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art strong。

〃The hour is come; the hour when the effulgent lights of the future

cast their reflections backward on the soul; the hour when the soul

awakes into freedom。

〃Now am I permitted to tell thee how I love thee。 Dost thou not see

the nature of my love; a love without self…interest; a sentiment full

of thee; thee only; a love which follows thee into the future to light

that future for theefor it is the one True Light。 Canst thou now

conceive with what ardor I would have thee leave this life which

weighs thee down; and behold thee nearer than thou art to that world

where Love is never…failing? Can it be aught but suffering to love for

one life only? Hast thou not felt a thirst for the eternal love? Dost

thou not feel the bliss to which a creature rises when; with twin…

soul; it loves the Being who betrays not love; Him before whom we

kneel in adoration?

〃Would I had wings to cover thee; Wilfrid; power to give thee strength

to enter now into that world where all the purest joys of purest

earthly attachments are but shadows in the Light that shines;

unceasing; to illumine and rejoice all hearts。

〃Forgive a friendly soul for showing thee the picture of thy sins; in

the charitable hope of soothing the sharp pangs of thy remorse。 Listen

to the pardoning choir; refresh thy soul in the dawn now rising for

thee beyond the night of death。 Yes; thy life; thy true life is there!

〃May my words now reach thee clothed in the glorious forms of dreams;

may they deck themselves with images glowing and radiant as they hover

round you。 Rise; rise; to the height where men can see themselves

distinctly; pressed together though they be like grains of sand upon a

sea…shore。 Humanity rolls out like a many…colored ribbon。 See the

diverse shades of that flower of the celestial gardens。 Behold the

beings who lack intelligence; those who begin to receive it; those who

have passed through trials; those who love; those who follow wisdom

and aspire to the regions of Light!

〃Canst thou comprehend; through this thought made visible; the destiny

of humanity?whence it came; whither to goeth? Continue steadfast in

the Path。 Reaching the end of thy journey thou shalt hear the clarions

of omnipotence sounding the cries of victory in chords of which a

single one would shake the earth; but which are lost in the spaces of

a world that hath neither east nor west。

〃Canst thou comprehend; my poor beloved Tried…one; that unless the

torpor and the veils of sleep had wrapped thee; such sights would rend

and bear away thy mind as the whirlwinds rend and carry into space the

feeble sails; depriving thee forever of thy reason? Dost thou

understand that the Soul itself; raised to its utmost power can

scarcely endure in dreams the burning communications of the Spirit?

〃Speed thy way through the luminous spheres; behold; admire; hasten!

Flying thus thou canst pause or advance without weariness。 Like other

men; thou wouldst fain be plunged forever in these spheres of light

and perfume where now thou art; free of thy swooning body; and where

thy thought alone has utterance。 Fly! enjoy for a fleeting moment the

wings thou shalt surely win when Love has grown so perfect in thee

that thou hast no senses left; when thy whole being is all mind; all

love。 The higher thy flight the less canst thou see the abysses。 There

are none in heaven。 Look at the friend who speaks to thee; she who

holds thee above this earth in which are all abysses。 Look; behold;

contemplate me yet a moment longer; for never again wilt thou see me;

save imperfectly as the pale twilight of this world may show me to


Seraphita stood erect; her head with floating hair inclining gently

forward; in that aerial attitude which great painters give to

messengers from heaven; the folds of her raiment fell with the same

unspeakable grace which holds an artistthe man who translates all

things into sentimentbefore the exquisite well…known lines of

Polyhymnia's veil。 Then she stretched forth her hand。 Wilfrid rose。

When he looked at Seraphita she was lying on the bear's…skin; her head

resting on her hand; her face calm; her eyes brilliant。 Wilfrid gazed

at her silently; but his face betrayed a deferential fear in its

almost timid expression。

〃Yes; dear;〃 he said at last; as though he were answering some

question; 〃we are separated by worlds。 I resign myself; I can only

adore you。 But what will become of me; poor and alone!〃

〃Wilfrid; you have Minna。〃

He shook his head。

〃Do not be so disdainful; woman understands all things through love;

what she does not understand she feels; what she does not feel she

sees; when she neither sees; nor feels; nor understands; this angel of

earth divines to protect you; and hides her protection beneath the

grace of love。〃

〃Seraphita; am I worthy to belong to a woman?〃

〃Ah; now;〃 she said; smiling; 〃you are suddenly very modest; is it a

snare? A woman is always so touched to see her weakness glorified。

Well; come and take tea with me the day after to…morrow evening; good

Monsieur Becker will be here; and Minna; the purest and most artless

creature I have known on earth。 Leave me now; my friend; I need to

make long prayers and expiate my sins。〃

〃You; can you commit sin?〃

〃Poor friend! if we abuse our power; is not that the sin of pride? I

have been very proud to…day。 Now leave me; till to…morrow。〃

〃Till to…morrow;〃 said Wilfrid faintly; casting a long glance at the

being of whom he desired to carry with him an ineffaceable memory。

Though he wished to go far away; he was held; as it were; outside the

house for some moments; watching the light which shone from all the

windows of the Swedish dwelling。

〃What is the matter with me?〃 he asked himself。 〃No; she is not a mere

creature; but a whole creation。 Of her world; even through veils and

clouds; I have caught echoes like the memory of sufferings healed;

like the dazzling vertigo of dreams in which we hear the plaints of

generations mingling with the harmonies of some higher sphere where

all is Light and all is Love。 Am I awake? Do I still sleep? Are these

the eyes before which the luminous space retreated further and further

indefinitely while the eyes followed it? The night is cold; yet my

head is on fire。 I will go to the parsonage。 With the pastor and his

daughter I shall recover the balance of my mind。〃

But still he did not leave the spot whence his eyes could plunge into

Seraphita's salon。 The mysterious creature seemed to him the radiating

centre of a luminous circle which formed an atmosphere about her wider

than that of other beings; whoever entered it felt the compelling

influence of; as it were; a vortex of dazzling light and all consuming

thoughts。 Forced to struggle against this inexplicable power; Wilfrid

only prevailed after strong efforts; but when he reached and passed

the inclosing wall of the courtyard; he regained his fr
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