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desired to question。 To them; in their several ways; the Swedish

castle had grown to mean some gigantic representation; some spectacle

like those whose colors and masses are skilfully and harmoniously

marshalled by the poets; and whose personages; imaginary actors to

men; are real to those who begin to penetrate the Spiritual World。 On

the tiers of this Coliseum Monsieur Becker seated the gray legions of

Doubt; the stern ideas; the specious formulas of Dispute。 He convoked

the various antagonistic worlds of philosophy and religion; and they

all appeared; in the guise of a fleshless shape; like that in which

art embodies Time;an old man bearing in one hand a scythe; in the

other a broken globe; the human universe。

Wilfrid had bidden to the scene his earliest illusions and his latest

hopes; human destiny and its conflicts; religion and its conquering


Minna saw heaven confusedly by glimpses; love raised a curtain wrought

with mysterious images; and the melodious sounds which met her ear

redoubled her curiosity。

To all three; therefore; this evening was to be what that other

evening had been for the pilgrims to Emmaus; what a vision was to

Dante; an inspiration to Homer;to them; three aspects of the world

revealed; veils rent away; doubts dissipated; darkness illumined。

Humanity in all its moods expecting light could not be better

represented than here by this young girl; this man in the vigor of his

age; and these old men; of whom one was learned enough to doubt; the

other ignorant enough to believe。 Never was any scene more simple in

appearance; nor more portentous in reality。

When they entered the room; ushered in by old David; they found

Seraphita standing by a table on which were served the various dishes

which compose a 〃tea〃; a form of collation which in the North takes

the place of wine and its pleasures;reserved more exclusively for

Southern climes。 Certainly nothing proclaimed in her; or in him; a

being with the strange power of appearing under two distinct forms;

nothing about her betrayed the manifold powers which she wielded。 Like

a careful housewife attending to the comfort of her guests; she

ordered David to put more wood into the stove。

〃Good evening; my neighbors;〃 she said。 〃Dear Monsieur Becker; you do

right to come; you see me living for the last time; perhaps。 This

winter has killed me。 Will you sit there?〃 she said to Wilfrid。 〃And

you; Minna; here?〃 pointing to a chair beside her。 〃I see you have

brought your embroidery。 Did you invent that stitch? the design is

very pretty。 For whom is it;your father; or monsieur?〃 she added;

turning to Wilfrid。 〃Surely we ought to give him; before we part; a

remembrance of the daughters of Norway。〃

〃Did you suffer much yesterday?〃 asked Wilfrid。

〃It was nothing;〃 she answered; 〃the suffering gladdened me; it was

necessary; to enable me to leave this life。〃

〃Then death does not alarm you?〃 said Monsieur Becker; smiling; for he

did not think her ill。

〃No; dear pastor; there are two ways of dying: to some; death is

victory; to others; defeat。〃

〃Do you think that you have conquered?〃 asked Minna。

〃I do not know;〃 she said; 〃perhaps I have only taken a step in the


The lustrous splendor of her brow grew dim; her eyes were veiled

beneath slow…dropping lids; a simple movement which affected the

prying guests and kept them silent。 Monsieur Becker was the first to

recover courage。

〃Dear child;〃 he said; 〃you are truth itself; and you are ever kind。 I

would ask of you to…night something other than the dainties of your

tea…table。 If we may believe certain persons; you know amazing things;

if this be true; would it not be charitable in you to solve a few of

our doubts?〃

〃Ah!〃 she said smiling; 〃I walk on the clouds。 I visit the depths of

the fiord; the sea is my steed and I bridle it; I know where the

singing flower grows; and the talking light descends; and fragrant

colors shine! I wear the seal of Solomon; I am a fairy; I cast my

orders to the wind which; like an abject slave; fulfils them; my eyes

can pierce the earth and behold its treasures; for lo! am I not the

virgin to whom the pearls dart from their ocean depths and〃

〃who led me safely to the summit of the Falberg?〃 said Minna;

interrupting her。

〃Thou! thou too!〃 exclaimed the strange being; with a luminous glance

at the young girl which filled her soul with trouble。 〃Had I not the

faculty of reading through your foreheads the desires which have

brought you here; should I be what you think I am?〃 she said;

encircling all three with her controlling glance; to David's great

satisfaction。 The old man rubbed his hands with pleasure as he left

the room。

〃Ah!〃 she resumed after a pause; 〃you have come; all of you; with the

curiosity of children。 You; my poor Monsieur Becker; have asked

yourself how it was possible that a girl of seventeen should know even

a single one of those secrets which men of science seek with their

noses to the earth;instead of raising their eyes to heaven。 Were I

to tell you how and at what point the plant merges into the animal you

would begin to doubt your doubts。 You have plotted to question me; you

will admit that?〃

〃Yes; dear Seraphita;〃 answered Wilfrid; 〃but the desire is a natural

one to men; is it not?〃

〃You will bore this dear child with such topics;〃 she said; passing

her hand lightly over Minna's hair with a caressing gesture。

The young girl raised her eyes and seemed as though she longed to lose

herself in him。

〃Speech is the endowment of us all;〃 resumed the mysterious creature;

gravely。 〃Woe to him who keeps silence; even in a desert; believing

that no one hears him; all voices speak and all ears listen here

below。 Speech moves the universe。 Monsieur Becker; I desire to say

nothing unnecessarily。 I know the difficulties that beset your mind;

would you not think it a miracle if I were now to lay bare the past

history of your consciousness? Well; the miracle shall be

accomplished。 You have never admitted to yourself the full extent of

your doubts。 I alone; immovable in my faith; I can show it to you; I

can terrify you with yourself。

〃You stand on the darkest side of Doubt。 You do not believe in God;

although you know it not;and all things here below are secondary to

him who rejects the first principle of things。 Let us leave aside the

fruitless discussions of false philosophy。 The spiritualist

generations made as many and as vain efforts to deny Matter as the

materialist generations have made to deny Spirit。 Why such

discussions? Does not man himself offer irrefragable proof of both

systems? Do we not find in him material things and spiritual things?

None but a madman can refuse to see in the human body a fragment of

Matter; your natural sciences; when they decompose it; find little

difference between its elements and those of other animals。 On the

other hand; the 
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