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  led the most exemplary of lives。 The version which the Chevalier

  Baylon gave of these facts is; therefore; entirely without

  justification; the visit stated to have been made to Swedenborg in

  the night…time by Count H and Count T is hereby

  contradicted。 In conclusion; the writer of the letter may rest

  assured that I am not a follower of Swedenborg。 The love of truth

  alone impels me to give this faithful account of a fact which has

  been so often stated with details that are entirely false。 I

  certify to the truth of what I have written by adding my


Charles…Leonhard de Stahlhammer。

〃The proofs which Swedenborg gave of his mission to the royal families

of Sweden and Prussia were no doubt the foundation of the belief in

his doctrines which is prevalent at the two courts;〃 said Monsieur

Becker; putting the gazette into the drawer。 〃However;〃 he continued;

〃I shall not tell you all the facts of his visible and material life;

indeed his habits prevented them from being fully known。 He lived a

hidden life; not seeking either riches or fame。 He was even noted for

a sort of repugnance to making proselytes; he opened his mind to few

persons; and never showed his external powers of second…sight to any

who were not eminent in faith; wisdom; and love。 He could recognize at

a glance the state of the soul of every person who approached him; and

those whom he desired to reach with his inward language he converted

into Seers。 After the year 1745; his disciples never saw him do a

single thing from any human motive。 One man alone; a Swedish priest;

named Mathesius; set afloat a story that he went mad in London in

1744。 But a eulogium on Swedenborg prepared with minute care as to all

the known events of his life; was pronounced after his death in 1772

on behalf of the Royal Academy of Sciences in the Hall of the Nobles

at Stockholm; by Monsieur Sandels; counsellor of the Board of Mines。 A

declaration made before the Lord Mayor of London gives the details of

his last illness and death; in which he received the ministrations of

Monsieur Ferelius a Swedish priest of the highest standing; and pastor

of the Swedish Church in London; Mathesius being his assistant。 All

persons present attested that so far from denying the value of his

writings Swedenborg firmly asserted their truth。 'In one hundred

years;' Monsieur Ferelius quotes him as saying; 'my doctrine will

guide the CHURCH。' He predicted the day and hour of his death。 On that

day; Sunday; March 29; 1772; hearing the clock strike; he asked what

time it was。 'Five o'clock' was the answer。 'It is well;' he answered;

'thank you; God bless you。' Ten minutes later he tranquilly departed;

breathing a gentle sigh。 Simplicity; moderation; and solitude were the

features of his life。 When he had finished writing any of his books he

sailed either for London or for Holland; where he published them; and

never spoke of them again。 He published in this way twenty…seven

different treatises; all written; he said; from the dictation of

Angels。 Be it true or false; few men have been strong enough to endure

the flames of oral illumination。

〃There they all are;〃 said Monsieur Becker; pointing to a second shelf

on which were some sixty volumes。 〃The treatises on which the Divine

Spirit casts its most vivid gleams are seven in number; namely:

'Heaven and Hell'; 'Angelic Wisdom concerning the Divine Love and the

Divine Wisdom'; 'Angelic Wisdom concerning the Divine Providence';

'The Apocalypse Revealed'; 'Conjugial Love and its Chaste Delights';

'The True Christian Religion'; and 'An Exposition of the Internal

Sense。' Swedenborg's explanation of the Apocalypse begins with these

words;〃 said Monsieur Becker; taking down and opening the volume

nearest to him: 〃'Herein I have written nothing of mine own; I speak

as I am bidden by the Lord; who said; through the same angel; to John:

〃Thou shalt not seal the sayings of this Prophecy。〃' (Revelation xxii。


〃My dear Monsieur Wilfrid;〃 said the old man; looking at his guest; 〃I

often tremble in every limb as I read; during the long winter evenings

the awe…inspiring works in which this man declares with perfect

artlessness the wonders that are revealed to him。 'I have seen;' he

says; 'Heaven and the Angels。 The spiritual man sees his spiritual

fellows far better than the terrestrial man sees the men of earth。 In

describing the wonders of heaven and beneath the heavens I obey the

Lord's command。 Others have the right to believe me or not as they

choose。 I cannot put them into the state in which God has put me; it

is not in my power to enable them to converse with Angels; nor to work

miracles within their understanding; they alone can be the instrument

of their rise to angelic intercourse。 It is now twenty…eight years

since I have lived in the Spiritual world with angels; and on earth

with men; for it pleased God to open the eyes of my Spirit as he did

that of Paul; and of Daniel and Elisha。'

〃And yet;〃 continued the pastor; thoughtfully; 〃certain persons have

had visions of the spiritual world through the complete detachment

which somnambulism produces between their external form and their

inner being。 'In this state;' says Swedenborg in his treatise on

Angelic Wisdom (No。 257) 'Man may rise into the region of celestial

light because; his corporeal senses being abolished; the influence of

heaven acts without hindrance on his inner man。' Many persons who do

not doubt that Swedenborg received celestial revelations think that

his writings are not all the result of divine inspiration。 Others

insist on absolute adherence to him; while admitting his many

obscurities; they believe that the imperfection of earthly language

prevented the prophet from clearly revealing those spiritual visions

whose clouds disperse to the eyes of those whom faith regenerates;

for; to use the words of his greatest disciple; 'Flesh is but an

external propagation。' To poets and to writers his presentation of the

marvellous is amazing; to Seers it is simply reality。 To some

Christians his descriptions have seemed scandalous。 Certain critics

have ridiculed the celestial substance of his temples; his golden

palaces; his splendid cities where angels disport themselves; they

laugh at his groves of miraculous trees; his gardens where the flowers

speak and the air is white; and the mystical stones; the sard;

carbuncle; chrysolite; chrysoprase; jacinth; chalcedony; beryl; the

Urim and Thummim; are endowed with motion; express celestial truths;

and reply by variations of light to questions put to them ('True

Christian Religion;' 219)。 Many noble souls will not admit his

spiritual worlds where colors are heard in delightful concert; where

language flames and flashes; where the Word is writ in pointed spiral

letters ('True Christian Religion;' 278)。 Even in the North some

writers have laughed at the gates of pearl; and the diamonds which

stud the floors and walls o
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