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the zincali-第50章

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Gitanos themselves on this point。  'El Crallis ha nicobado la liri 

de los Cales;' is a proverbial saying among them。  By Crallis; or 

King; they mean Carlos Tercero; so that the saying; the proverbial 

saying; may be thus translated:  THE LAW OF CARLOS TERCERO HAS 


By the law the schools are open to them; and there is no art or 

science which they may not pursue; if they are willing。  Have they 

availed themselves of the rights which the law has conferred upon 


Up to the present period but little … they still continue jockeys 

and blacksmiths; but some of these Gypsy chalans; these bronzed 

smiths; these wild…looking esquiladors; can read or write in the 

proportion of one man in three or four; what more can be expected?  

Would you have the Gypsy bantling; born in filth and misery; 'midst 

mules and borricos; amidst the mud of a choza or the sand of a 

barranco; grasp with its swarthy hands the crayon and easel; the 

compass; or the microscope; or the tube which renders more distinct 

the heavenly orbs; and essay to become a Murillo; or a Feijoo; or a 

Lorenzo de Hervas; as soon as the legal disabilities are removed 

which doomed him to be a thievish jockey or a sullen husbandman?  

Much will have been accomplished; if; after the lapse of a hundred 

years; one hundred human beings shall have been evolved from the 

Gypsy stock; who shall prove sober; honest; and useful members of 

society; … that stock so degraded; so inveterate in wickedness and 

evil customs; and so hardened by brutalising laws。  Should so many 

beings; should so many souls be rescued from temporal misery and 

eternal woe; should only the half of that number; should only the 

tenth; nay; should only one poor wretched sheep be saved; there 

will be joy in heaven; for much will have been accomplished on 

earth; and those lines will have been in part falsified which 

filled the stout heart of Mahmoud with dismay:…

'For the root that's unclean; hope if you can;

No washing e'er whitens the black Zigan:

The tree that's bitter by birth and race;

If in paradise garden to grow you place;

And water it free with nectar and wine;

From streams in paradise meads that shine;

At the end its nature it still declares;

For bitter is all the fruit it bears。

If the egg of the raven of noxious breed

You place 'neath the paradise bird; and feed

The splendid fowl upon its nest;

With immortal figs; the food of the blest;

And give it to drink from Silisbel; (46)

Whilst life in the egg breathes Gabriel;

A raven; a raven; the egg shall bear;

And the fostering bird shall waste its care。' …


The principal evidence which the Gitanos have hitherto given that a 

partial reformation has been effected in their habits; is the 

relinquishment; in a great degree; of that wandering life of which 

the ancient laws were continually complaining; and which was the 

cause of infinite evils; and tended not a little to make the roads 


Doubtless there are those who will find some difficulty in 

believing that the mild and conciliatory clauses of the law in 

question could have much effect in weaning the Gitanos from this 

inveterate habit; and will be more disposed to think that this 

relinquishment was effected by energetic measures resorted to by 

the government; to compel them to remain in their places of 

location。  It does not appear; however; that such measures were 

ever resorted to。  Energy; indeed; in the removal of a nuisance; is 

scarcely to be expected from Spaniards under any circumstances。  

All we can say on the subject; with certainty; is; that since the 

repeal of the tyrannical laws; wandering has considerably decreased 

among the Gitanos。

Since the law has ceased to brand them; they have come nearer to 

the common standard of humanity; and their general condition has 

been ameliorated。  At present; only the very poorest; the parias of 

the race; are to be found wandering about the heaths and mountains; 

and this only in the summer time; and their principal motive; 

according to their own confession; is to avoid the expense of house 

rent; the rest remain at home; following their avocations; unless 

some immediate prospect of gain; lawful or unlawful; calls them 

forth; and such is frequently the case。  They attend most fairs; 

women and men; and on the way frequently bivouac in the fields; but 

this practice must not be confounded with systematic wandering。

Gitanismo; therefore; has not been extinguished; only modified; but 

that modification has been effected within the memory of man; 

whilst previously near four centuries elapsed; during which no 

reform had been produced amongst them by the various measures 

devised; all of which were distinguished by an absence not only of 

true policy; but of common…sense; it is therefore to be hoped; that 

if the Gitanos are abandoned to themselves; by which we mean no 

arbitrary laws are again enacted for their extinction; the sect 

will eventually cease to be; and its members become confounded with 

the residue of the population; for certainly no Christian nor 

merely philanthropic heart can desire the continuance of any sect 

or association of people whose fundamental principle seems to be to 

hate all the rest of mankind; and to live by deceiving them; and 

such is the practice of the Gitanos。

During the last five years; owing to the civil wars; the ties which 

unite society have been considerably relaxed; the law has been 

trampled under foot; and the greatest part of Spain overrun with 

robbers and miscreants; who; under pretence of carrying on partisan 

warfare; and not unfrequently under no pretence at all; have 

committed the most frightful excesses; plundering and murdering the 

defenceless。  Such a state of things would have afforded the 

Gitanos a favourable opportunity to resume their former kind of 

life; and to levy contributions as formerly; wandering about in 

bands。  Certain it is; however; that they have not sought to repeat 

their ancient excesses; taking advantage of the troubles of the 

country; they have gone on; with a few exceptions; quietly pursuing 

that part of their system to which they still cling; their 

jockeyism; which; though based on fraud and robbery; is far 

preferable to wandering brigandage; which necessarily involves the 

frequent shedding of blood。  Can better proof be adduced; that 

Gitanismo owes its decline; in Spain; not to force; not to 

persecution; not to any want of opportunity of exercising it; but 

to some other cause? … and we repeat that we consider the principal 

if not the only cause of the decline of Gitanismo to be the 

conferring on t
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