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the zincali-第76章

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required information; owing to their great ignorance; the shortness 

of their memories; or rather the state of bewilderment to which 

their minds are brought by any question which tends to bring their 

reasoning faculties into action; though not unfrequently the very 

words which have been in vain required of them will; a minute 

subsequently; proceed inadvertently from their mouths。

We now take leave of their language。  When wishing to praise the 

proficiency of any individual in their tongue; they are in the 

habit of saying; 'He understands the seven jargons。'  In the Gospel 

which we have printed in this language; and in the dictionary which 

we have compiled; we have endeavoured; to the utmost of our 

ability; to deserve that compliment; and at all times it will 

afford us sincere and heartfelt pleasure to be informed that any 

Gitano; capable of appreciating the said little works; has 

observed; whilst reading them or hearing them read:  It is clear 

that the writer of these books understood



'So I went with them to a music booth; where they made me almost 

drunk with gin; and began to talk their FLASH LANGUAGE; which I did 

not understand。' … Narrative of the Exploits of Henry Simms; 

executed at Tyburn; 1746。

'Hablaronse los dos en Germania; de lo qual resulto darme un 

abraco; y ofrecerseme。' … QUEVEDO。 Vida dal gran Tacano。

HAVING in the preceding article endeavoured to afford all necessary 

information concerning the Rommany; or language used by the Gypsies 

amongst themselves; we now propose to turn our attention to a 

subject of no less interest; but which has hitherto never been 

treated in a manner calculated to lead to any satisfactory result 

or conclusion; on the contrary; though philosophic minds have been 

engaged in its consideration; and learned pens have not disdained 

to occupy themselves with its details; it still remains a singular 

proof of the errors into which the most acute and laborious writers 

are apt to fall; when they take upon themselves the task of writing 

on matters which cannot be studied in the closet; and on which no 

information can be received by mixing in the society of the wise; 

the lettered; and the respectable; but which must be investigated 

in the fields; and on the borders of the highways; in prisons; and 

amongst the dregs of society。  Had the latter system been pursued 

in the matter now before us; much clearer; more rational; and more 

just ideas would long since have been entertained respecting the 

Germania; or language of thieves。

In most countries of Europe there exists; amongst those who obtain 

their existence by the breach of the law; and by preying upon the 

fruits of the labours of the quiet and orderly portion of society; 

a particular jargon or dialect; in which the former discuss their 

schemes and plans of plunder; without being in general understood 

by those to whom they are obnoxious。  The name of this jargon 

varies with the country in which it is spoken。  In Spain it is 

called 'Germania'; in France; 'Argot'; in Germany; 'Rothwelsch;' or 

Red Italian; in Italy; 'Gergo'; whilst in England it is known by 

many names; for example; 'cant; slang; thieves' Latin;' etc。  The 

most remarkable circumstance connected with the history of this 

jargon is; that in all the countries in which it is spoken; it has 

invariably; by the authors who have treated of it; and who are 

numerous; been confounded with the Gypsy language; and asserted to 

be the speech of those wanderers who have so long infested Europe 

under the name of Gitanos; etc。  How far this belief is founded in 

justice we shall now endeavour to show; with the premise that 

whatever we advance is derived; not from the assertions or opinions 

of others; but from our own observation; the point in question 

being one which no person is capable of solving; save him who has 

mixed with Gitanos and thieves; … not with the former merely or the 

latter; but with both。

We have already stated what is the Rommany or language of the 

Gypsies。  We have proved that when properly spoken it is to all 

intents and purposes entitled to the appellation of a language; and 

that wherever it exists it is virtually the same; that its origin 

is illustrious; it being a daughter of the Sanscrit; and in 

consequence in close connection with some of the most celebrated 

languages of the East; although it at present is only used by the 

most unfortunate and degraded of beings; wanderers without home and 

almost without country; as wherever they are found they are 

considered in the light of foreigners and interlopers。  We shall 

now state what the language of thieves is; as it is generally 

spoken in Europe; after which we shall proceed to analyse it 

according to the various countries in which it is used。

The dialect used for their own peculiar purposes amongst thieves is 

by no means entitled to the appellation of a language; but in every 

sense to that of a jargon or gibberish; it being for the most part 

composed of words of the native language of those who use it; 

according to the particular country; though invariably in a meaning 

differing more or less from the usual and received one; and for the 

most part in a metaphorical sense。  Metaphor and allegory; indeed; 

seem to form the nucleus of this speech; notwithstanding that other 

elements are to be distinguished; for it is certain that in every 

country where it is spoken; it contains many words differing from 

the language of that country; and which may either be traced to 

foreign tongues; or are of an origin at which; in many instances; 

it is impossible to arrive。  That which is most calculated to 

strike the philosophic mind when considering this dialect; is 

doubtless the fact of its being formed everywhere upon the same 

principle … that of metaphor; in which point all the branches 

agree; though in others they differ as much from each other as the 

languages on which they are founded; for example; as the English 

and German from the Spanish and Italian。  This circumstance 

naturally leads to the conclusion that the robber language has not 

arisen fortuitously in the various countries where it is at present 

spoken; but that its origin is one and the same; it being probably 

invented by the outlaws of one particular country; by individuals 

of which it was; in course of time; carried to others; where its 

principles; if not its words; were adopted; for upon no other 

supposition can we account for its general metaphorical character 

in regions various and distant。  It is; of course; impossible to 

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