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eben holden-第10章

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'Full o' white owls;' said he; stepping inside; where the rustling was now continuous。 'They'll do us no harm。'

I could see them now flying about under the low ceiling。 Uncle Eb gathered an gathered an armful of grass and clover; in the near field; and spread it in a corner well away from the ruined door and windows。 Covered with our blanket it made a fairly comfortable bed。 Soon as we had lain down; the rain began to rattle on the shaky roof and flashes of lightning lit every comer of the old room。

I have had; ever; a curious love of storms; and; from the time when memory began its record in my brain; it has delighted me to hear at night the roar of thunder and see the swift play of the lightning。 I lay between Uncle Eb and the old dog; who both went asleep shortly。 Less wearied I presume than either of them; for I had done none of the carrying; and had slept along time that day in the shade of a tree; I was awake an hour or more after they were snoring。 Every flash lit the old room like the full glare of the noonday sun。 I remember it showed me an old cradle; piled full of rubbish; a rusty scythe hung in the rotting sash of a window; a few lengths of stove…pipe and a plough in one comer; and three staring white owls that sat on a beam above the doorway。 The rain roared on the old roof shortly; and came dripping down through the bare boards above us。 A big drop struck in my face and I moved a little。 Then I saw what made me hold my breath a moment and cover my head with the shawl。 A flash of lightning revealed a tall; ragged man looking in at the doorway。 I lay close to Uncle Eb imagining much evil of that vision but made no outcry。

Snugged in between my two companions I felt reasonably secure and soon fell asleep。 The sun; streaming in at the open door; roused me in the morning。 At the beginning of each day of our journey I woke to find Uncle Eb cooking at the fire。 He was lying beside me; this morning; his eyes open。

'Fraid I'm hard sick;' he said as I kissed him。

'What's the matter?' I enquired。

He struggled to a sitting posture; groaning soit went to my heart。

'Rheumatiz;' he answered presently。

He got to his feet; little by little; and every move he made gave him great pain。 With one hand on his cane and the other on my shoulder he made his way slowly to the broken gate。 Even now I can see clearly the fair prospect of that high place … a valley reaching to distant hills and a river winding through it; glimmering in the sunlight; a long wooded ledge breaking into naked; grassy slopes on one side of the valley and on the other a deep forest rolling to the far horizon; between them big patches of yellow grain and white buckwheat and green pasture land and greener meadows and the straight road; with white houses on either side of it; glorious in a double fringe of golden rod and purple aster and yellow John's…wort and the deep blue of the Jacob's ladder。

'Looks a good deal like the promised land;' said Uncle Eb。 'Hain't got much further t' go。'

He sat on the rotting threshold while I pulled some of the weeds in front of the doorstep and brought kindlings out of the house and built a fire。 While we were eating I told Uncle Eb of the man that I had seen in the night。

'Guess you was dreamin';' he said; and; while I stood firm for the reality of that I had seen; it held our thought only for a brief moment。 My companion was unable to walk that day so we lay by; in the shelter of the old house; eating as little of our scanty store as we could do with。 I went to a spring near by for water and picked a good mess of blackberries that I hid away until supper time; so as to surprise Uncle Eb。 A longer day than that we spent in the old house; after our coming; I have never known。 I made the room a bit tidier and gathered more grass for bedding。 Uncle Eb felt better as the day grew warm。 I had a busy time of it that morning bathing his back in the spirits and rubbing until my small arms ached。 I have heard him tell often how vigorously I worked that day and how I would say: 'I'll take care o' you; Uncle Eb …won't I; Uncle Eb?' as my little hands flew with redoubled energy on his bare skin。 That finished we lay down sleeping until the sun was low; when I made ready the supper that took the last of everything we had to eat。 Uncle Eb was more like himself that evening and; sitting up in the corner; as the darkness came; told me the story of Squirreltown and Frog Ferry; which came to be so great a standby in those days that; even now; I can recall much of the language in which he told it 

'Once;' he said; 'there was a boy thet hed two grey squirrels in a cage。 They kep' thinkin' o' the time they used t' scamper in the tree…tops an' make nests an' eat all the nuts they wanted an' play I spy in the thick leaves。 An they grew poor an' looked kind o' ragged an' sickly an' downhearted。 When he brought 'em outdoors they used t' look up in the trees an' run in the wire wheel as if they thought they could get there sometime if they kep' goin'。 As the boy grew older he see it was cruel to keep 'em shet in a cage; but he'd hed em a long time an' couldn't bear t' give 'em up。

'One day he was out in the woods a little back o' the clearin'。 All t' once he heard a swift holler。 'Twas nearby an' echoed so he couldn't tell which way it come from。 He run fer home but the critter ketched 'im before he got out o' the woods an' took 'im into a cave; an' give 'im t' the little swifis t' play with。 The boy cried terrible。 The swifts they laughed an' nudged each other。

'〃O ain't he cute!〃 says one。 〃He's a beauty!〃 says another。 〃Cur'us how he can git along without any fur;〃 says the mother swift; as she run er nose over 'is bare foot。 He thought of 'is folks waitin' fer him an' he begged em t' let 'im go。 Then they come an' smelt 'im over。

'〃Yer sech a cunin' critter;〃 says the mother swift; 〃we couldn't spare ye。〃

'〃Want to see my mother;〃 says the boy sobbing。

'〃Couldn't afford t' let ye go … yer so cute〃 says the swift。 〃Bring the poor critter a bone an' a bit o' snake meat〃

'The boy couldn't eat。 They fixed a bed fer him; but 'twant clean。 The feel uv it made his back ache an' the smell uv it made him sick to his stomach。

'〃When the swifts hed comp'ny they 'd bring 'em overt' look at him there 'n his dark comer。 〃'S a boy;〃 said the mother swift pokin' him with a long stick 〃Wouldn't ye like t' see 'im run?〃 Then she punched him until he got up an' run 'round the cave fer his life。 Happened one day et a very benevolent swift come int' the cave。

'〃'S a pity t' keep the boy here;〃 said he; 〃he looks bad。〃

'〃But he makes fun fer the children;〃 said the swift。

〃Fun that makes misery is only fit fer a fool;〃 said the visitor。

'They let him go thet day。 Soon as he got hum he thought o' the squirrels an' was tickled t' find 'em alive。 He tak 'em off to an island; in the middle of a big lake; thet very day; an' set the cage on the shore n' opened it He thought he would come back sometime an' see how they was ginin' along。 The cage was made of light wire an' hed a tin bottom fastened to a big piece o' plank。 At fust they was 'fraid t' leave it an' peeked out o' the door an' scratched their heads's if t
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