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the ways of men(人们的手段)-第66章

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when   your   husband   was   writing   his   chapters   on   the   Reign   of Terror;   he 

ended by falling ill?〃 

     〃Ah; yes!〃 she replied。 〃That was the week he executed Danton。 We 

were   living   in   the   country   near   Nantes。   The   ground   was   covered   with 

snow。     I  can   see   him    now;    hurrying     to  and   fro   under    the   bare   trees; 

gesticulating and crying as he walked; ‘How can I judge them; those great 

men?      How     can   I  judge   them?'     It  was   in  this   way    that  he   threw    his 

‘thousand   souls'   into   the   past   and   lived   in   sympathy   with   all   men;   an 

apostle of universal love。 After one of these fecund hours he would drop 

into his chair and murmur; ‘I am crushed by this work。 I have been writing 

with my blood!'〃 

     Alas;   his   aged   eyes   were   destined   to   read   sadder   pages   than   he   had 


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                                    THE WAYS OF MEN 

ever   written;   to   see   years   as   tragic   as   the   〃Terror。〃   He   lived   to   hear   the 

recital   of   (having   refused   to   witness)   his   country's   humiliation;   and   fell 

one   April   morning;   in   his   retirement   near   Pisa;   unconscious   under   the 

double   shock   of   invasion   and   civil   war。   Though   he   recovered   later;   his 

horizon remained dark。 The patriot suffered to see party spirit and warring 

factions rending the nation he had so often called the pilot of humanity's 

bark;    which     seemed     now    to  be   going    straight   on   the  rocks。    〃FINIS 

GALLIAE;〃 murmured the historian; who to the end lived and died with 

his native land。 

     Thousands yearly mount the broad steps of the Pantheon to lay their 

wreaths upon   his tomb; and thousands   more in   every  Gallic schoolroom 

are    daily  learning;    in  the   pages   of   his  history;   to  love   FRANCE        LA 



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