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the zincali-第78章

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confounded with them; the evidence of our eyesight precludes the 

possibility of believing。  If such were the fact; why do the 

Italian and Spanish Gypsies of the present day still present 

themselves as a distinct race; differing from the other inhabitants 

of the west of Europe in feature; colour; and constitution?  Why 

are they; in whatever situation and under whatever circumstances; 

to be distinguished; like Jews; from the other children of the 

Creator?  But it is scarcely necessary to ask such a question; or 

indeed to state that the Gypsies of Spain and Italy have kept 

themselves as much apart as; or at least have as little mingled 

their blood with the Spaniards and Italians as their brethren in 

Hungaria and Transylvania with the inhabitants of those countries; 

on which account they still strikingly resemble them in manners; 

customs; and appearance。  The most extraordinary assertion of 

Hervas is perhaps his second; namely; that the Gypsies have 

invented particular words to supply the place of others which they 

had lost。  The absurdity of this supposition nearly induces us to 

believe that Hervas; who has written so much and so laboriously on 

language; was totally ignorant of the philosophy of his subject。  

There can be no doubt; as we have before admitted; that in the 

robber jargon; whether spoken in Spain; Italy; or England; there 

are many words at whose etymology it is very difficult to arrive; 

yet such a fact is no excuse for the adoption of the opinion that 

these words are of pure invention。  A knowledge of the Rommany 

proves satisfactorily that many have been borrowed from that 

language; whilst many others may be traced to foreign tongues; 

especially the Latin and Italian。  Perhaps one of the strongest 

grounds for concluding that the origin of language was divine is 

the fact that no instance can be adduced of the invention; we will 

not say of a language; but even of a single word that is in use in 

society of any kind。  Although new dialects are continually being 

formed; it is only by a system of modification; by which roots 

almost coeval with time itself are continually being reproduced 

under a fresh appearance; and under new circumstances。  The third 

assertion of Hervas; as to the Gitanos speaking the allegorical 

language of which he exhibits specimens; is entitled to about equal 

credence as the two former。  The truth is; that the entire store of 

erudition of the learned Jesuit; and he doubtless was learned to a 

remarkable degree; was derived from books; either printed or 

manuscript。  He compared the Gypsy words in the publication of 

Grellmann with various vocabularies; which had long been in 

existence; of the robber jargons of Spain and Italy; which jargons 

by a strange fatuity had ever been considered as belonging to the 

Gypsies。  Finding that the Gypsy words of Grellmann did not at all 

correspond with the thieves' slang; he concluded that the Gypsies 

of Spain and Italy had forgotten their own language; and to supply 

its place had invented the jargons aforesaid; but he never gave 

himself the trouble to try whether the Gypsies really understood 

the contents of his slang vocabularies; had he done so; he would 

have found that the slang was about as unintelligible to the 

Gypsies as he would have found the specimens of Grellmann 

unintelligible to the thieves had he quoted those specimens to 

them。  The Gypsies of Spain; it will be sufficient to observe; 

speak the language of which a vocabulary is given in the present 

work; and those of Italy who are generally to be found existing in 

a half…savage state in the various ruined castles; relics of the 

feudal times; with which Italy abounds; a dialect very similar; and 

about as much corrupted。  There are; however; to be continually 

found in Italy roving bands of Rommany; not natives of the country; 

who make excursions from Moldavia and Hungaria to France and Italy; 

for the purpose of plunder; and who; if they escape the hand of 

justice; return at the expiration of two or three years to their 

native regions; with the booty they have amassed by the practice of 

those thievish arts; perhaps at one period peculiar to their race; 

but at present; for the most part; known and practised by thieves 

in general。  These bands; however; speak the pure Gypsy language; 

with all its grammatical peculiarities。  It is evident; however; 

that amongst neither of these classes had Hervas pushed his 

researches; which had he done; it is probable that his 

investigations would have resulted in a work of a far different 

character from the confused; unsatisfactory; and incorrect details 

of which is formed his essay on the language of the Gypsies。

Having said thus much concerning the robber language in general; we 

shall now proceed to offer some specimens of it; in order that our 

readers may be better able to understand its principles。  We shall 

commence with the Italian dialect; which there is reason for 

supposing to be the prototype of the rest。  To show what it is; we 

avail ourselves of some of the words adduced by Hervas; as 

specimens of the language of the Gitanos of Italy。  'I place them;' 

he observes; 'with the signification which the greater number 

properly have in Italian。'

         Robber jargon    Proper signification of

         of Italy。        the words。

Arm      { Ale            Wings

         { Barbacane      Barbican

Belly      Fagiana        Pheasant

Devil      Rabuino        Perhaps RABBIN; which;

                          in Hebrew; is Master

Earth      Calcosa        Street; road

Eye        Balco          Balcony

Father     Grimo          Old; wrinkled

Fire       Presto         Quick

God        Anticrotto     Probably ANTICHRIST

Hair       Prusa (73)

         { Elmo           Helmet

Head     { Borella (74)

         { Chiurla (75)

Heart      Salsa          Sauce

Man        Osmo           From the Italian UOMO;

                          which is man

Moon       Mocoloso di    Wick of the firmament

             Sant' Alto

Night      Brunamaterna   Mother…brown

Nose       Gambaro        Crab

Sun        Ruffo di Sant' Red one of the firmament


Tongue   { Serpentina     Serpent…like

         { Danosa         Hurtful

Water    { Lenza          Fishing…net

         { Vetta (76)     Top; bud

The Germania of Spain may be said to divide itself into two 

dialects; the ancient and modern。  Of the former there exists a 

vocabulary; published first by Juan Hidalgo; in the year 1609; at 

Barcelona; and reprinted in Madrid; 1773。  Before noticing this 

work; it will perhaps be advisable to endeavour to ascertain the 

true etym
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