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the zincali-第87章

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has in modern times compelled people far more civilised than 

wandering Gypsies。

(20) England。

(21) Spain。

(22) MITHRIDATES:  erster Theil; s。 241。

(23) Torreblanca:  DE MAGIA; 1678。

(24) Exodus; chap。 xiii。 v。 9。  'And it shall be for a sign unto 

thee upon thy hand。' Eng。  Trans。

(25) No chapter in the book of Job contains any such verse。

(26) 'And the children of Israel went out with an high hand。'  

Exodus; chap。 xiv。 v。 8。 Eng。  Trans。

(27) No such verse is to be found in the book mentioned。

(28) Prov。; chap。 vii。 vers。 11; 12。  'She is loud and stubborn; 

her feet abide not in her house。  Now is she without; now in the 

streets; and lieth in wait at every corner。'  Eng。 Trans。

(29) HISTORIA DE ALONSO; MOZO DE MUCHOS AMOS:  or; the story of 

Alonso; servant of many masters; an entertaining novel; written in 

the seventeenth century; by Geronimo of Alcala; from which some 

extracts were given in the first edition of the present work。

(30) O Ali! O Mahomet! … God is God! … A Turkish war…cry。

(31) Gen。 xlix。 22。

(32) In the original there is a play on words。 … It is not 

necessary to enter into particulars farther than to observe that in 

the Hebrew language 'ain' means a well; and likewise an eye。

(33) Gen。 xlviii。 16。  In the English version the exact sense of 

the inspired original is not conveyed。  The descendants of Joseph 

are to increase like fish。

(34) Exodus; chap。 xii。 v。 37; 38。

(35) Quinones; p。 11。

(36) The writer will by no means answer for the truth of these 

statements respecting Gypsy marriages。

(37) This statement is incorrect。

(38) The Torlaquis (idle vagabonds); Hadgies (saints); and 

Dervishes (mendicant friars) of the East; are Gypsies neither by 

origin nor habits; but are in general people who support themselves 

in idleness by practising upon the credulity and superstition of 

the Moslems。

(39) In the Moorish Arabic; 'Arabic text which cannot be 

reproduced' … or reus al haramin; the literal meaning being; 'heads 

or captains of thieves。'

(40) A favourite saying amongst this class of people is the 

following:  'Es preciso que cada uno coma de su oficio'; I。E。 every 

one must live by his trade。

(41) For the above well…drawn character of Charles the Third I am 

indebted to the pen of Louis de Usoz y Rio; my coadjutor in the 

editing of the New Testament in Spanish (Madrid; 1837)。  For a 

further account of this gentleman; the reader is referred to THE 

BIBLE IN SPAIN; preface; p。 xxii。

(42) Steal a horse。

(43) The lame devil:  Asmodeus。

(44) Rinconete and Cortadillo。

(45) The great river; or Guadalquiver。

(46) A fountain in Paradise。

(47) A Gypsy word signifying 'exceeding much。'

(48) 'Lengua muy cerrada。'

(49) 'No camelo ser eray; es Calo mi nacimiento;

No camelo ser eray; eon ser Cale me contento。'

(50) Armed partisans; or guerillas on horseback:  they waged a war 

of extermination against the French; but at the same time plundered 

their countrymen without scruple。

(51) The Basques speak a Tartar dialect which strikingly resembles 

the Mongolian and the Mandchou。

(52) A small nation or rather sect of contrabandistas; who inhabit 

the valley of Pas amidst the mountains of Santander; they carry 

long sticks; in the handling of which they are unequalled。  Armed 

with one of these sticks; a smuggler of Pas has been known to beat 

off two mounted dragoons。

(53) The hostess; Maria Diaz; and her son Joan Jose Lopez; were 

present when the outcast uttered these prophetic words。

(54) Eodem anno precipue fuit pestis seu mortalitas Forlivio。

(55) This work is styled HISTORIA DE LOS GITANOS; by J。 M…; 

published at Barcelona in the year 1832; it consists of ninety…

three very small and scantily furnished pages。  Its chief; we might 

say its only merit; is the style; which is fluent and easy。  The 

writer is a theorist; and sacrifices truth and probability to the 

shrine of one idea; and that one of the most absurd that ever 

entered the head of an individual。  He endeavours to persuade his 

readers that the Gitanos are the descendants of the Moors; and the 

greatest part of his work is a history of those Africans; from the 

time of their arrival in the Peninsula till their expatriation by 

Philip the Third。  The Gitanos he supposes to be various tribes of 

wandering Moors; who baffled pursuit amidst the fastnesses of the 

hills; he denies that they are of the same origin as the Gypsies; 

Bohemians; etc。; of other lands; though he does not back his denial 

by any proofs; and is confessedly ignorant of the Gitano language; 

the grand criterion。

(56) A Russian word signifying beans。

(57) The term for poisoning swine in English Gypsy is DRABBING 


(58) Por medio de chalanerias。

(59) The English。

(60) These words are very ancient; and were; perhaps; used by the 

earliest Spanish Gypsies; they differ much from the language of the 

present day; and are quite unintelligible to the modern Gitanos。

(61) It was speedily prohibited; together with the Basque gospel; 

by a royal ordonnance; however; which appeared in the Gazette of 

Madrid; in August 1838; every public library in the kingdom was 

empowered to purchase two copies in both languages; as the works in 

question were allowed to possess some merit IN A LITERARY POINT OF 

VIEW。  For a particular account of the Basque translation; and also 

some remarks on the Euscarra language; the reader is referred to 

THE BIBLE IN SPAIN; vol。 ii。 p。 385…398。

(62) Steal me; Gypsy。

(63) A species of gendarme or armed policeman。  The Miquelets have 

existed in Spain for upwards of two hundred years。  They are called 

Miquelets; from the name of their original leader。  They are 

generally Aragonese by nation; and reclaimed robbers。

(64) Those who may be desirous of perusing the originals of the 

following rhymes should consult former editions of this work。

(65) For the original; see other editions。

(66) For this information concerning Palmireno; and also for a 

sight of the somewhat rare volume written by him; the author was 

indebted to a kind friend; a native of Spain。

(67) A very unfair inference; that some of the Gypsies did not 

understand the author when he spoke Romaic; was no proof that their 

own private language was a feigned one; invented for thievish 


(68) Of all these; the most terrible; and whose sway endured for 

the longest period; were the Mongols; as they were called:  few; 

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