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men of force and the men of thought; yet his excesses; his tumultuous

life; and his misdeeds had often turned him towards Faith; for doubt

has two sides; a side to the light and a side to the darkness。 Wilfrid

had too closely clasped the world under its forms of Matter and of

Mind not to have acquired that thirst for the unknown; that longing to

GO BEYOND which lay their grasp upon the men who know; and wish; and

will。 But neither his knowledge; nor his actions; nor his will; had

found direction。 He had fled from social life from necessity; as a

great criminal seeks the cloister。 Remorse; that virtue of weak

beings; did not touch him。 Remorse is impotence; impotence which sins

again。 Repentance alone is powerful; it ends all。 But in traversing

the world; which he made his cloister; Wilfrid had found no balm for

his wounds; he saw nothing in nature to which he could attach himself。

In him; despair had dried the sources of desire。 He was one of those

beings who; having gone through all passions and come out victorious;

have nothing more to raise in their hot…beds; and who; lacking

opportunity to put themselves at the head of their fellow…men to

trample under iron heel entire populations; buy; at the price of a

horrible martyrdom; the faculty of ruining themselves in some belief;

rocks sublime; which await the touch of a wand that comes not to

bring the waters gushing from their far…off spring。

Led by a scheme of his restless; inquiring life to the shores of

Norway; the sudden arrival of winter had detained the wanderer at

Jarvis。 The day on which; for the first time; he saw Seraphita; the

whole past of his life faded from his mind。 The young girl excited

emotions which he had thought could never be revived。 The ashes gave

forth a lingering flame at the first murmurings of that voice。 Who has

ever felt himself return to youth and purity after growing cold and

numb with age and soiled with impurity? Suddenly; Wilfrid loved as he

had never loved; he loved secretly; with faith; with fear; with inward

madness。 His life was stirred to the very source of his being at the

mere thought of seeing Seraphita。 As he listened to her he was

transported into unknown worlds; he was mute before her; she

magnetized him。 There; beneath the snows; among the glaciers; bloomed

the celestial flower to which his hopes; so long betrayed; aspired;

the sight of which awakened ideas of freshness; purity; and faith

which grouped about his soul and lifted it to higher regions;as

Angels bear to heaven the Elect in those symbolic pictures inspired by

the guardian spirit of a great master。 Celestial perfumes softened the

granite hardness of the rocky scene; light endowed with speech shed

its divine melodies on the path of him who looked to heaven。 After

emptying the cup of terrestrial love which his teeth had bitten as he

drank it; he saw before him the chalice of salvation where the limpid

waters sparkled; making thirsty for ineffable delights whoever dare

apply his lips burning with a faith so strong that the crystal shall

not be shattered。

But Wilfrid now encountered the wall of brass for which he had been

seeking up and down the earth。 He went impetuously to Seraphita;

meaning to express the whole force and bearing of a passion under

which he bounded like the fabled horse beneath the iron horseman; firm

in his saddle; whom nothing moves while the efforts of the fiery

animal only made the rider heavier and more solid。 He sought her to

relate his life;to prove the grandeur of his soul by the grandeur of

his faults; to show the ruins of his desert。 But no sooner had he

crossed her threshold; and found himself within the zone of those eyes

of scintillating azure; that met no limits forward and left none

behind; than he grew calm and submissive; as a lion; springing on his

prey in the plains of Africa; receives from the wings of the wind a

message of love; and stops his bound。 A gulf opened before him; into

which his frenzied words fell and disappeared; and from which uprose a

voice which changed his being; he became as a child; a child of

sixteen; timid and frightened before this maiden with serene brow;

this white figure whose inalterable calm was like the cruel

impassibility of human justice。 The combat between them had never

ceased until this evening; when with a glance she brought him down; as

a falcon making his dizzy spirals in the air around his prey causes it

to fall stupefied to earth; before carrying it to his eyrie。

We may note within ourselves many a long struggle the end of which is

one of our own actions;struggles which are; as it were; the reverse

side of humanity。 This reverse side belongs to God; the obverse side

to men。 More than once Seraphita had proved to Wilfrid that she knew

this hidden and ever varied side; which is to the majority of men a

second being。 Often she said to him in her dove…like voice: 〃Why all

this vehemence?〃 when on his way to her he had sworn she should be

his。 Wilfrid was; however; strong enough to raise the cry of revolt to

which he had given utterance in Monsieur Becker's study。 The narrative

of the old pastor had calmed him。 Sceptical and derisive as he was; he

saw belief like a sidereal brilliance dawning on his life。 He asked

himself if Seraphita were not an exile from the higher spheres seeking

the homeward way。 The fanciful deifications of all ordinary lovers he

could not give to this lily of Norway in whose divinity he believed。

Why lived she here beside this fiord? What did she? Questions that

received no answer filled his mind。 Above all; what was about to

happen between them? What fate had brought him there? To him;

Seraphita was the motionless marble; light nevertheless as a vapor;

which Minna had seen that day poised above the precipices of the

Falberg。 Could she thus stand on the edge of all gulfs without danger;

without a tremor of the arching eyebrows; or a quiver of the light of

the eye? If his love was to be without hope; it was not without


From the moment when Wilfrid suspected the ethereal nature of the

enchantress who had told him the secrets of his life in melodious

utterance; he had longed to try to subject her; to keep her to

himself; to tear her from the heaven where; perhaps; she was awaited。

Earth and Humanity seized their prey; he would imitate them。 His

pride; the only sentiment through which man can long be exalted; would

make him happy in this triumph for the rest of his life。 The idea sent

the blood boiling through his veins; and his heart swelled。 If he did

not succeed; he would destroy her;it is so natural to destroy that

which we cannot possess; to deny what we cannot comprehend; to insult

that which we envy。

On the morrow; Wilfrid; laden with ideas which the extraordinary

events of the previous night naturally awakened in his mind; resolved

to question David; and went to find him on the pretext of asking after

Seraphita's health。 Though Monsieur Beck
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