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the zincali-第66章

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chapter; in the middle of which they broke down。  Was that to be 

wondered at?  The only thing which astonished me was; that I had 

induced two such strange beings to advance so far in a task so 

unwonted; and so entirely at variance with their habits; as 


These chapters I frequently read over to them; explaining the 

subject in the best manner I was able。  They said it was lacho; and 

jucal; and misto; all of which words express approval of the 

quality of a thing。  Were they improved; were their hearts softened 

by these Scripture lectures?  I know not。  Pepa committed a rather 

daring theft shortly afterwards; which compelled her to conceal 

herself for a fortnight; it is quite possible; however; that she 

may remember the contents of those chapters on her death…bed; if 

so; will the attempt have been a futile one?

I completed the translation; supplying deficiencies from my own 

version begun at Badajoz in 1836。  This translation I printed at 

Madrid in 1838; it was the first book which ever appeared in 

Rommany; and was called 'Embeo e Majaro Lucas;' or Gospel of Luke 

the Saint。  I likewise published; simultaneously; the same Gospel 

in Basque; which; however; I had no opportunity of circulating。

The Gitanos of Madrid purchased the Gypsy Luke freely:  many of the 

men understood it; and prized it highly; induced of course more by 

the language than the doctrine; the women were particularly anxious 

to obtain copies; though unable to read; but each wished to have 

one in her pocket; especially when engaged in thieving expeditions; 

for they all looked upon it in the light of a charm; which would 

preserve them from all danger and mischance; some even went so far 

as to say; that in this respect it was equally efficacious as the 

Bar Lachi; or loadstone; which they are in general so desirous of 

possessing。  Of this Gospel (61) five hundred copies were printed; 

of which the greater number I contrived to circulate amongst the 

Gypsies in various parts; I cast the book upon the waters and left 

it to its destiny。

I have counted seventeen Gitanas assembled at one time in my 

apartment in the Calle de Santiago in Madrid; for the first quarter 

of an hour we generally discoursed upon indifferent matters; I then 

by degrees drew their attention to religion and the state of souls。  

I finally became so bold that I ventured to speak against their 

inveterate practices; thieving and lying; telling fortunes; and 

stealing a pastesas; this was touching upon delicate ground; and I 

experienced much opposition and much feminine clamour。  I 

persevered; however; and they finally assented to all I said; not 

that I believe that my words made much impression upon their 

hearts。  In a few months matters were so far advanced that they 

would sing a hymn; I wrote one expressly for them in Rommany; in 

which their own wild couplets were; to a certain extent; imitated。

The people of the street in which I lived; seeing such numbers of 

these strange females continually passing in and out; were struck 

with astonishment; and demanded the reason。  The answers which they 

obtained by no means satisfied them。  'Zeal for the conversion of 

souls; …  the souls too of Gitanas; … disparate! the fellow is a 

scoundrel。  Besides he is an Englishman; and is not baptized; what 

cares he for souls?  They visit him for other purposes。  He makes 

base ounces; which they carry away and circulate。  Madrid is 

already stocked with false money。'  Others were of opinion that we 

met for the purposes of sorcery and abomination。  The Spaniard has 

no conception that other springs of action exist than interest or 


My little congregation; if such I may call it; consisted entirely 

of women; the men seldom or never visited me; save they stood in 

need of something which they hoped to obtain from me。  This 

circumstance I little regretted; their manners and conversation 

being the reverse of interesting。  It must not; however; be 

supposed that; even with the women; matters went on invariably in a 

smooth and satisfactory manner。  The following little anecdote will 

show what slight dependence can be placed upon them; and how 

disposed they are at all times to take part in what is grotesque 

and malicious。  One day they arrived; attended by a Gypsy jockey 

whom I had never previously seen。  We had scarcely been seated a 

minute; when this fellow; rising; took me to the window; and 

without any preamble or circumlocution; said … 'Don Jorge; you 

shall lend me two barias' (ounces of gold)。   'Not to your whole 

race; my excellent friend;' said I; 'are you frantic?  Sit down and 

be discreet。'  He obeyed me literally; sat down; and when the rest 

departed; followed with them。  We did not invariably meet at my own 

house; but occasionally at one in a street inhabited by Gypsies。  

On the appointed day I went to this house; where I found the women 

assembled; the jockey was also present。  On seeing me he advanced; 

again took me aside; and again said … 'Don Jorge; you shall lend me 

two barias。'  I made him no answer; but at once entered on the 

subject which brought me thither。  I spoke for some time in 

Spanish; I chose for the theme of my discourse the situation of the 

Hebrews in Egypt; and pointed out its similarity to that of the 

Gitanos in Spain。  I spoke of the power of God; manifested in 

preserving both as separate and distinct people amongst the nations 

until the present day。  I warmed with my subject。  I subsequently 

produced a manuscript book; from which I read a portion of 

Scripture; and the Lord's Prayer and Apostles' Creed; in Rommany。  

When I had concluded I looked around me。

The features of the assembly were twisted; and the eyes of all 

turned upon me with a frightful squint; not an individual present 

but squinted; … the genteel Pepa; the good…humoured Chicharona; the 

Casdami; etc。 etc。  The Gypsy fellow; the contriver of the jest; 

squinted worst of all。  Such are Gypsies。



THERE is no nation in the world; however exalted or however 

degraded; but is in possession of some peculiar poetry。  If the 

Chinese; the Hindoos; the Greeks; and the Persians; those splendid 

and renowned races; have their moral lays; their mythological 

epics; their tragedies; and their immortal love songs; so also have 

the wild and barbarous tribes of Soudan; and the wandering 

Esquimaux; their ditties; which; however insignificant in 

comparison with the compositions of the former nations; still are 

entitled in every essential point to the name of poetry; if poetry 

mean metrical compositions intended to s
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