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the complete works of artemus ward, part 3-第9章

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already twenty…five wives; whom I respect and tenderly care for;
I can truly say that I never felt love's holy thrill till I saw
thee!  Be minebe mine!〃 he enthusiastically cried; 〃and we will
show the world a striking illustration of the beauty and truth of
the noble lines; only a good deal more so

               〃Twenty…one souls with a single thought;
                Twenty…one hearts that beat as one!〃

They were united; they were!

Gentle reader; does not the moral of this romance show thatdoes
it not; in fact; show that however many there may be of a young
widow woman; or rather does it not show that whatever number of
persons one woman may consist ofwell; never mind what it SHOWS。
Only this writing Mormon romances is confusing to the intellect。
You try it and see。

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