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〃Dear pastor;〃 he said; 〃Seraphita is connected with us in form only;

and even that form is inexplicable。 Do not think me a madman or a

lover; a profound conviction cannot be argued with。 Convert my belief

into scientific theories; and let us try to enlighten each other。 To…

morrow evening we shall both be with her。〃

〃What then?〃 said Monsieur Becker。

〃If her eye ignores space;〃 replied Wilfrid; 〃if her thought is an

intelligent sight which enables her to perceive all things in their

essence; and to connect them with the general evolution of the

universe; if; in a word; she sees and knows all; let us seat the

Pythoness on her tripod; let us force this pitiless eagle by threats

to spread its wings! Help me! I breathe a fire which burns my vitals;

I must quench it or it will consume me。 I have found a prey at last;

and it shall be mine!〃

〃The conquest will be difficult;〃 said the pastor; 〃because this girl


〃Is what?〃 cried Wilfrid。

〃Mad;〃 said the old man。

〃I will not dispute her madness; but neither must you dispute her

wonderful powers。 Dear Monsieur Becker; she has often confounded me

with her learning。 Has she travelled?〃

〃From her house to the fiord; no further。〃

〃Never left this place!〃 exclaimed Wilfrid。 〃Then she must have read


〃Not a page; not one iota! I am the only person who possesses any

books in Jarvis。 The works of Swedenborgthe only books that were in

the chateauyou see before you。 She has never looked into a single

one of them。〃

〃Have you tried to talk with her?〃

〃What good would that do?〃

〃Does no one live with her in that house?〃

〃She has no friends but you and Minna; nor any servant except old


〃It cannot be that she knows nothing of science nor of art。〃

〃Who should teach her?〃 said the pastor。

〃But if she can discuss such matters pertinently; as she has often

done with me; what do you make of it?〃

〃The girl may have acquired through years of silence the faculties

enjoyed by Apollonius of Tyana and other pretended sorcerers burned by

the Inquisition; which did not choose to admit the fact of second…


〃If she can speak Arabic; what would you say to that?〃

〃The history of medical science gives many authentic instances of

girls who have spoken languages entirely unknown to them。〃

〃What can I do?〃 exclaimed Wilfrid。 〃She knows of secrets in my past

life known only to me。〃

〃I shall be curious if she can tell me thoughts that I have confided

to no living person;〃 said Monsieur Becker。

Minna entered the room。

〃Well; my daughter; and how is your familiar spirit?〃

〃He suffers; father;〃 she answered; bowing to Wilfrid。 〃Human

passions; clothed in their false riches; surrounded him all night; and

showed him all the glories of the world。 But you think these things

mere tales。〃

〃Tales as beautiful to those who read them in their brains as the

'Arabian Nights' to common minds;〃 said the pastor; smiling。

〃Did not Satan carry our Savior to the pinnacle of the Temple; and

show him all the kingdoms of the world?〃 she said。

〃The Evangelists;〃 replied her father; 〃did not correct their copies

very carefully; and several versions are in existence。〃

〃You believe in the reality of these visions?〃 said Wilfrid to Minna。

〃Who can doubt when he relates them。〃

〃He?〃 demanded Wilfrid。 〃Who?〃

〃He who is there;〃 replied Minna; motioning towards the chateau。

〃Are you speaking of Seraphita?〃 he said。

The young girl bent her head; and looked at him with an expression of

gentle mischief。

〃You too!〃 exclaimed Wilfrid; 〃you take pleasure in confounding me。

Who and what is she? What do you think of her?〃

〃What I feel is inexplicable;〃 said Minna; blushing。

〃You are all crazy!〃 cried the pastor。

〃Farewell; until to…morrow evening;〃 said Wilfrid。



There are pageants in which all the material splendors that man arrays

co…operate。 Nations of slaves and divers have searched the sands of

ocean and the bowels of earth for the pearls and diamonds which adorn

the spectators。 Transmitted as heirlooms from generation to

generation; these treasures have shone on consecrated brows and could

be the most faithful of historians had they speech。 They know the joys

and sorrows of the great and those of the small。 Everywhere do they

go; they are worn with pride at festivals; carried in despair to

usurers; borne off in triumph amid blood and pillage; enshrined in

masterpieces conceived by art for their protection。 None; except the

pearl of Cleopatra; has been lost。 The Great and the Fortunate

assemble to witness the coronation of some king; whose trappings are

the work of men's hands; but the purple of whose raiment is less

glorious than that of the flowers of the field。 These festivals;

splendid in light; bathed in music which the hand of man creates; aye;

all the triumphs of that hand are subdued by a thought; crushed by a

sentiment。 The Mind can illumine in a man and round a man a light more

vivid; can open his ear to more melodious harmonies; can seat him on

clouds of shining constellations and teach him to question them。 The

Heart can do still greater things。 Man may come into the presence of

one sole being and find in a single word; a single look; an influence

so weighty to bear; of so luminous a light; so penetrating a sound;

that he succumbs and kneels before it。 The most real of all splendors

are not in outward things; they are within us。 A single secret of

science is a realm of wonders to the man of learning。 Do the trumpets

of Power; the jewels of Wealth; the music of Joy; or a vast concourse

of people attend his mental festival? No; he finds his glory in some

dim retreat where; perchance; a pallid suffering man whispers a single

word into his ear; that word; like a torch lighted in a mine; reveals

to him a Science。 All human ideas; arrayed in every attractive form

which Mystery can invent surrounded a blind man seated in a wayside

ditch。 Three worlds; the Natural; the Spiritual; the Divine; with all

their spheres; opened their portals to a Florentine exile; he walked

attended by the Happy and the Unhappy; by those who prayed and those

who moaned; by angels and by souls in hell。 When the Sent of God; who

knew and could accomplish all things; appeared to three of his

disciples it was at eventide; at the common table of the humblest of

inns; and then and there the Light broke forth; shattering Material

Forms; illuminating the Spiritual Faculties; so that they saw him in

his glory; and the earth lay at their feet like a cast…off sandal。

Monsieur Becker; Wilfrid; and Minna were all under the influence of

fear as they took their way to meet the extraordinary being whom each

desired to question。 To them; in their several ways; the Swedish

castle had grown to mean some gigantic r
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