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the zincali-第69章

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nevertheless found admirers in Spain; individuals who have taken 

pleasure in their phraseology; pronunciation; and way of life; but 

above all; in the songs and dances of the females。  This desire for 

cultivating their acquaintance is chiefly prevalent in Andalusia; 

where; indeed; they most abound; and more especially in the town of 

Seville; the capital of the province; where; in the barrio or 

Faubourg of Triana; a large Gitano colon has long flourished; with 

the denizens of which it is at all times easy to have intercourse; 

especially to those who are free of their money; and are willing to 

purchase such a gratification at the expense of dollars and 


When we consider the character of the Andalusians in general; we 

shall find little to surprise us in this predilection for the 

Gitanos。  They are an indolent frivolous people; fond of dancing 

and song; and sensual amusements。  They live under the most 

glorious sun and benign heaven in Europe; and their country is by 

nature rich and fertile; yet in no province of Spain is there more 

beggary and misery; the greater part of the land being 

uncultivated; and producing nothing but thorns and brushwood; 

affording in itself a striking emblem of the moral state of its 


Though not destitute of talent; the Andalusians are not much 

addicted to intellectual pursuits; at least in the present day。  

The person in most esteem among them is invariably the greatest 

MAJO; and to acquire that character it is necessary to appear in 

the dress of a Merry Andrew; to bully; swagger; and smoke 

continually; to dance passably; and to strum the guitar。  They are 

fond of obscenity and what they term PICARDIAS。  Amongst them 

learning is at a terrible discount; Greek; Latin; or any of the 

languages generally termed learned; being considered in any light 

but accomplishments; but not so the possession of thieves' slang or 

the dialect of the Gitanos; the knowledge of a few words of which 

invariably creates a certain degree of respect; as indicating that 

the individual is somewhat versed in that kind of life or TRATO for 

which alone the Andalusians have any kind of regard。

In Andalusia the Gitano has been studied by those who; for various 

reasons; have mingled with the Gitanos。  It is tolerably well 

understood by the chalans; or jockeys; who have picked up many 

words in the fairs and market…places which the former frequent。  It 

has; however; been cultivated to a greater degree by other 

individuals; who have sought the society of the Gitanos from a zest 

for their habits; their dances; and their songs; and such 

individuals have belonged to all classes; amongst them have been 

noblemen and members of the priestly order。

Perhaps no people in Andalusia have been more addicted in general 

to the acquaintance of the Gitanos than the friars; and pre…

eminently amongst these the half…jockey half…religious personages 

of the Cartujan convent at Xeres。  This community; now suppressed; 

was; as is well known; in possession of a celebrated breed of 

horses; which fed in the pastures of the convent; and from which 

they derived no inconsiderable part of their revenue。  These 

reverend gentlemen seem to have been much better versed in the 

points of a horse than in points of theology; and to have 

understood thieves' slang and Gitano far better than the language 

of the Vulgate。  A chalan; who had some knowledge of the Gitano; 

related to me the following singular anecdote in connection with 

this subject。

He had occasion to go to the convent; having been long in treaty 

with the friars for a steed which he had been commissioned by a 

nobleman to buy at any reasonable price。  The friars; however; were 

exorbitant in their demands。  On arriving at the gate; he sang to 

the friar who opened it a couplet which he had composed in the 

Gypsy tongue; in which he stated the highest price which he was 

authorised to give for the animal in question; whereupon the friar 

instantly answered in the same tongue in an extemporary couplet 

full of abuse of him and his employer; and forthwith slammed the 

door in the face of the disconcerted jockey。

An Augustine friar of Seville; called; we believe; Father Manso; 

who lived some twenty years ago; is still remembered for his 

passion for the Gitanos; he seemed to be under the influence of 

fascination; and passed every moment that he could steal from his 

clerical occupations in their company。  His conduct at last became 

so notorious that he fell under the censure of the Inquisition; 

before which he was summoned; whereupon he alleged; in his defence; 

that his sole motive for following the Gitanos was zeal for their 

spiritual conversion。  Whether this plea availed him we know not; 

but it is probable that the Holy Office dealt mildly with him; such 

offenders; indeed; have never had much to fear from it。  Had he 

been accused of liberalism; or searching into the Scriptures; 

instead of connection with the Gitanos; we should; doubtless; have 

heard either of his execution or imprisonment for life in the cells 

of the cathedral of Seville。

Such as are thus addicted to the Gitanos and their language; are 

called; in Andalusia; Los del' Aficion; or those of the 

predilection。  These people have; during the last fifty years; 

composed a spurious kind of Gypsy literature:  we call it spurious 

because it did not originate with the Gitanos; who are; moreover; 

utterly unacquainted with it; and to whom it would be for the most 

part unintelligible。  It is somewhat difficult to conceive the 

reason which induced these individuals to attempt such 

compositions; the only probable one seems to have been a desire to 

display to each other their skill in the language of their 

predilection。  It is right; however; to observe; that most of these 

compositions; with respect to language; are highly absurd; the 

greatest liberties being taken with the words picked up amongst the 

Gitanos; of the true meaning of which the writers; in many 

instances; seem to have been entirely ignorant。  From what we can 

learn; the composers of this literature flourished chiefly at the 

commencement of the present century:  Father Manso is said to have 

been one of the last。  Many of their compositions; which are both 

in poetry and prose; exist in manuscript in a compilation made by 

one Luis Lobo。  It has never been our fortune to see this 

compilation; which; indeed; we scarcely regret; as a rather curious 

circumstance has afforded us a perfect knowledge of its contents。

Whilst at Seville; chance made us acquainted with a highly 

extraordinary individual; a tall; bony; meagre figure; in a 

tattered Anda
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