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the zincali-第45章

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every day in the blood of the Busne; for the Busne are made only to 

be robbed and to be slaughtered; but I love the Calore; and I love 

to hear of things of the Calore; especially from those of foreign 

lands; for the Calore of foreign lands know more than we of Spain; 

and more resemble our fathers of old。'

MYSELF。 … 'Have you ever met before with Calore who were not 


ANTONIO。 … 'I will tell you; brother。  I served as a soldier in the 

war of the independence against the French。  War; it is true; is 

not the proper occupation of a Gitano; but those were strange 

times; and all those who could bear arms were compelled to go forth 

to fight:  so I went with the English armies; and we chased the 

Gabine unto the frontier of France; and it happened once that we 

joined in desperate battle; and there was a confusion; and the two 

parties became intermingled and fought sword to sword and bayonet 

to bayonet; and a French soldier singled me out; and we fought for 

a long time; cutting; goring; and cursing each other; till at last 

we flung down our arms and grappled; long we wrestled; body to 

body; but I found that I was the weaker; and I fell。  The French 

soldier's knee was on my breast; and his grasp was on my throat; 

and he seized his bayonet; and he raised it to thrust me through 

the jaws; and his cap had fallen off; and I lifted up my eyes 

wildly to his face; and our eyes met; and I gave a loud shriek; and 

cried Zincalo; Zincalo! and I felt him shudder; and he relaxed his 

grasp and started up; and he smote his forehead and wept; and then 

he came to me and knelt down by my side; for I was almost dead; and 

he took my hand and called me Brother and Zincalo; and he produced 

his flask and poured wine into my mouth; and I revived; and he 

raised me up; and led me from the concourse; and we sat down on a 

knoll; and the two parties were fighting all around; and he said; 

〃Let the dogs fight; and tear each others' throats till they are 

all destroyed; what matters it to the Zincali? they are not of our 

blood; and shall that be shed for them?〃  So we sat for hours on 

the knoll and discoursed on matters pertaining to our people; and I 

could have listened for years; for he told me secrets which made my 

ears tingle; and I soon found that I knew nothing; though I had 

before considered myself quite Zincalo; but as for him; he knew the 

whole cuenta; the Bengui Lango (43) himself could have told him 

nothing but what he knew。  So we sat till the sun went down and the 

battle was over; and he proposed that we should both flee to his 

own country and live there with the Zincali; but my heart failed 

me; so we embraced; and he departed to the Gabine; whilst I 

returned to our own battalions。'

MYSELF。 … 'Do you know from what country he came?'

ANTONIO。 … 'He told me that he was a Mayoro。'

MYSELF。 … 'You mean a Magyar or Hungarian。'

ANTONIO。 … 'Just so; and I have repented ever since that I did not 

follow him。'

MYSELF。 … 'Why so?'

ANTONIO。 … 'I will tell you:  the king has destroyed the law of the 

Cales; and has put disunion amongst us。  There was a time when the 

house of every Zincalo; however rich; was open to his brother; 

though he came to him naked; and it was then the custom to boast of 

the 〃errate。〃  It is no longer so now:  those who are rich keep 

aloof from the rest; will not speak in Calo; and will have no 

dealings but with the Busne。  Is there not a false brother in this 

foros; the only rich man among us; the swine; the balichow? he is 

married to a Busnee and he would fain appear as a Busno!  Tell me 

one thing; has he been to see you?  The white blood; I know he has 

not; he was afraid to see you; for he knew that by Gypsy law he was 

bound to take you to his house and feast you; whilst you remained; 

like a prince; like a crallis of the Cales; as I believe you are; 

even though he sold the last gras from the stall。  Who have come to 

see you; brother?  Have they not been such as Paco and his wife; 

wretches without a house; or; at best; one filled with cold and 

poverty; so that you have had to stay at a mesuna; at a posada of 

the Busne; and; moreover; what have the Cales given you since you 

have been residing here?  Nothing; I trow; better than this 

rubbish; which is all I can offer you; this Meligrana de los 


Here he produced a pomegranate from the pocket of his zamarra; and 

flung it on the table with such force that the fruit burst; and the 

red grains were scattered on the floor。

The Gitanos of Estremadura call themselves in general Chai or 

Chabos; and say that their original country was Chal or Egypt。  I 

frequently asked them what reason they could assign for calling 

themselves Egyptians; and whether they could remember the names of 

any places in their supposed fatherland; but I soon found that; 

like their brethren in other parts of the world; they were unable 

to give any rational account of themselves; and preserved no 

recollection of the places where their forefathers had wandered; 

their language; however; to a considerable extent; solved the 

riddle; the bulk of which being Hindui; pointed out India as the 

birthplace of their race; whilst the number of Persian; Sclavonian; 

and modern Greek words with which it is checkered; spoke plainly as 

to the countries through which these singular people had wandered 

before they arrived in Spain。

They said that they believed themselves to be Egyptians; because 

their fathers before them believed so; who must know much better 

than themselves。  They were fond of talking of Egypt and its former 

greatness; though it was evident that they knew nothing farther of 

the country and its history than what they derived from spurious 

biblical legends current amongst the Spaniards; only from such 

materials could they have composed the following account of the 

manner of their expulsion from their native land。

'There was a great king in Egypt; and his name was Pharaoh。  He had 

numerous armies; with which he made war on all countries; and 

conquered them all。  And when he had conquered the entire world; he 

became sad and sorrowful; for as he delighted in war; he no longer 

knew on what to employ himself。  At last he bethought him on making 

war on God; so he sent a defiance to God; daring him to descend 

from the sky with his angels; and contend with Pharaoh and his 

armies; but God said; I will not measure my strength with that of a 

man。  But God was incensed against Pharaoh; and resolved to punish 

him; and he opened a hole in the side of an enormous mountain; and 

he raised a raging wind; and drove before it Pharaoh and his armies 

to that hole
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