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the zincali-第84章

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chapescando; trutando la romuy apala; per bausale de las machas o 

almedalles de liripio。

On a certain time arrived a band of thieves at the gate of a farm…

house at midnight。  So soon as the dogs heard them they began to 

bark; which causing (106) the labourer to awake; he raised himself 

from his bed with a start; took his musket; and went running to the 

court…yard of the farm…house to the gate; which was shut; placed 

the barrel of his musket to the keyhole; gave his finger its 

desire; (107) and sent a bullet into the forehead of the captain of 

the robbers; casting him down from his horse。  Soon as the other 

fellows saw their captain on the ground in the agonies of death; 

they clapped spurs to their horses; and galloped off fleeing; 

turning their faces back on account of the flies (108) or almonds 

of lead。





Y soscabando dicando dico los Barbalos sos techescaban desqueros 

mansis on or Gazofilacio; y dico tramisto yesque pispiricha 

chorrorita; sos techescaba duis chinorris saraballis; y penelo:  en 

chachipe os penelo; sos caba chorrorri pispiricha a techescao bus 

sos sares los aveles:  persos saros ondobas han techescao per los 

mansis de Ostebe; de lo sos les costuna; bus caba e desquero 

chorrorri a techescao saro or susalo sos terelaba。  Y pendo a 

cormunis; sos pendaban del cangaripe; soscabelaba uriardao de 

orchiris berrandanas; y de denes:  Cabas buchis sos dicais; 

abillaran chibeles; bus ne muquelara berrandana costune berrandana; 

sos ne quesesa demarabea。  Y le prucharon y pendaron:  Docurdo; bus 

quesa ondoba?  Y sos simachi abicara bus ondoba presimare?  Ondole 

penclo:  Dicad; sos nasti queseis jonjabaos; persos butes abillaran 

on men acnao; pendando:  man sirlo; y or chiro soscabela pajes:  

Garabaos de guillelar apala; de ondolayos:  y bus junureis barganas 

y sustines; ne os espajueis; persos sin perfine sos ondoba chundee 

brotobo; bus nasti quesa escotria or egresiton。  Oclinde les 

pendaba:  se sustinara sueste sartra sueste; y sichen sartra 

sichen; y abicara bareles dajiros de chenes per los gaos; y 

retreques y bocatas; y abicara buchengeres espajuis; y bareles 

simachis de otarpe:  bus anjella de saro ondoba os sinastraran y 

preguillaran; enregandoos a la Socreteria; y los ostardos; y os 

legeraran a los Oclayes; y a los Baquedunis; per men acnao:  y 

ondoba os chundeara on chachipe。  Terelad pus seraji on bros 

garlochines de ne orobrar anjella sata abicais de brudilar; persos 

man os dinare rotuni y chanar; la sos ne asislaran resistir ne 

sartra pendar satos bros enormes。  Y quesareis enregaos de bros 

batos; y opranos; y sastris; y monrrores; y queraran merar a 

cormuni de averes; y os cangelaran saros per men acnao; bus ne 

carjibara ies bal de bros jeros。  Sar bras opachirima avelareis 

bras orchis:  pus bus dicareis a Jerusalen relli; oclinde chanad 

sos; desquero petra soscabela pajes; oclinde los soscabelan on la 

Chutea; chapesguen a los tober…jelis; y los que on macara de 

ondolaya; niquillense; y lo sos on los oltariques; nasti enrren on 

ondolaya; persos ondoba sen chibeles de Abillaza; pa sos chundeen 

sares las buchis soscabelan libanas; bus isna de las araris; y de 

las sos dinan de oropielar on asirios chibeles; persos abicara bare 

quichartura costune la chen; e guillara pa andoba Gao; y petraran a 

surabi de janrro; y quesan legeraos sinastros a sares las chenes; y 

Jerusalen quesa omana de los suestiles; sasta sos quejesen los 

chiros de las sichenes; y abicara simaches on or orcan; y on la 

chimutia; y on las uchurganis; y on la chen chalabeo on la suete 

per or dan sos bausalara la loria y des…queros gulas; muquelando 

los romares bifaos per dajiralo de las buchis sos costune abillaran 

a saro or surdete; persos los solares de los otarpes quesan sar…

chalabeaos; y oclinde dicaran a or Chaboro e Manu abillar costune 

yesque minrricla sar baro asislar y Chimusolano:  bus presimelaren 

a chundear caba buchis; dicad; y sustinad bros jeros; persos pajes 

soscabela bras redencion。

And whilst looking he saw the rich who cast their treasures into 

the treasury; and he saw also a poor widow; who cast two small 

coins; and he said:  In truth I tell you; that this poor widow has 

cast more than all the others; because all those have cast; as 

offerings to God; from that which to them abounded; but she from 

her poverty has cast all the substance which she had。  And he said 

to some; who said of the temple; that it was adorned with fair 

stones; and with gifts:  These things which ye see; days shall 

come; when stone shall not remain upon stone; which shall not be 

demolished。  And they asked him and said:  Master; when shall this 

be? and what sign shall there be when this begins?  He said:  See; 

that ye be not deceived; because many shall come in my name; 

saying:  I am (he); and the time is near:  beware ye of going after 

them:  and when ye shall hear (of) wars and revolts do not fear; 

because it is needful that this happen first; for the end shall not 

be immediately。  Then he said to them:  Nation shall rise against 

nation; and country against country; and there shall be great 

tremblings of earth among the towns; and pestilences and famines; 

and there shall be frightful things; and great signs in the heaven:  

but before all this they shall make ye captive; and shall 

persecute; delivering ye over to the synagogue; and prisons; and 

they shall carry ye to the kings; and the governors; on account of 

my name:  and this shall happen to you for truth。  Keep then firm 

in your hearts; not to think before how ye have to answer; for I 

will give you mouth and wisdom; which all your enemies shall not be 

able to resist; or contradict。  And ye shall be delivered over by 

your fathers; and brothers; and relations; and friends; and they 

shall put to death some of you; and all shall hate you for my name; 

but not one hair of your heads shall perish。  With your patience ye 

shall possess your souls:  but when ye shall see Jerusalem 

surrounded; then know that its fall is near; then those who are in 

Judea; let them escape to the mountains; and those who are in the 

midst of her; let them go out; and those who are in the fields; let 

them not enter into her; because those are days of vengeance; that 

all the things which are written may happen; but alas to the 

pregnant and those who give suck in those days; for there shall be 

great distress upon the earth; and it shall move onward against 

this people; and they sha
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