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her enchantments over me began on that first day; when silence as to

her was imposed upon me against my will。 Each time that I have wished

to question you it seemed as though I were about to reveal a secret of

which I ought to be the incorruptible guardian。 Whenever I have tried

to speak; a burning seal has been laid upon my lips; and I myself have

become the involuntary minister of these mysteries。 You see me here

to…night; for the hundredth time; bruised; defeated; broken; after

leaving the hallucinating sphere which surrounds that young girl; so

gentle; so fragile to both of you; but to me the cruellest of

magicians! Yes; to me she is like a sorcerer holding in her right hand

the invisible wand that moves the globe; and in her left the

thunderbolt that rends asunder all things at her will。 No longer can I

look upon her brow; the light of it is insupportable。 I skirt the

borders of the abyss of madness too closely to be longer silent。 I

must speak。 I seize this moment; when courage comes to me; to resist

the power which drags me onward without inquiring whether or not I

have the force to follow。 Who is she? Did you know her young? What of

her birth? Had she father and mother; or was she born of the

conjunction of ice and sun? She burns and yet she freeze; she shows

herself and then withdraws; she attracts me and repulses me; she

brings me life; she gives me death; I love her and yet I hate her! I

cannot live thus; let me be wholly in heaven or in hell!〃

Holding his refilled pipe in one hand; and in the other the cover

which he forgot to replace; Monsieur Becker listened to Wilfrid with a

mysterious expression on his face; looking occasionally at his

daughter; who seemed to understand the man's language as in harmony

with the strange being who inspired it。 Wilfrid was splendid to behold

at this moment;like Hamlet listening to the ghost of his father as

it rises for him alone in the midst of the living。

〃This is certainly the language of a man in love;〃 said the good

pastor; innocently。

〃In love!〃 cried Wilfrid; 〃yes; to common minds。 But; dear Monsieur

Becker; no words can express the frenzy which draws me to the feet of

that unearthly being。〃

〃Then you do love her?〃 said Minna; in a tone of reproach。

〃Mademoiselle; I feel such extraordinary agitation when I see her; and

such deep sadness when I see her no more; that in any other man what I

feel would be called love。 But that sentiment draws those who feel it

ardently together; whereas between her and me a great gulf lies; whose

icy coldness penetrates my very being in her presence; though the

feeling dies away when I see her no longer。 I leave her in despair; I

return to her with ardor;like men of science who seek a secret from

Nature only to be baffled; or like the painter who would fain put life

upon his canvas and strives with all the resources of his art in the

vain attempt。〃

〃Monsieur; all that you say is true;〃 replied the young girl;


〃How can you know; Minna?〃 asked the old pastor。

〃Ah! my father; had you been with us this morning on the summit of the

Falberg; had you seen him praying; you would not ask me that question。

You would say; like Monsieur Wilfrid; that he saw his Seraphita for

the first time in our temple; 'It is the Spirit of Prayer。'〃

These words were followed by a moment's silence。

〃Ah; truly!〃 said Wilfrid; 〃she has nothing in common with the

creatures who grovel upon this earth。〃

〃On the Falberg!〃 said the old pastor; 〃how could you get there?〃

〃I do not know;〃 replied Minna; 〃the way is like a dream to me; of

which no more than a memory remains。 Perhaps I should hardly believe

that I had been there were it not for this tangible proof。〃

She drew the flower from her bosom and showed it to them。 All three

gazed at the pretty saxifrage; which was still fresh; and now shone in

the light of the two lamps like a third luminary。

〃This is indeed supernatural;〃 said the old man; astounded at the

sight of a flower blooming in winter。

〃A mystery!〃 cried Wilfrid; intoxicated with its perfume。

〃The flower makes me giddy;〃 said Minna; 〃I fancy I still hear that

voice;the music of thought; that I still see the light of that look;

which is Love。〃

〃I implore you; my dear Monsieur Becker; tell me the history of

Seraphita;enigmatical human flower;whose image is before us in

this mysterious bloom。〃

〃My dear friend;〃 said the old man; emitting a puff of smoke; 〃to

explain the birth of that being it is absolutely necessary that I

disperse the clouds which envelop the most obscure of Christian

doctrines。 It is not easy to make myself clear when speaking of that

incomprehensible revelation;the last effulgence of faith that has

shone upon our lump of mud。 Do you know Swedenborg?〃

〃By name only;of him; of his books; and his religion I know


〃Then I must relate to you the whole chronicle of Swedenborg。〃



After a pause; during which the pastor seemed to be gathering his

recollections; he continued in the following words:

〃Emanuel Swedenborg was born at Upsala in Sweden; in the month of

January; 1688; according to various authors;in 1689; according to

his epitaph。 His father was Bishop of Skara。 Swedenborg lived eighty…

five years; his death occurred in London; March 29; 1772。 I use that

term to convey the idea of a simple change of state。 According to his

disciples; Swedenborg was seen at Jarvis and in Paris after that date。

Allow me; my dear Monsieur Wilfrid;〃 said Monsieur Becker; making a

gesture to prevent all interruption; 〃I relate these facts without

either affirming or denying them。 Listen; afterwards you can think and

say what you like。 I will inform you when I judge; criticise; and

discuss these doctrines; so as to keep clearly in view my own

intellectual neutrality between HIM and Reason。

〃The life of Swedenborg was divided into two parts;〃 continued the

pastor。 〃From 1688 to 1745 Baron Emanuel Swedenborg appeared in the

world as a man of vast learning; esteemed and cherished for his

virtues; always irreproachable and constantly useful。 While fulfilling

high public functions in Sweden; he published; between 1709 and 1740;

several important works on mineralogy; physics; mathematics; and

astronomy; which enlightened the world of learning。 He originated a

method of building docks suitable for the reception of large vessels;

and he wrote many treatises on various important questions; such as

the rise of tides; the theory of the magnet and its qualities; the

motion and position of the earth and planets; and while Assessor in

the Royal College of Mines; on the proper system of working salt

mines。 He discovered means to construct canal…locks or sluices; and he

also discovered and applied the simplest methods of extracting ore and

of working metals。 In fact he studied no science without advancing i
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