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perpetual cohesion with His work。 God; constrained to live eternally

united to His creation is held down to His first position as workman。

Can you conceive of a God who shall be neither independent of nor

dependent on His work? Could He destroy that work without challenging

Himself? Ask yourself; and decide! Whether He destroys it some day; or

whether He never destroys it; either way is fatal to the attributes

without which God cannot exist。 Is the world an experiment? is it a

perishable form to which destruction must come? If it is; is not God

inconsistent and impotent? inconsistent; because He ought to have seen

the result before the attempt;moreover why should He delay to

destroy that which He is to destroy?impotent; for how else could He

have created an imperfect man?

〃If an imperfect creation contradicts the faculties which man

attributes to God we are forced back upon the question; Is creation

perfect? The idea is in harmony with that of a God supremely

intelligent who could make no mistakes; but then; what means the

degradation of His work; and its regeneration? Moreover; a perfect

world is; necessarily; indestructible; its forms would not perish; it

could neither advance nor recede; it would revolve in the everlasting

circumference from which it would never issue。 In that case God would

be dependent on His work; it would be co…eternal with Him; and so we

fall back into one of the propositions most antagonistic to God。 If

the world is imperfect; it can progress; if perfect; it is stationary。

On the other hand; if it be impossible to admit of a progressive God

ignorant through a past eternity of the results of His creative work;

can there be a stationary God? would not that imply the triumph of

Matter? would it not be the greatest of all negations? Under the first

hypothesis God perishes through weakness; under the second through the

Force of his inertia。

〃Therefore; to all sincere minds the supposition that Matter; in the

conception and execution of the worlds; is contemporaneous with God;

is to deny God。 Forced to choose; in order to govern the nations;

between the two alternatives of the problem; whole generations have

preferred this solution of it。 Hence the doctrine of the two

principles of Magianism; brought from Asia and adopted in Europe under

the form of Satan warring with the Eternal Father。 But this religious

formula and the innumerable aspects of divinity that have sprung from

it are surely crimes against the Majesty Divine。 What other term can

we apply to the belief which sets up as a rival to God a

personification of Evil; striving eternally against the Omnipotent

Mind without the possibility of ultimate triumph? Your statics declare

that two Forces thus pitted against each other are reciprocally

rendered null。

〃Do you turn back; therefore; to the other side of the problem; and

say that God pre…existed; original; alone?

〃I will not go over the preceding arguments (which here return in full

force) as to the severance of Eternity into two parts; nor the

questions raised by the progression or the immobility of the worlds;

let us look only at the difficulties inherent to this second theory。

If God pre…existed alone; the world must have emanated from Him;

Matter was therefore drawn from His essence; consequently Matter in

itself is non…existent; all forms are veils to cover the Divine

Spirit。 If this be so; the World is Eternal; and also it must be God。

Is not this proposition even more fatal than the former to the

attributes conferred on God by human reason? How can the actual

condition of Matter be explained if we suppose it to issue from the

bosom of God and to be ever united with Him? Is it possible to believe

that the All…Powerful; supremely good in His essence and in His

faculties; has engendered things dissimilar to Himself。 Must He not in

all things and through all things be like unto Himself? Can there be

in God certain evil parts of which at some future day he may rid

Himself?a conjecture less offensive and absurd than terrible; for

the reason that it drags back into Him the two principles which the

preceding theory proved to be inadmissible。 God must be ONE; He cannot

be divided without renouncing the most important condition of His

existence。 It is therefore impossible to admit of a fraction of God

which yet is not God。 This hypothesis seemed so criminal to the Roman

Church that she has made the omnipresence of God in the least

particles of the Eucharist an article of faith。

〃But how then can we imagine an omnipotent mind which does not

triumph? How associate it unless in triumph with Nature? But Nature is

not triumphant; she seeks; combines; remodels; dies; and is born

again; she is even more convulsed when creating than when all was

fusion; Nature suffers; groans; is ignorant; degenerates; does evil;

deceives herself; annihilates herself; disappears; and begins again。

If God is associated with Nature; how can we explain the inoperative

indifference of the divine principle? Wherefore death? How came it

that Evil; king of the earth; was born of a God supremely good in His

essence and in His faculties; who can produce nothing that is not made

in His own image?

〃But if; from this relentless conclusion which leads at once to

absurdity; we pass to details; what end are we to assign to the world?

If all is God; all is reciprocally cause and effect; all is ONE as God

is ONE; and we can perceive neither points of likeness nor points of

difference。 Can the real end be a rotation of Matter which subtilizes

and disappears? In whatever sense it were done; would not this

mechanical trick of Matter issuing from God and returning to God seem

a sort of child's play? Why should God make himself gross with Matter?

Under which form is he most God? Which has the ascendant; Matter or

Spirit; when neither can in any way do wrong? Who can comprehend the

Deity engaged in this perpetual business; by which he divides Himself

into two Natures; one of which knows nothing; while the other knows

all? Can you conceive of God amusing Himself in the form of man;

laughing at His own efforts; dying Friday; to be born again Sunday;

and continuing this play from age to age; knowing the end from all

eternity; and telling nothing to Himself; the Creature; of what He the

Creator; does? The God of the preceding hypothesis; a God so nugatory

by the very power of His inertia; seems the more possible of the two

if we are compelled to choose between the impossibilities with which

this God; so dull a jester; fusillades Himself when two sections of

humanity argue face to face; weapons in hand。

〃However absurd this outcome of the second problem may seem; it was

adopted by half the human race in the sunny lands where smiling

mythologies were created。 Those amorous nations were consistent; with

them all was God; even Fear and its dastardy; even crime and its

bacchanals。 If we accept pantheism;the religion of many 
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