; his hand trembling。

'Sink 'em;' I shouted; 'an' do it quick or they'll sink us。'

My old companion took careful aim and his ball hit them right on the starboard bow below the water line。 A splash told where it had landed。 They stopped yelling。 The man in the bow clapped his hat against the side of the boat。

'Guess we've gin 'em a little business t' ten' to;' said Uncle Eb as he made haste to load his rifle。

The Indian at the bow was lifting his rifle again。 He seemed to reel as he took aim。 He was very slow about it。 I kept pulling as I watched him。 I saw that their boat was slowly sInking。 I had a strange fear that he would hit me in the stomach。 I dodged when I saw the flash of his rifle。 His ball struck the water; ten feet away from us; and threw a spray into my face。

Uncle Eb had lifted his rifle to shoot again。 Suddenly the Indian; who had shot at us; went overboard。 In a second they were all in the water; their boat bottom up。

'Now take yer time;' said Uncle Eb coolly; a frown upon his face。

'They'll drown;' said I。

'Don't care if they do; consam 'em;' he answered。 'They're some o' them St Regis devils; an' when they git whisky in 'em they'd jes' soon kill ye as look at ye。 They am' no better 'n rats。'

We kept on our way and by and by a wind came up that gave us both some comfort; for we knew it would soon blow them ashore。 Ab Thomas had come to our camp and sat with Tip and Gerald when we got there。 We told of our adventure and then Ab gave us a bad turn; and a proper appreciation of our luck; by telling us that they were a gang of cut…throats … the worst in the wilderness。

'They'd a robbed ye sure;' he said。 'It's the same gang 'at killed a man on Cat Mountain las' summer; an' I'll bet a dollar on it。'

Tip had everything ready for our journey home。 Each day Gerald had grown paler and thinner。 As we wrapped him in a shawl and tenderly helped him into the wagon I read his doom in his face。 We saw so much of that kind of thing in our stern climate we knew what it meant。 Our fun was over。 We sat in silence; speeding down the long hills in the fading light of the afternoon。 Those few solemn hours in which I heard oniy the wagon's rumble and the sweet calls of the whip…poor…will…waves of music on a sea of silence…started me in a way of thought which has led me high and low these many years and still invites me。 The day was near its end when we got to the first big clearing。 From the top of a high hill we could see above the far forest; the red rim of the setting sun; big with winding from the skein of day; that was now flying off the tree…tops in the west。

We stopped to feed the horses and to take a bite of jerked venison; wrapped ourselves warmer; for it was now dunk and chilly; and went on again。 The road went mostly downhill; going out of the woods; and we could make good time。 It was near midnight when we drove in at our gate。 There was a light in the sitting…room and Uncle Eb and I went in with Gerald at once。 Elizabeth Brower knelt at the feet of her son; unbuttoned his coat and took off his muffler。 Then she put her arms about his neck while neither spoke nor uttered any sound。 Both mother and son felt and understood and were silent。 The ancient law of God; that rends asunder and makes havoc of our plans; bore heavy on them in that moment; I have no doubt; but neither murmured。 Uncle Eb began to pump vigorously at the cistern while David fussed with the fire。 We were all quaking inwardly but neither betrayed a sign of it。 It is a way the Puritan has of suffering。 His emotions are like the deep undercurrents of the sea。

Chapter 17

If I were writing a novel merely I should try to fill it with merriment and good cheer。 I should thrust no sorrow upon the reader save that he might feel for having wasted his time。 We have small need of manufactured sorrow when; truly; there is so much of the real thing on every side of us。 But this book is nothing more nor less than a history; and by the same token it cannot be all as I would have wished it。 In October following the events of the last chapter; Gerald died of consumption; having borne a lingering illness with great fortitude。 I; who had come there a homeless orphan in a basket; and who; with the God…given eloquence of childhood had brought them to take me to their hearts and the old man that was with me as well; was now the only son left to Elizabeth and David Brower。 There were those who called it folly at the time they took us in; I have heard; but he who shall read this history to the end shall see how that kind of folly may profit one or even many here in this hard world。

It was a gloomy summer for all of us。 The industry and patience with which Hope bore her trial; night and day; is the sweetest recollection of my youth。 It brought to her young face a tender soberness of womanhood … a subtle change of expression that made her all the more dear to me。 Every day; rain or shine; the old doctor had come to visit his patient; sometimes sitting an hour and gazing thoughtfully in his face; occasionally asking a question; or telling a quaint anecdote。 And then came the end。

The sky was cold and grey in the late autumn and the leaves were drifted deep in the edge of the woodlands when Hope and I went away to school together at HilIsborough。 Uncle Eb drove us to our boarding place in town。 when we bade him goodbye and saw him driving away; alone in the wagon; we hardly dared look at each other for the tears in our eyes。

David Brower had taken board for us at the house of one Solomon Rollin … universally known as 'Cooky' Rollin; that was one of the first things I learned at the Academy。 It seemed that many years ago he had taken his girl to a dance and offered her; in lieu of supper; cookies that he had thoughtfully brought with him。 Thus cheaply he had come to life…long distinction。

'You know Rollin's Ancient History; don't you?' the young man asked who sat with me at school that first day。

'Have it at home;' I answered; 'It's in five volumes。'

'I mean the history of Sol Rollin; the man you are boarding with;' said he smiling at me and then he told the story of the cookies。

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