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space like the billows of a phosphorescent sea。

The two Seers beheld the SERAPH dimly in the midst of the immortal

legions。 Suddenly; as though all the arrows of a quiver had darted

together; the Spirits swept away with a breath the last vestiges of

the human form; as the SERAPH rose he became yet purer; soon he seemed

to them but a faint outline of what he had been at the moment of his

transfiguration;lines of fire without shadow。

Higher he rose; receiving from circle to circle some new gift; while

the sign of his election was transmitted to each sphere into which;

more and more purified; he entered。

No voice was silent; the hymn diffused and multiplied itself in all

its modulations:

〃Hail to him who enters living! Come; flower of the Worlds! diamond

from the fires of suffering! pearl without spot; desire without flesh;

new link of earth and heaven; be Light! Conquering spirit; Queen of

the world; come for thy crown! Victor of earth; receive thy diadem!

Thou art of us!〃

The virtues of the SERAPH shone forth in all their beauty。

His earliest desire for heaven re…appeared; tender as childhood。 The

deeds of his life; like constellations; adorned him with their

brightness。 His acts of faith shone like the Jacinth of heaven; the

color of sidereal fires。 The pearls of Charity were upon him;a

chaplet of garnered tears! Love divine surrounded him with roses; and

the whiteness of his Resignation obliterated all earthly trace。

Soon; to the eyes of the Seers; he was but a point of flame; growing

brighter and brighter as its motion was lost in the melodious

acclamations which welcomed his entrance into heaven。

The celestial accents made the two exiles weep。

Suddenly a silence as of death spread like a mourning veil from the

first to the highest sphere; throwing Wilfrid and Minna into a state

of intolerable expectation。

At this moment the SERAPH was lost to sight within the SANCTUARY;

receiving there the gift of Life Eternal。

A movement of adoration made by the Host of heaven filled the two

Seers with ecstasy mingled with terror。 They felt that all were

prostrate before the Throne; in all the spheres; in the Spheres

Divine; in the Spiritual Spheres; and in the Worlds of Darkness。

The Angels bent the knee to celebrate the SERAPH'S glory; the Spirits

bent the knee in token of their impatience; others bent the knee in

the dark abysses; shuddering with awe。

A mighty cry of joy gushed forth; as the spring gushes forth to its

millions of flowering herbs sparkling with diamond dew…drops in the

sunlight; at that instant the SERAPH reappeared; effulgent; crying;


The universe heard the cry and understood it; it penetrated the

spheres as God penetrates them; it took possession of the infinite;

the Seven Divine Worlds heard the Voice and answered。

A mighty movement was perceptible; as though whole planets; purified;

were rising in dazzling light to become Eternal。

Had the SERAPH obtained; as a first mission; the work of calling to

God the creations permeated by His Word?

But already the sublime HALLELUJAH was sounding in the ear of the

desolate ones as the distant undulations of an ended melody。 Already

the celestial lights were fading like the gold and crimson tints of a

setting sun。 Death and Impurity recovered their prey。

As the two mortals re…entered the prison of flesh; from which their

spirit had momentarily been delivered by some priceless sleep; they

felt like those who wake after a night of brilliant dreams; the memory

of which still lingers in their soul; though their body retains no

consciousness of them; and human language is unable to give utterance

to them。

The deep darkness of the sphere that was now about them was that of

the sun of the visible worlds。

〃Let us descend to those lower regions;〃 said Wilfrid。

〃Let us do what he told us to do;〃 answered Minna。 〃We have seen the

worlds on their march to God; we know the Path。 Our diadem of stars is


Floating downward through the abysses; they re…entered the dust of the

lesser worlds; and saw the Earth; like a subterranean cavern; suddenly

illuminated to their eyes by the light which their souls brought with

them; and which still environed them in a cloud of the paling

harmonies of heaven。 The sight was that which of old struck the inner

eyes of Seers and Prophets。 Ministers of all religions; Preachers of

all pretended truths; Kings consecrated by Force and Terror; Warriors

and Mighty men apportioning the Peoples among them; the Learned and

the Rich standing above the suffering; noisy crowd; and noisily

grinding them beneath their feet;all were there; accompanied by

their wives and servants; all were robed in stuffs of gold and silver

and azure studded with pearls and gems torn from the bowels of Earth;

stolen from the depths of Ocean; for which Humanity had toiled

throughout the centuries; sweating and blaspheming。 But these

treasures; these splendors; constructed of blood; seemed worn…out rags

to the eyes of the two Exiles。 〃What do you there; in motionless

ranks?〃 cried Wilfrid。 They answered not。 〃What do you there;

motionless?〃 They answered not。 Wilfrid waved his hands over them;

crying in a loud voice; 〃What do you there; in motionless ranks?〃 All;

with unanimous action; opened their garments and gave to sight their

withered bodies; eaten with worms; putrefied; crumbling to dust;

rotten with horrible diseases。

〃You lead the nations to Death;〃 Wilfrid said to them。 〃You have

depraved the earth; perverted the Word; prostituted justice。 After

devouring the grass of the fields you have killed the lambs of the

fold。 Do you think yourself justified because of your sores? I will

warn my brethren who have ears to hear the Voice; and they will come

and drink of the spring of Living Waters which you have hidden。〃

〃Let us save our strength for Prayer;〃 said Minna。 〃Wilfrid; thy

mission is not that of the Prophets or the Avenger or the Messenger;

we are still on the confines of the lowest sphere; let us endeavor to

rise through space on the wings of Prayer。〃

〃Thou shalt be all my love!〃

〃Thou shalt be all my strength!〃

〃We have seen the Mysteries; we are; each to the other; the only being

here below to whom Joy and Sadness are comprehensible; let us pray;

therefore: we know the Path; let us walk in it。〃

〃Give me thy hand;〃 said the Young Girl; 〃if we walk together; the way

will be to me less hard and long。〃

〃With thee; with thee alone;〃 replied the Man; 〃can I cross the awful

solitude without complaint。〃

〃Together we will go to Heaven;〃 she said。

The clouds gathered and formed a darksome dais。 Suddenly the pair

found themselves kneeling beside a body which old David was guarding

from curious eyes; resolved to bury it himself。

Beyond those walls the first summer of the nineteenth century shone

forth in al
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