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to the saeters; says that in rainy weather a circle of clear sky can

be seen over the Swedish castle; and that the heavens are always blue

above Seraphita's head when she is on the mountain。 Many women hear

the tones of a mighty organ when Seraphita enters the church; and ask

their neighbors earnestly if they too do not hear them。 But my

daughter; for whom during the last two years Seraphita has shown much

affection; has never heard this music; and has never perceived the

heavenly perfumes which; they say; make the air fragrant about her

when she moves。 Minna; to be sure; has often on returning from their

walks together expressed to me the delight of a young girl in the

beauties of our spring…time; in the spicy odors of budding larches and

pines and the earliest flowers; but after our long winters what can be

more natural than such pleasure? The companionship of this so…called

spirit has nothing so very extraordinary in it; has it; my child?〃

〃The secrets of that spirit are not mine;〃 said Minna。 〃Near it I know

all; away from it I know nothing; near that exquisite life I am no

longer myself; far from it I forget all。 The time we pass together is

a dream which my memory scarcely retains。 I may have heard yet not

remember the music which the women tell of; in that presence; I may

have breathed celestial perfumes; seen the glory of the heavens; and

yet be unable to recollect them here。〃

〃What astonishes me most;〃 resumed the pastor; addressing Wilfrid; 〃is

to notice that you suffer from being near her。〃

〃Near her!〃 exclaimed the stranger; 〃she has never so much as let me

touch her hand。 When she saw me for the first time her glance

intimidated me; she said: 'You are welcome here; for you were to

come。' I fancied that she knew me。 I trembled。 It is fear that forces

me to believe in her。〃

〃With me it is love;〃 said Minna; without a blush。

〃Are you making fun of me?〃 said Monsieur Becker; laughing good…

humoredly; 〃you my daughter; in calling yourself a Spirit of Love; and

you; Monsieur Wilfrid; in pretending to be a Spirit of Wisdom?〃

He drank a glass of beer and so did not see the singular look which

Wilfrid cast upon Minna。

〃Jesting apart;〃 resumed the old gentleman; 〃I have been much

astonished to hear that these two mad…caps ascended to the summit of

the Falberg; it must be a girlish exaggeration; they probably went to

the crest of a ledge。 It is impossible to reach the peaks of the


〃If so; father;〃 said Minna; in an agitated voice; 〃I must have been

under the power of a spirit; for indeed we reached the summit of the


〃This is really serious;〃 said Monsieur Becker。 〃Minna is always


〃Monsieur Becker;〃 said Wilfrid; 〃I swear to you that Seraphita

exercises such extraordinary power over me that I know no language in

which I can give you the least idea of it。 She has revealed to me

things known to myself alone。〃

〃Somnambulism!〃 said the old man。 〃A great many such effects are

related by Jean Wier as phenomena easily explained and formerly

observed in Egypt。〃

〃Lend me Swedenborg's theosophical works;〃 said Wilfrid; 〃and let me

plunge into those gulfs of light;you have given me a thirst for


Monsieur Becker took down a volume and gave it to his guest; who

instantly began to read it。 It was about nine o'clock in the evening。

The serving…woman brought in the supper。 Minna made tea。 The repast

over; each turned silently to his or her occupation; the pastor read

the Incantations; Wilfrid pursued the spirit of Swedenborg; and the

young girl continued to sew; her mind absorbed in recollections。 It

was a true Norwegian eveningpeaceful; studious; and domestic; full

of thoughts; flowers blooming beneath the snow。 Wilfrid; as he

devoured the pages of the prophet; lived by his inner senses only; the

pastor; looking up at times from his book; called Minna's attention to

the absorption of their guest with an air that was half…serious; half…

jesting。 To Minna's thoughts the face of Seraphitus smiled upon her as

it hovered above the clouds of smoke which enveloped them。 The clock

struck twelve。 Suddenly the outer door was opened violently。 Heavy but

hurried steps; the steps of a terrified old man; were heard in the

narrow vestibule between the two doors; then David burst into the


〃Danger; danger!〃 he cried。 〃Come! come; all! The evil spirits are

unchained! Fiery mitres are on their heads! Demons; Vertumni; Sirens!

they tempt her as Jesus was tempted on the mountain! Come; come! and

drive them away。〃

〃Do you not recognize the language of Swedenborg?〃 said the pastor;

laughing; to Wilfrid。 〃Here it is; pure from the source。〃

But Wilfrid and Minna were gazing in terror at old David; who; with

hair erect; and eyes distraught; his legs trembling and covered with

snow; for he had come without snow…shoes; stood swaying from side to

side; as if some boisterous wind were shaking him。

〃Is he harmed?〃 cried Minna。

〃The devils hope and try to conquer her;〃 replied the old man。

The words made Wilfrid's pulses throb。

〃For the last five hours she has stood erect; her eyes raised to

heaven and her arms extended; she suffers; she cries to God。 I cannot

cross the barrier; Hell has posted the Vertumni as sentinels。 They

have set up an iron wall between her and her old David。 She wants me;

but what can I do? Oh; help me! help me! Come and pray!〃

The old man's despair was terrible to see。

〃The Light of God is defending her;〃 he went on; with infectious

faith; 〃but oh! she might yield to violence。〃

〃Silence; David! you are raving。 This is a matter to be verified。 We

will go with you;〃 said the pastor; 〃and you shall see that there are

no Vertumni; nor Satans; nor Sirens; in that house。〃

〃Your father is blind;〃 whispered David to Minna。

Wilfrid; on whom the reading of Swedenborg's first treatise; which he

had rapidly gone through; had produced a powerful effect; was already

in the corridor putting on his skees; Minna was ready in a few

moments; and both left the old men far behind as they darted forward

to the Swedish castle。

〃Do you hear that cracking sound?〃 said Wilfrid。

〃The ice of the fiord stirs;〃 answered Minna; 〃the spring is coming。〃

Wilfrid was silent。 When the two reached the courtyard they were

conscious that they had neither the faculty nor the strength to enter

the house。

〃What think you of her?〃 asked Wilfrid。

〃See that radiance!〃 cried Minna; going towards the window of the

salon。 〃He is there! How beautiful! O my Seraphitus; take me!〃

The exclamation was uttered inwardly。 She saw Seraphitus standing

erect; lightly swathed in an opal…tinted mist that disappeared at a

little distance from the body; which seemed almost phosphorescent。

〃How beautiful she is!〃 cried Wilfrid; mentally。

Just then Monsieur Becker arrived; followed by David; he saw his

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