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the zincali-第46章

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he raised a raging wind; and drove before it Pharaoh and his armies 

to that hole; and the abyss received them; and the mountain closed 

upon them; but whosoever goes to that mountain on the night of St。 

John can hear Pharaoh and his armies singing and yelling therein。  

And it came to pass; that when Pharaoh and his armies had 

disappeared; all the kings and the nations which had become subject 

to Egypt revolted against Egypt; which; having lost her king and 

her armies; was left utterly without defence; and they made war 

against her; and prevailed against her; and took her people and 

drove them forth; dispersing them over all the world。'

So that now; say the Chai; 'Our horses drink the water of the 

Guadiana' … (Apilyela gras Chai la panee Lucalee)。


'The region of Chal was our dear native soil;

Where in fulness of pleasure we lived without toil;

Till dispersed through all lands; 'twas our fortune to be …

Our steeds; Guadiana; must now drink of thee。

'Once kings came from far to kneel down at our gate;

And princes rejoic'd on our meanest to wait;

But now who so mean but would scorn our degree …

Our steeds; Guadiana; must now drink of thee。

'For the Undebel saw; from his throne in the cloud;

That our deeds they were foolish; our hearts they were proud;

And in anger he bade us his presence to flee …

Our steeds; Guadiana; must now drink of thee。

'Our horses should drink of no river but one;

It sparkles through Chal; 'neath the smile of the sun;

But they taste of all streams save that only; and see …

Apilyela gras Chai la panee Lucalee。'


IN Madrid the Gitanos chiefly reside in the neighbourhood of the 

'mercado;' or the place where horses and other animals are sold; … 

in two narrow and dirty lanes; called the Calle de la Comadre and 

the Callejon de Lavapies。  It is said that at the beginning of last 

century Madrid abounded with these people; who; by their lawless 

behaviour and dissolute lives; gave occasion to great scandal; if 

such were the case; their numbers must have considerably diminished 

since that period; as it would be difficult at any time to collect 

fifty throughout Madrid。  These Gitanos seem; for the most part; to 

be either Valencians or of Valencian origin; as they in general 

either speak or understand the dialect of Valencia; and whilst 

speaking their own peculiar jargon; the Rommany; are in the habit 

of making use of many Valencian words and terms。

The manner of life of the Gitanos of Madrid differs in no material 

respect from that of their brethren in other places。  The men; 

every market…day; are to be seen on the skirts of the mercado; 

generally with some miserable animal … for example; a foundered 

mule or galled borrico; by means of which they seldom fail to gain 

a dollar or two; either by sale or exchange。  It must not; however; 

be supposed that they content themselves with such paltry earnings。  

Provided they have any valuable animal; which is not unfrequently 

the case; they invariably keep such at home snug in the stall; 

conducting thither the chapman; should they find any; and 

concluding the bargain with the greatest secrecy。  Their general 

reason for this conduct is an unwillingness to exhibit anything 

calculated to excite the jealousy of the chalans; or jockeys of 

Spanish blood; who on the slightest umbrage are in the habit of 

ejecting them from the fair by force of palos or cudgels; in which 

violence the chalans are to a certain extent countenanced by law; 

for though by the edict of Carlos the Third the Gitanos were in 

other respects placed upon an equality with the rest of the 

Spaniards; they were still forbidden to obtain their livelihood by 

the traffic of markets and fairs。

They have occasionally however another excellent reason for not 

exposing the animal in the public mercado … having obtained him by 

dishonest means。  The stealing; concealing; and receiving animals 

when stolen; are inveterate Gypsy habits; and are perhaps the last 

from which the Gitano will be reclaimed; or will only cease when 

the race has become extinct。  In the prisons of Madrid; either in 

that of the Saladero or De la Corte; there are never less than a 

dozen Gitanos immured for stolen horses or mules being found in 

their possession; which themselves or their connections have 

spirited away from the neighbouring villages; or sometimes from a 

considerable distance。  I say spirited away; for so well do the 

thieves take their measures; and watch their opportunity; that they 

are seldom or never taken in the fact。

The Madrilenian Gypsy women are indefatigable in the pursuit of 

prey; prowling about the town and the suburbs from morning till 

night; entering houses of all descriptions; from the highest to the 

lowest; telling fortunes; or attempting to play off various kinds 

of Gypsy tricks; from which they derive much greater profit; and of 

which we shall presently have occasion to make particular mention。

From Madrid let us proceed to Andalusia; casting a cursory glance 

on the Gitanos of that country。  I found them very numerous at 

Granada; which in the Gitano language is termed Meligrana。  Their 

general condition in this place is truly miserable; far exceeding 

in wretchedness the state of the tribes of Estremadura。  It is 

right to state that Granada itself is the poorest city in Spain; 

the greatest part of the population; which exceeds sixty thousand; 

living in beggary and nakedness; and the Gitanos share in the 

general distress。

Many of them reside in caves scooped in the sides of the ravines 

which lead to the higher regions of the Alpujarras; on a skirt of 

which stands Granada。  A common occupation of the Gitanos of 

Granada is working in iron; and it is not unfrequent to find these 

caves tenanted by Gypsy smiths and their families; who ply the 

hammer and forge in the bowels of the earth。  To one standing at 

the mouth of the cave; especially at night; they afford a 

picturesque spectacle。  Gathered round the forge; their bronzed and 

naked bodies; illuminated by the flame; appear like figures of 

demons; while the cave; with its flinty sides and uneven roof; 

blackened by the charcoal vapours which hover about it in festoons; 

seems to offer no inadequate representation of fabled purgatory。  

Working in iron was an occupation strictly forbidden to the Gitanos 

by the ancient laws; on what account does not exactly appear; 

though; perhaps; the trade of the smith was considered as too much 

akin to that of the chalan to be permitted to them。  The Gypsy 

smith of Granada is
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