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ploughshare; or the Sword of victory! Grant me a glorious martyrdom in

which to proclaim thy Word! Rejected; I will bless thy justice。 But if

excess of love may win in a moment that which hard and patient labor

cannot attain; then bear me upward in thy chariot of fire! Grant me

triumph; or further trial; still will I bless thee! To suffer for

thee; is not that to triumph? Take me; seize me; bear me away! nay; if

thou wilt; reject me! Thou art He who can do no evil。 Ah!〃 he cried;

after a pause; 〃the bonds are breaking。

〃Spirits of the pure; ye sacred flock; come forth from the hidden

places; come on the surface of the luminous waves! The hour now is;

come; assemble! Let us sing at the gates of the Sanctuary; our songs

shall drive away the final clouds。 With one accord let us hail the

Dawn of the Eternal Day。 Behold the rising of the one True Light! Ah;

why may I not take with me these my friends! Farewell; poor earth;




The last psalm was uttered neither by word; look; nor gesture; nor by

any of those signs which men employ to communicate their thoughts; but

as the soul speaks to itself; for at the moment when Seraphita

revealed herself in her true nature; her thoughts were no longer

enslaved by human words。 The violence of that last prayer had burst

her bonds。 Her soul; like a white dove; remained for an instant poised

above the body whose exhausted substances were about to be


The aspiration of the Soul toward heaven was so contagious that

Wilfrid and Minna; beholding those radiant scintillations of Life;

perceived not Death。

They had fallen on their knees when HE had turned toward his Orient;

and they shared his ecstasy。

The fear of the Lord; which creates man a second time; purging away

his dross; mastered their hearts。

Their eyes; veiled to the things of Earth; were opened to the

Brightness of Heaven。

Though; like the Seers of old called Prophets by men; they were filled

with the terror of the Most High; yet like them they continued firm

when they found themselves within the radiance where the Glory of the

SPIRIT shone。

The veil of flesh; which; until now; had hidden that glory from their

eyes; dissolved imperceptibly away; and left them free to behold the

Divine substance。

They stood in the twilight of the Coming Dawn; whose feeble rays

prepared them to look upon the True Light; to hear the Living Word;

and yet not die。

In this state they began to perceive the immeasurable differences

which separate the things of earth from the things of Heaven。

LIFE; on the borders of which they stood; leaning upon each other;

trembling and illuminated; like two children standing under shelter in

presence of a conflagration; That Life offered no lodgment to the


The ideas they used to interpret their vision to themselves were to

the things seen what the visible senses of a man are to his soul; the

material covering of a divine essence。

The departing SPIRIT was above them; shedding incense without odor;

melody without sound。 About them; where they stood; were neither

surfaces; nor angles; nor atmosphere。

They dared neither question him nor contemplate him; they stood in the

shadow of that Presence as beneath the burning rays of a tropical sun;

fearing to raise their eyes lest the light should blast them。

They knew they were beside him; without being able to perceive how it

was that they stood; as in a dream; on the confines of the Visible and

the Invisible; nor how they had lost sight of the Visible and how they

beheld the Invisible。

To each other they said: 〃If he touches us; we can die!〃 But the

SPIRIT was now within the Infinite; and they knew not that neither

time; nor space; nor death; existed there; and that a great gulf lay

between them; although they thought themselves beside him。

Their souls were not prepared to receive in its fulness a knowledge of

the faculties of that Life; they could have only faint and confused

perceptions of it; suited to their weakness。

Were it not so; the thunder of the LIVING WORD; whose far…off tones

now reached their ears; and whose meaning entered their souls as life

unites with body;one echo of that Word would have consumed their

being as a whirlwind of fire laps up a fragile straw。

Therefore they saw only that which their nature; sustained by the

strength of the SPIRIT; permitted them to see; they heard that only

which they were able to hear。

And yet; though thus protected; they shuddered when the Voice of the

anguished soul broke forth above themthe prayer of the SPIRIT

awaiting Life and imploring it with a cry。

That cry froze them to the very marrow of their bones。

The SPIRIT knocked at the SACRED PORTAL。 〃What wilt thou?〃 answered a

CHOIR; whose question echoed among the worlds。 〃To go to God。〃 〃Hast

thou conquered?〃 〃I have conquered the flesh through abstinence; I

have conquered false knowledge by humility; I have conquered pride by

charity; I have conquered the earth by love; I have paid my dues by

suffering; I am purified in the fires of faith; I have longed for Life

by prayer: I wait in adoration; and I am resigned。〃

No answer came。

〃God's will be done!〃 answered the SPIRIT; believing that he was about

to be rejected。

His tears flowed and fell like dew upon the heads of the two kneeling

witnesses; who trembled before the justice of God。

Suddenly the trumpets sounded;the last trumpets of Victory won by

the ANGEL in this last trial。 The reverberation passed through space

as sound through its echo; filling it; and shaking the universe which

Wilfrid and Minna felt like an atom beneath their feet。 They trembled

under an anguish caused by the dread of the mystery about to be


A great movement took place; as though the Eternal Legions; putting

themselves in motion; were passing upward in spiral columns。 The

worlds revolved like clouds driven by a furious wind。 It was all


Suddenly the veils were rent away。 They saw on high as it were a star;

incomparably more lustrous than the most luminous of material stars;

which detached itself; and fell like a thunderbolt; dazzling as

lightning。 Its passage paled the faces of the pair; who thought it to

be THE LIGHT Itself。

It was the Messenger of good tidings; the plume of whose helmet was a

flame of Life。

Behind him lay the swath of his way gleaming with a flood of the

lights through which he passed。

He bore a palm and a sword。 He touched the SPIRIT with the palm; and

the SPIRIT was transfigured。 Its white wings noiselessly unfolded。

This communication of THE LIGHT; changing the SPIRIT into a SERAPH and

clothing it with a glorious form; a celestial armor; poured down such

effulgent rays that the two Seers were paralyzed。

Like the three apostles to whom Jesus showed himself; they felt the

dead we
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