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to question David; and went to find him on the pretext of asking after

Seraphita's health。 Though Monsieur Becker spoke of the old servant as

falling into dotage; Wilfrid relied on his own perspicacity to

discover scraps of truth in the torrent of the old man's rambling


David had the immovable; undecided; physiognomy of an octogenarian。

Under his white hair lay a forehead lined with wrinkles like the stone

courses of a ruined wall; and his face was furrowed like the bed of a

dried…up torrent。 His life seemed to have retreated wholly to the

eyes; where light still shone; though its gleams were obscured by a

mistiness which seemed to indicate either an active mental alienation

or the stupid stare of drunkenness。 His slow and heavy movements

betrayed the glacial weight of age; and communicated an icy influence

to whoever allowed themselves to look long at him;for he possessed

the magnetic force of torpor。 His limited intelligence was only roused

by the sight; the hearing; or the recollection of his mistress。 She

was the soul of this wholly material fragment of an existence。 Any one

seeing David alone by himself would have thought him a corpse; let

Seraphita enter; let her voice be heard; or a mention of her be made;

and the dead came forth from his grave and recovered speech and

motion。 The dry bones were not more truly awakened by the divine

breath in the valley of Jehoshaphat; and never was that apocalyptic

vision better realized than in this Lazarus issuing from the sepulchre

into life at the voice of a young girl。 His language; which was always

figurative and often incomprehensible; prevented the inhabitants of

the village from talking with him; but they respected a mind that

deviated so utterly from common ways;a thing which the masses

instinctively admire。

Wilfrid found him in the antechamber; apparently asleep beside the

stove。 Like a dog who recognizes a friend of the family; the old man

raised his eyes; saw the foreigner; and did not stir。

〃Where is she?〃 inquired Wilfrid; sitting down beside him。

David fluttered his fingers in the air as if to express the flight of

a bird。

〃Does she still suffer?〃 asked Wilfrid。

〃Beings vowed to Heaven are able so to suffer that suffering does not

lessen their love; this is the mark of the true faith;〃 answered the

old man; solemnly; like an instrument which; on being touched; gives

forth an accidental note。

〃Who taught you those words?〃

〃The Spirit。〃

〃What happened to her last night? Did you force your way past the

Vertumni standing sentinel? did you evade the Mammons?〃

〃Yes〃; answered David; as though awaking from a dream。

The misty gleam of his eyes melted into a ray that came direct from

the soul and made it by degrees brilliant as that of an eagle; as

intelligent as that of a poet。

〃What did you see?〃 asked Wilfrid; astonished at this sudden change。

〃I saw Species and Shapes; I heard the Spirit of all things; I beheld

the revolt of the Evil Ones; I listened to the words of the Good。

Seven devils came; and seven archangels descended from on high。 The

archangels stood apart and looked on through veils。 The devils were

close by; they shone; they acted。 Mammon came on his pearly shell in

the shape of a beautiful naked woman; her snowy body dazzled the eye;

no human form ever equalled it; and he said; 'I am Pleasure; thou

shalt possess me!' Lucifer; prince of serpents; was there in sovereign

robes; his Manhood was glorious as the beauty of an angel; and he

said; 'Humanity shall be at thy feet!' The Queen of misers;she who

gives back naught that she has ever received;the Sea; came wrapped

in her virent mantle; she opened her bosom; she showed her gems; she

brought forth her treasures and offered them; waves of sapphire and of

emerald came at her bidding; her hidden wonders stirred; they rose to

the surface of her breast; they spoke; the rarest pearl of Ocean

spread its iridescent wings and gave voice to its marine melodies;

saying; 'Twin daughter of suffering; we are sisters! await me; let us

go together; all I need is to become a Woman。' The Bird with the wings

of an eagle and the paws of a lion; the head of a woman and the body

of a horse; the Animal; fell down before her and licked her feet; and

promised seven hundred years of plenty to her best…beloved daughter。

Then came the most formidable of all; the Child; weeping at her knees;

and saying; 'Wilt thou leave me; feeble and suffering as I am? oh; my

mother; stay!' and he played with her; and shed languor on the air;

and the Heavens themselves had pity for his wail。 The Virgin of pure

song brought forth her choirs to relax the soul。 The Kings of the East

came with their slaves; their armies; and their women; the Wounded

asked her for succor; the Sorrowful stretched forth their hands: 'Do

not leave us! do not leave us!' they cried。 I; too; I cried; 'Do not

leave us! we adore thee! stay!' Flowers; bursting from the seed;

bathed her in their fragrance which uttered; 'Stay!' The giant Enakim

came forth from Jupiter; leading Gold and its friends and all the

Spirits of the Astral Regions which are joined with him; and they

said; 'We are thine for seven hundred years。' At last came Death on

his pale horse; crying; 'I will obey thee!' One and all fell prostrate

before her。 Could you but have seen them! They covered as it were a

vast plain; and they cried aloud to her; 'We have nurtured thee; thou

art our child; do not abandon us!' At length Life issued from her Ruby

Waters; and said; 'I will not leave thee!' then; finding Seraphita

silent; she flamed upon her as the sun; crying out; 'I am light!' 'THE

LIGHT is there!' cried Seraphita; pointing to the clouds where stood

the archangels; but she was wearied out; Desire had wrung her nerves;

she could only cry; 'My God! my God!' Ah! many an Angelic Spirit;

scaling the mountain and nigh to the summit; has set his foot upon a

rolling stone which plunged him back into the abyss! All these lost

Spirits adored her constancy; they stood around her;a choir without

a song;weeping and whispering; 'Courage!' At last she conquered;

Desirelet loose upon her in every Shape and every Specieswas

vanquished。 She stood in prayer; and when at last her eyes were lifted

she saw the feet of Angels circling in the Heavens。〃

〃She saw the feet of Angels?〃 repeated Wilfrid。

〃Yes;〃 said the old man。

〃Was it a dream that she told you?〃 asked Wilfrid。

〃A dream as real as your life;〃 answered David; 〃I was there。〃

The calm assurance of the old servant affected Wilfrid powerfully。 He

went away asking himself whether these visions were any less

extraordinary than those he had read of in Swedenborg the night


〃If Spirits exist; they must act;〃 he was saying to himself as he

entered the parsonage; where he found Monsieur Becker alone。

〃Dear pastor;〃 he said; 〃Seraphita is connected with us in form only;

and even that 
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