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wind; whose effects were like those of the Spanish levanter; swept the

ice of the Strom…fiord; driving the snow to the upper end of the gulf。

Seldom indeed could the people of Jarvis see the mirror of frozen

waters reflecting the colors of the sky; a wondrous site in the bosom

of these mountains when all other aspects of nature are levelled

beneath successive sheets of snow; and crests and valleys are alike

mere folds of the vast mantle flung by winter across a landscape at

once so mournfully dazzling and so monotonous。 The falling volume of

the Sieg; suddenly frozen; formed an immense arcade beneath which the

inhabitants might have crossed under shelter from the blast had any

dared to risk themselves inland。 But the dangers of every step away

from their own surroundings kept even the boldest hunters in their

homes; afraid lest the narrow paths along the precipices; the clefts

and fissures among the rocks; might be unrecognizable beneath the


Thus it was that no human creature gave life to the white desert where

Boreas reigned; his voice alone resounding at distant intervals。 The

sky; nearly always gray; gave tones of polished steel to the ice of

the fiord。 Perchance some ancient eider…duck crossed the expanse;

trusting to the warm down beneath which dream; in other lands; the

luxurious rich; little knowing of the dangers through which their

luxury has come to them。 Like the Bedouin of the desert who darts

alone across the sands of Africa; the bird is neither seen nor heard;

the torpid atmosphere; deprived of its electrical conditions; echoes

neither the whirr of its wings nor its joyous notes。 Besides; what

human eye was strong enough to bear the glitter of those pinnacles

adorned with sparkling crystals; or the sharp reflections of the snow;

iridescent on the summits in the rays of a pallid sun which

infrequently appeared; like a dying man seeking to make known that he

still lives。 Often; when the flocks of gray clouds; driven in

squadrons athwart the mountains and among the tree…tops; hid the sky

with their triple veils Earth; lacking the celestial lights; lit

herself by herself。

Here; then; we meet the majesty of Cold; seated eternally at the pole

in that regal silence which is the attribute of all absolute monarchy。

Every extreme principle carries with it an appearance of negation and

the symptoms of death; for is not life the struggle of two forces?

Here in this Northern nature nothing lived。 One sole powerthe

unproductive power of icereigned unchallenged。 The roar of the open

sea no longer reached the deaf; dumb inlet; where during one short

season of the year Nature made haste to produce the slender harvests

necessary for the food of the patient people。 A few tall pine…trees

lifted their black pyramids garlanded with snow; and the form of their

long branches and depending shoots completed the mourning garments of

those solemn heights。

Each household gathered in its chimney…corner; in houses carefully

closed from the outer air; and well supplied with biscuit; melted

butter; dried fish; and other provisions laid in for the seven…months

winter。 The very smoke of these dwellings was hardly seen; half…hidden

as they were beneath the snow; against the weight of which they were

protected by long planks reaching from the roof and fastened at some

distance to solid blocks on the ground; forming a covered way around

each building。

During these terrible winter months the women spun and dyed the

woollen stuffs and the linen fabrics with which they clothed their

families; while the men read; or fell into those endless meditations

which have given birth to so many profound theories; to the mystic

dreams of the North; to its beliefs; to its studies (so full and so

complete in one science; at least; sounded as with a plummet); to its

manners and its morals; half…monastic; which force the soul to react

and feed upon itself and make the Norwegian peasant a being apart

among the peoples of Europe。

Such was the condition of the Strom…fiord in the first year of the

nineteenth century and about the middle of the month of May。

On a morning when the sun burst forth upon this landscape; lighting

the fires of the ephemeral diamonds produced by crystallizations of

the snow and ice; two beings crossed the fiord and flew along the base

of the Falberg; rising thence from ledge to ledge toward the summit。

What were they? human creatures; or two arrows? They might have been

taken for eider…ducks sailing in consort before the wind。 Not the

boldest hunter nor the most superstitious fisherman would have

attributed to human beings the power to move safely along the slender

lines traced beneath the snow by the granite ledges; where yet this

couple glided with the terrifying dexterity of somnambulists who;

forgetting their own weight and the dangers of the slightest

deviation; hurry along a ridge…pole and keep their equilibrium by the

power of some mysterious force。

〃Stop me; Seraphitus;〃 said a pale young girl; 〃and let me breathe。 I

look at you; you only; while scaling these walls of the gulf;

otherwise; what would become of me? I am such a feeble creature。 Do I

tire you?〃

〃No;〃 said the being on whose arm she leaned。 〃But let us go on;

Minna; the place where we are is not firm enough to stand on。〃

Once more the snow creaked sharply beneath the long boards fastened to

their feet; and soon they reached the upper terrace of the first

ledge; clearly defined upon the flank of the precipice。 The person

whom Minna had addressed as Seraphitus threw his weight upon his right

heel; arresting the planksix and a half feet long and narrow as the

foot of a childwhich was fastened to his boot by a double thong of

leather。 This plank; two inches thick; was covered with reindeer skin;

which bristled against the snow when the foot was raised; and served

to stop the wearer。 Seraphitus drew in his left foot; furnished with

another 〃skee;〃 which was only two feet long; turned swiftly where he

stood; caught his timid companion in his arms; lifted her in spite of

the long boards on her feet; and placed her on a projecting rock from

which he brushed the snow with his pelisse。

〃You are safe there; Minna; you can tremble at your ease。〃

〃We are a third of the way up the Ice…Cap;〃 she said; looking at the

peak to which she gave the popular name by which it is known in

Norway; 〃I can hardly believe it。〃

Too much out of breath to say more; she smiled at Seraphitus; who;

without answering; laid his hand upon her heart and listened to its

sounding throbs; rapid as those of a frightened bird。

〃It often beats as fast when I run;〃 she said。

Seraphitus inclined his head with a gesture that was neither coldness

nor indifference; and yet; despite the grace which made the movement

almost tender; it none the less bespoke a certain negation; which in a

woman would have seemed an exquisite coquetry。 Seraphitus clasped the
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