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the zincali-第72章

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Gypsies have excited particular attention; but a desire far more 

noble and laudable than mere antiquarian curiosity has given rise 

to it; namely; the desire of propagating the glory of Christ 

amongst those who know Him not; and of saving souls from the jaws 

of the infernal wolf。  It is; however; with the Gypsies of Spain; 

and not with those of England and other countries; that we are now 

occupied; and we shall merely mention the latter so far as they may 

serve to elucidate the case of the Gitanos; their brethren by blood 

and language。  Spain for many centuries has been the country of 

error; she has mistaken stern and savage tyranny for rational 

government; base; low; and grovelling superstition for clear; 

bright; and soul…ennobling religion; sordid cheating she has 

considered as the path to riches; vexatious persecution as the path 

to power; and the consequence has been; that she is now poor and 

powerless; a pagan amongst the pagans; with a dozen kings; and with 

none。  Can we be surprised; therefore; that; mistaken in policy; 

religion; and moral conduct; she should have fallen into error on 

points so naturally dark and mysterious as the history and origin 

of those remarkable people whom for the last four hundred years she 

has supported under the name of Gitanos?  The idea entertained at 

the present day in Spain respecting this race is; that they are the 

descendants of the Moriscos who remained in Spain; wandering about 

amongst the mountains and wildernesses; after the expulsion of the 

great body of the nation from the country in the time of Philip the 

Third; and that they form a distinct body; entirely unconnected 

with the wandering tribes known in other countries by the names of 

Bohemians; Gypsies; etc。  This; like all unfounded opinions; of 

course originated in ignorance; which is always ready to have 

recourse to conjecture and guesswork; in preference to travelling 

through the long; mountainous; and stony road of patient 

investigation; it is; however; an error far more absurd and more 

destitute of tenable grounds than the ancient belief that the 

Gitanos were Egyptians; which they themselves have always professed 

to be; and which the original written documents which they brought 

with them on their first arrival in Western Europe; and which bore 

the signature of the king of Bohemia; expressly stated them to be。  

The only clue to arrive at any certainty respecting their origin; 

is the language which they still speak amongst themselves; but 

before we can avail ourselves of the evidence of this language; it 

will be necessary to make a few remarks respecting the principal 

languages and dialects of that immense tract of country; peopled by 

at least eighty millions of human beings; generally known by the 

name of Hindustan; two Persian words tantamount to the land of Ind; 

or; the land watered by the river Indus。

The most celebrated of these languages is the Sanskrida; or; as it 

is known in Europe; the Sanscrit; which is the language of religion 

of all those nations amongst whom the faith of Brahma has been 

adopted; but though the language of religion; by which we mean the 

tongue in which the religious books of the Brahmanic sect were 

originally written and are still preserved; it has long since 

ceased to be a spoken language; indeed; history is silent as to any 

period when it was a language in common use amongst any of the 

various tribes of the Hindus; its knowledge; as far as reading and 

writing it went; having been entirely confined to the priests of 

Brahma; or Brahmans; until within the last half…century; when the 

British; having subjugated the whole of Hindustan; caused it to be 

openly taught in the colleges which they established for the 

instruction of their youth in the languages of the country。  Though 

sufficiently difficult to acquire; principally on account of its 

prodigious richness in synonyms; it is no longer a sealed language; 

… its laws; structure; and vocabulary being sufficiently well known 

by means of numerous elementary works; adapted to facilitate its 

study。  It has been considered by famous philologists as the mother 

not only of all the languages of Asia; but of all others in the 

world。  So wild and preposterous an idea; however; only serves to 

prove that a devotion to philology; whose principal object should 

be the expansion of the mind by the various treasures of learning 

and wisdom which it can unlock; sometimes only tends to its 

bewilderment; by causing it to embrace shadows for reality。  The 

most that can be allowed; in reason; to the Sanscrit is that it is 

the mother of a certain class or family of languages; for example; 

those spoken in Hindustan; with which most of the European; whether 

of the Sclavonian; Gothic; or Celtic stock; have some connection。  

True it is that in this case we know not how to dispose of the 

ancient Zend; the mother of the modern Persian; the language in 

which were written those writings generally attributed to 

Zerduscht; or Zoroaster; whose affinity to the said tongues is as 

easily established as that of the Sanscrit; and which; in respect 

to antiquity; may well dispute the palm with its Indian rival。  

Avoiding; however; the discussion of this point; we shall content 

ourselves with observing; that closely connected with the Sanscrit; 

if not derived from it; are the Bengali; the high Hindustani; or 

grand popular language of Hindustan; generally used by the learned 

in their intercourse and writings; the languages of Multan; 

Guzerat; and other provinces; without mentioning the mixed dialect 

called Mongolian Hindustani; a corrupt jargon of Persian; Turkish; 

Arabic; and Hindu words; first used by the Mongols; after the 

conquest; in their intercourse with the natives。  Many of the 

principal languages of Asia are totally unconnected with the 

Sanscrit; both in words and grammatical structure; these are mostly 

of the great Tartar family; at the head of which there is good 

reason for placing the Chinese and Tibetian。

Bearing the same analogy to the Sanscrit tongue as the Indian 

dialects specified above; we find the Rommany; or speech of the 

Roma; or Zincali; as they style themselves; known in England and 

Spain as Gypsies and Gitanos。  This speech; wherever it is spoken; 

is; in all principal points; one and the same; though more or less 

corrupted by foreign words; picked up in the various countries to 

which those who use it have penetrated。  One remarkable feature 

must not be passed over without notice; namely; the very 

considerable number of Sclavonic words; which are to be found 

embedded within it; whether it be spoken in Spain or Germany; in 

England or Italy; from which circumstan
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