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the zincali-第53章

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voices in the next breath; speaking in the jargon of the tribe。  

'Won't your Moorish Royalty please to eat something?' said the tall 

hag。  'We have nothing in the house; but I will run out and buy a 

fowl; which I hope may prove a royal peacock to nourish and 

strengthen you。'  'I hope it may turn to drow in your entrails;' 

she muttered to the rest in Gypsy。  She then ran down; and in a 

minute returned with an old hen; which; on my arrival; I had 

observed below in the stable。  'See this beautiful fowl;' said she; 

'I have been running over all Tarifa to procure it for your 

kingship; trouble enough I have had to obtain it; and dear enough 

it has cost me。  I will now cut its throat。'  'Before you kill it;' 

said I; 'I should wish to know what you paid for it; that there may 

be no dispute about it in the account。'  'Two dollars I paid for 

it; most valorous and handsome sir; two dollars it cost me; out of 

my own quisobi … out of my own little purse。'  I saw it was high 

time to put an end to these zalamerias; and therefore exclaimed in 

Gitano; 'You mean two brujis (reals); O mother of all the witches; 

and that is twelve cuartos more than it is worth。'  'Ay Dios mio; 

whom have we here?' exclaimed the females。  'One;' I replied; 'who 

knows you well and all your ways。  Speak! am I to have the hen for 

two reals? if not; I shall leave the house this moment。'  'O yes; 

to be sure; brother; and for nothing if you wish it;' said the tall 

woman; in natural and quite altered tones; 'but why did you enter 

the house speaking in Corahai like a Bengui?  We thought you a 

Busno; but we now see that you are of our religion; pray sit down 

and tell us where you have been。' 。 。

MYSELF。 … 'Now; my good people; since I have answered your 

questions; it is but right that you should answer some of mine; 

pray who are you? and how happens it that you are keeping this 


GYPSY HAG。 … 'Verily; brother; we can scarcely tell you who we are。  

All we know of ourselves is; that we keep this inn; to our trouble 

and sorrow; and that our parents kept it before us; we were all 

born in this house; where I suppose we shall die。'

MYSELF。 … 'Who is the master of the house; and whose are these 


GYPSY HAG。 … 'The master of the house is the fool; my brother; who 

stands before you without saying a word; to him belong these 

children; and the cripple in the chair is his wife; and my cousin。  

He has also two sons who are grown…up men; one is a chumajarri 

(shoemaker); and the other serves a tanner。'

MYSELF。 … 'Is it not contrary to the law of the Cales to follow 

such trades?'

GYPSY HAG。 … 'We know of no law; and little of the Cales 

themselves。  Ours is the only Calo family in Tarifa; and we never 

left it in our lives; except occasionally to go on the smuggling 

lay to Gibraltar。  True it is that the Cales; when they visit 

Tarifa; put up at our house; sometimes to our cost。  There was one 

Rafael; son of the rich Fruto of Cordova; here last summer; to buy 

up horses; and he departed a baria and a half in our debt; however; 

I do not grudge it him; for he is a handsome and clever Chabo … a 

fellow of many capacities。  There was more than one Busno had cause 

to rue his coming to Tarifa。'

MYSELF。 … 'Do you live on good terms with the Busne of Tarifa?'

GYPSY HAG。 … 'Brother; we live on the best terms with the Busne of 

Tarifa; especially with the errays。  The first people in Tarifa 

come to this house; to have their baji told by the cripple in the 

chair and by myself。  I know not how it is; but we are more 

considered by the grandees than the poor; who hate and loathe us。  

When my first and only infant died; for I have been married; the 

child of one of the principal people was put to me to nurse; but I 

hated it for its white blood; as you may well believe。  It never 

throve; for I did it a private mischief; and though it grew up and 

is now a youth; it is … mad。'

MYSELF。 … 'With whom will your brother's children marry?  You say 

there are no Gypsies here。'

GYPSY HAG。 … 'Ay de mi; hermano!  It is that which grieves me。  I 

would rather see them sold to the Moors than married to the Busne。  

When Rafael was here he wished to persuade the chumajarri to 

accompany him to Cordova; and promised to provide for him; and to 

find him a wife among the Callees of that town; but the faint heart 

would not; though I myself begged him to comply。  As for the 

curtidor (tanner); he goes every night to the house of a Busnee; 

and once; when I reproached him with it; he threatened to marry 

her。  I intend to take my knife; and to wait behind the door in the 

dark; and when she comes out to gash her over the eyes。  I trow he 

will have little desire to wed with her then。'

MYSELF。 … 'Do many Busne from the country put up at this house?'

GYPSY HAG。 … 'Not so many as formerly; brother; the labourers from 

the Campo say that we are all thieves; and that it is impossible 

for any one but a Calo to enter this house without having the shirt 

stripped from his back。  They go to the houses of their 

acquaintance in the town; for they fear to enter these doors。  I 

scarcely know why; for my brother is the veriest fool in Tarifa。  

Were it not for his face; I should say that he is no Chabo; for he 

cannot speak; and permits every chance to slip through his fingers。  

Many a good mule and borrico have gone out of the stable below; 

which he might have secured; had he but tongue enough to have 

cozened the owners。  But he is a fool; as I said before; he cannot 

speak; and is no Chabo。'

How far the person in question; who sat all the while smoking his 

pipe; with the most unperturbed tranquillity; deserved the 

character bestowed upon him by his sister; will presently appear。  

It is not my intention to describe here all the strange things I 

both saw and heard in this Gypsy inn。  Several Gypsies arrived from 

the country during the six days that I spent within its walls; one 

of them; a man; from Moron; was received with particular 

cordiality; he having a son; whom he was thinking of betrothing to 

one of the Gypsy daughters。  Some females of quality likewise 

visited the house to gossip; like true Andalusians。  It was 

singular to observe the behaviour of the Gypsies to these people; 

especially that of the remarkable woman; some of whose conversation 

I have given above。  She whined; she canted; she blessed; she 

talked of beauty of colour; of eyes; of eyebrows; and pestanas 

(eyelids); and of hearts which were aching for such and such a 

lady。  Amongst others; came a very fine woman; the widow of a 

colonel lately slain in battle; she brought with her a beautiful 

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