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the zincali-第82章

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Hir mi Devlis camo but cavo erai … lacho manus o; Anglus; tama 

rakarel Ungarica; avel catari ando urdon le trin gras…tensas … 

beshel cate abri po buklo tan; le poivasis ando bas irinel ando 

lel。  Bo zedun stadji ta bari barba。

Much I ponder why you ask me (questions); and why you should come 


I pray the sweet Goddess for the gentleman; that the gentleman may 

journey well; that misfortune come not to the gentleman; and that 

the gentleman fall not sick。

When you please come back。

How many days did the gentleman take to come hither?

How many years old are you?

Here out better (is) the wine than in the city。

The meat is of pig; and the gherkins cost a grosh … the bread is 

white; and the lard costs two groshen。

One quart of wine amongst us。

In wine there (is) happiness。

I will eat; I will drink … two hundred; three hundred I will place 


Give us Goddess health in our bones。

I will seek a waistcoat; which I have; for Moses my brother; and I 

will change names with Moses my brother。 (92)

London (is) a big city; twenty times more big than Colosvar。

There is no fire; it is dead。

I have suffered and toiled much:  twenty and five years I was 

serving in Baron Splini's regiment。

Every time (cometh) from God; that old (age) God gave。

I wish to go unto Bukarest … from Bukarest; the good country; (it 

is) a far way unto (my) house。

I am sick。

Why do you not go to the great physician

Because I have no money I can't go

Belgrade (is) six miles of land from Colosvar; there is my son。

May God help the gentlemen that they let me out (from) in the 


On the tree (is) the nest of the bird; where makes eggs the female 


Where is your house?

In the black mountain; there is my house; come brother with me; let 

us go to my house。

In the year (are) two seasons; the winter and summer。

The cloud gives the rain; and puffs (forth) the wind。

By my God I love much that gentleman … a good man he; an 

Englishman; but he speaks Hungarian; he came (93) hither in a 

waggon with three horses; he sits here out in the wilderness; (94) 

with a pencil in his hand he writes in a book。  He has a green hat 

and a big beard。


'This section of the book could not be transcribed as it contained 

many non…european languages'



IT is with the view of preserving as many as possible of the 

monuments of the Spanish Gypsy tongue that the author inserts the 

following pieces; they are for the most part; whether original or 

translated; the productions of the 'Aficion' of Seville; of whom 

something has been said in the Preface to the Spurious Gypsy Poetry 

of Andalusia; not the least remarkable; however; of these pieces is 

a genuine Gypsy composition; the translation of the Apostles' Creed 

by the Gypsies of Cordova; made under the circumstances detailed in 

the second part of the first volume。  To all have been affixed 

translations; more or less literal; to assist those who may wish to 

form some acquaintance with the Gitano language。


BATO Nonrro sos socabas on o tarpe; manjirificado quejesa tute 

acnao; abillanos or tute sichen; y querese tute orependola andial 

on la chen sata on o tarpe; or manrro nonrro de cata chibel 

dinanoslo sejonia; y estormenanos nonrrias bisauras andial sata 

gaberes estormenamos a nonrros bisaraores; y nasti nes muques 

petrar on la bajanbo; bus listrabanos de chorre。 … Anarania。

FATHER Our; who dwellest in the heaven; sanctified become thy name; 

come…to…us the thy kingdom; and be…done thy will so in the earth as 

in the heaven; the bread our of every day give…us…it to…day; and 

pardon…us our debts so as we…others pardon (to) our debtors; and 

not let us fall in the temptation; but deliver…us from wickedness。 

… Amen。

Panchabo on Ostebe Bato saro…asisilable; Perbaraor de o tarpe y la 

chen; y on Gresone desquero Beyio Chabal nonrrio Erano; sos guillo 

sar…trujatapucherido per troecane y sardana de or Chanispero 

Manjaro; y purelo de Manjari ostelinda debla; Bricholo ostele de or 

asislar de Brono Alienicato; guillo trejuficao; mule y cabanao; y 

sundilo a los casinobes; (95) y a or brodelo chibel repurelo de 

enrre los mules; y encalomo a los otarpes; y soscabela bestique a 

la tabastorre de Ostebe Bato saro…asisilable; ende aoter a de 

abillar a sarplar a los Apucheris y mules。  Panchabo on or 

Chanispero Manjaro; la Manjari Cangari Pebuldorica y Rebuldorica; 

la Erunon de los Manjaros; or Estormen de los crejetes; la repurelo 

de la mansenquere y la chibiben verable。 … Anarania; Tebleque。

I believe in God; Father all…powerful; creator of the heaven and 

the earth; and in Christ his only Son our Lord; who went conceived 

by deed and favour of the Spirit Holy; and born of blessed goddess 

divine; suffered under (of) the might of Bronos Alienicatos; (96) 

went crucified; dead and buried; and descended to the 

conflagrations; and on the third day revived (97) from among the 

dead; and ascended to the heavens; and dwells seated at the right…

hand of God; Father all…powerful; from there he…has to come to 

impeach (to) the living and dead。  I believe in the Spirit Holy; 

the Holy Church Catholic and Apostolic; the communion of the 

saints; the remission of the sins; the re…birth of the flesh; and 

the life everlasting。 … Amen; Jesus。


O Debla quirindia; Day de saros los Bordeles on coin panchabo:  per 

los duquipenes sos naquelastes a or pindre de la trejul de tute 

Chaborro majarolisimo te manguelo; Debla; me alcorabises de tute 

chaborro or estormen de sares las dojis y crejetes sos menda 

udicare aquerao on andoba surdete。 … Anarania; Tebleque。

Ostebe te berarbe Ostelinda! perdoripe sirles de sardana; or Erano 

sin sartute; bresban tute sirles enrre sares las rumiles; y bresban 

sin or frujero de tute po。 … Tebleque。

Manjari Ostelinda; day de Ostebe; brichardila per gaberes 

crejetaores aocana y on la ocana de nonrra beriben! … Anarania; 


Chimuclani or Bato; or Chabal; or Chanispero manjaro; sata sia on 

or presimelo; aocana; y gajeres:  on los sicles de los sicles。 … 


O most holy Virgin; Mother of all the Christians in whom I believe; 

for the agony which thou didst endure at the foot of the cross of 

thy most blessed Son; I entreat thee; Virgin; that thou wilt obtain 

for me; from thy Son; the remission of all the crimes and sins 

which I may have committed in this world。 …
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